# This file names the location and characteristics of various Usenet # newsgroups that are carried on this computer. See the NEWSY.WRI # document for more information. # # Lines beginning with '#' are comment lines. Blank lines are # ignored. The remaining lines are either DEFAULT lines (begin with # the word DEFAULT) or are lines defining Usenet news groups. A # DEFAULT line lets you specify parameters whose values are applied # to all newsgroup definitions until changed on the next following # DEFAULT line. But the active DEFAULT values may be overridden in # some cases by parameters in a newsgroup definition. It is strongly # recommended that you have at least one DEFAULT at the beginning of # the file that specifies the name of the top-level disk directory # where your news groups are stored. # # parameters understood by Newsy: # /dir= If this appears on a DEFAULT line, it names # the directory where news is kept. For example, # /dir=c:/news is the "root" news directory; # comp.bbs.waffle is stored at c:/news/comp/bbs/waffle. # If the /dir parameter appears on a newsgroup # definition line, it must be the full pathname of # the directory for the newsgroup. # /dist= Distribution to use when posting articles. The # form "/dist=" means do not attempt to put a # Distribution: header articles you post. # /junk (Can only appear on a newsgroup definition line.) # This newsgroup doesn't really exist; ignore it. # /mod= (Can only appear on a newsgroup definition line.) # This newsgroup is moderated. If you post to this # group, your posting will be mailed to the moderator # instead. The form "/mod=" will force Newsy to use # the "backbone" site defined in your NEWSY.CFG (or # equivalent) file. # /name= (Can only appear on a newsgroup definition line.) # Usually unnecessary. If present, Newsy will use # this as the name to display on the News Browser. # /post= Minimum user permission required to post. (This # is meaningful if you use Newsy with Waffle.) # /read= Minimum user permission required to read. (This # is meaningful if you use Newsy with Waffle.) # # NEWSY.WRI lists the parameters understood by Newsy. Any parameters # not understood by Newsy are ignored. # Here's the name of the top-level directory containing all news. DEFAULT /dir=c:/news comp.bbs.waffle # On the next line the /dir is used to indicate a legitimate DOS # directory name for the newsgroup. Note that "programmer" has # been shortened to "programr" to fit the 8.3 DOS convention. alt.msdos.programmer /dir=c:/news/alt/msdos/programr comp.arch # The following three newsgroups don't really exist; ignore them. comp.arch.fpga /junk comp.arch.storage /junk comp.arch.bus.vmebus /junk # The next newsgroup is moderated; use the specified address. comp.binaries.ibm.pc /mod=cbip@cs.uml.edu # The next newsgroup is held in the named directory. (The name was # chosen to abide by the DOS 8.3 naming convention.) The group is also # moderated, but will email your postings to the backbone site. E.g. if # the backbone site is berkeley.edu, your posting will be emailed to # comp.binaries.ms-windows@berkeley.edu. comp.binaries.ms-windows /dir=c:/news/comp/binaries/mswin /mod # In the following group set the distribution to "tx" to keep postings # within a local area. tx.politics /dist=tx /name="Texas Politics"