Project: Qwkwin.exe Project Type: Windows executable Purpose: View QWK packed mail Version: 0.1 Alpha Version Date: August 26, 1994 Compiler: MSVC++ 1.0 Cost: Free Reply-To: XEPOWERS@FULLERTON.EDU Reply-Until: 31 December 1994 For more information: Internet: XEPOWERS@FULLERTON.EDU Compuserve: 72732,1353 Snailmail: 3722 Hamilton Irvine, CA 92714-6631 Phone: (714) 786-3188 DDD OOO N N AAA TTTTT III OOO N N SSS D D O O NN N A A T I O O NN N S * D D O O N N N AAAAA T I O O N N N SSS D D O O N NN A A T I O O N NN S * DDD OOO N N A A T III OOO N N SSS Send to above address whatever amount you like. I am a poor starving college student and could use whatever money you can spare. File: Readme.Txt /*****************************/ /* This version is a *Very* rough attempt at producing code for reading QWK mail packets. The original source of inspiration came from code written by Dave MacRae. His ORIGINAL.TXT file follows: QWIX - QWK mail packet reader Version 2.0 Copyright: Dave MacRae 1992 This source code may be freely distributed on the condition that is distributed in its entirety and that this notice is included. and that no charge is made for this distribution, except for possible media costs. Because I only used his source code as an example, this notice adequately credits Mr. MacRae. Thank you. Instructions: 1) Create a .PIF that points to your PKUNZIP.EXE. There is no need to set optional parameters because they will be overridden by my program. 2) Modify the included QWKWIN.INI file to point to a valid directory to use as temporary storage for the QWK packet. Note: In this version, neither this directory, nor its contents, are destroyed at application shutdown. 3) Include any optional parameters in the appropriate QWKWIN.INI file. 4) Copy the QWKWIN.INI file to your WINDOWS directory. Note: Haven't worked on the user friendliness of this program yet. 5) Give it a try. If it works, hooray. If not, email me for updates. */