1 November 1987 San Diego, CA To all users of PC-VT; Most of you know that I have had PC-VT on the market with a Professional version since last year. Now I have lowered the price to where is can be a reasonable alternative to the User Supported Version of PC-VT. The User Supported Version of PC-VT is at version 9.0 and with the exception of major bug fixes, will not see many more updates. This is so I can devote my time to the Professional version. The Professional version restarted the version numbering scheme at 1.00. PC-VT comes with a complete printed manual, a diskette with all the necessary files, and two quick reference cards. It includes a Tektronix 4010/4012 emulator as well for those graphics applications where a VT graphics screen just won't work. Two of the most requested new features are the ability to redefine all of the keypad/function keys and a 132 column mode. I have taken the top of the line approach to 132 column mode. The only way to keep up with high baud rates and be easy to read is to use special display hardware. PC-VT sells for $79.95 + $5 P&H (CA deliveries add 6% sales tax) and can be ordered through my company, ATHENA SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT GROUP : ATHENA SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT GROUP POB 26062 San Diego, CA 92126 Our office is located at : 9888 Carroll Centre Road Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92126 619-549-4056 You can order by phone with a Purchase Order number. All mail orders should be sent to the Post Office Box. Checks for the professional version should be made out to ATHENA SYSTEMS. If you would like a brochure, call and leave your name and mailing address. You can now get the User Supported version 9.0 of PC-VT directly from my new RBBS at 619-549-3927. Mark C. DiVecchio -------------------------------------- Here is what the new program is all about: With PC-VT, your PC can lead the kind of double life that boosts your productivity. PC-VT, the VAX connection for your IBM PC, lets your PC emulate DEC VT100, VT102, VT52, and Tektronix 4010 and 4014. With full keyboard emulation. Macros. File Capture and printer Support. And Tektronix graphics. Even two character sets. With PC-VT, you can do spreadsheet analysis on your PC, upload it to your VAX, then change to Tektronix emulation to create graphics. With PC-VT your PC becomes part of the office network. You can send electronic mail, exchange files with other computers and access remote files. Take advantage of mainframe storage and output devices. With TopView or Desqview, you can work on PC applications while transferring VAX files onto your PC. You can even write short VAX command procedures to automatically transfer files. PC-VT works with either VMS or UNIX hosts. It supports EDT and EVE under VMS and VI under UNIX. Plus you get KERMIT file transfer, definable soft keys, auto dialing, 132 column support ( if you have the Everex Edge Card ) and keyboards mapped to the terminals which PC-VT emulates. PC-VT is fast and accurate, easy to use, and comes with complete on-line help. Of course, professionally prepared documentation, including a users guide, a quick reference card, and a getting started card is part of your PC-VT package. The PC-VT users guide describes each command in detail. Many sample programs and applications get you working quickly. FEATURES Hundreds of user supported PC-VT installations are the predecessors to the Professional version which includes - ASCII, XMODEM and KERMIT file transfers - Supports Hayes dialing commands - Includes a dialing directory with 10 entries - Runs DOS functions and other programs without disconnecting from the host or terminating PC-VT - Recalls up to 8 previous screens of information - XON/XOFF support for both transmit and receive - Full cursor control - Communicates over an RS-232 port - Supports baud rates from 300 to 9600 - On-line HELP - Host control for unattended file transfer VT FEATURES - Emulates VT52, VT100, and VT102 terminals - Supports either VMS or UNIX host - Supports EDT and EVE editors under VMS - Supports VI under UNIX - Lets you redefine all function keys to send text or escape sequences of up to 50 characters in length. - SETUP A and B frames to configure PC-VT to the operating environment - Lets you display text in color - 132 column display with the Everex Edge Card - Screen dumps to disk or printer - Keypad mapped for VMS command line editing TEK FEATURES - Emulates both the 4010 and 4014. - Supports Alpha, Graph, Point Plot, Special Point Plot, Incremental Point Plot, and GIN modes - Draws normal, dotted, dot-dashed, short-dash, and long-dash vectors - Handles page full and autoprint operations No matter what PC you're using and what terminal you're using, PC-VT will let your PC lead the double life you'd always hoped it could. You can have the benefits of PC-VT on your own PC for $79.95 plus $5.00 postage and handling (CA deliveries add 6% sales tax). Checks should be made payable to ATHENA SYSTEMS. We will accept your PO at the phone number above. Quantity discounts, site licenses and source code licenses are available. Over 1000 productive, reliable installations of PC-VT and thousands of happy users make us certain that you'll feel the same as they do about your PC-VT software. But just in case, there is a 30 day guarantee. If PC-VT does not live up to your expectations or you are unhappy with it for any reason, just return it within 30 days for a full refund. Try it, then buy it. NO RISK. PC-VT LIMITATIONS VT Mode : PC-VT does not support double high or double wide characters or smooth scroll. 4014 Mode : Only two character fonts are supported, not four. Varying intensity vectors and de-focused mode are not supported. SPECIFICATIONS DOS 2.x and 3.x. RAM 88K minimum. Runs on IBM PC, PC-XT, PC-AT, PS/2 and 100% compatibles. Works with DESQview and TopView. Supports the Hercules Card and Everex Edge Card. Note : 4014 emulator requires the IBM CGA, the Everex Edge Monochrome/Color Graphics Adapter or the Hercules Graphics card (or equivalent). 132 column mode in the VT emulator requires the Everex Edge Monochrome/Color Graphics Adapter.