PROMOS Version 1.0 ********************************** Created: 14 FEB 88 Author: Gale L. Dorman Promous Menu Version 1.0 is for use with a MicroSoft Mouse and ProComm Plus FEATURES AND THINGS: Menus that can be received at a click of a button. The ability for fast movement around Procom Plus. Included are the Menu file. PROMOS.MNU YOU WILL NEED A MICROSOFT MOUSE AND MICROSOFT MOUSE SOFTWARE TO RUN THIS PROGRAM. The Microsoft Mouse Program that you need is called Menu Com. This program comes with the Programmer's Reference Guide which you can receive for approximatly $25 from Microsoft. You will also need a copy of Control panel, MSETUP program and the Mouse.sys file these files should have came with your mouse. In the Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference Guide it specifically stated that only the Mouse Library that came with the package could be distributed not the Menu. Com file that you need to run this software. If you have all of the above a batch file is included to get you started. You should alter it so that your proper directory and any other information that you think should be in it is in the batch file. Make sure you have checked your Path setup. Now have fun with Procom Plus and remember HELP is just a click away. COMMANDS: LEFT BUTTON: MAIN MENU AND SUBMENUS RIGHT BUTTON: CARRIAGE RETURN PRESS BOTH BUTTONS: FOR ESCAPE SEQUENCE FILES: PROMOS.MNU Compiled Mouse Menu PRMZ.MNU Compiled Mouse Menu including Zmodem in the upload/download Menu Windows. If used change PROMOS to PRMZ in the PROMOS.BAT file PROMOS.BAT Auto Install Batch File ZMODEM-U.BAT Zmodem batch file used for Uploading ZMODEM-D.BAT Zmodem Batch file used for Downloading PROMOS.TXT This File The Shareware concept is a great one, one that if you help support will continue to help supply good quality software to everyone at a fraction of the price of commercial software. Support those who are supporting you! The makers of ProComm plus and DSZ are prime examples of this true quality software support. In the same token give the Sysops of your local bulletin board a thank you and support them with quality uploads that you may have come across. Lets keep our minds open and remember the sweat of Labor can grant great rewards of pleasure. Please distribute this program to your friends. If you have any questions or suggestions for future enhancements drop a me a line and I'll see what I can do. I'm on and off the Source ID is BFH597 and Delphi as GALE. GALE DORMAN 10548 DARIN RD. EL PASO, TX 79925 Microsoft and Microsoft Mouse are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. DSZ - ZMODEM is a trademark from Omen Technology Inc. ProComm Plus is a trademark from Datastorm Technologies, Inc. LATEST UPDATE: MARCH 1, 1988 I just got of the telephone with Randy Thatchel at Microsoft. Microsoft gave the Ok to include the Menu.Com program with the promos package. THANKS MICROSOFT AND KEEP BRINGING OUT GREAT PRODUCTS! These folks have a great help line and their response was wonderful. So remember lets Support the big guys out their also. I have receive a few lines from folks who would like to PROMOS transfered to other Mice so I will see what I can do. Remember your donation will help with the development of other fine mice products.