Submissions from: Department of Chemistry Harvard University 12 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138 UMODEM This is a file transfer program which uses the CP/M User's Group MODEM protocol. It is helpful in performing transfers between a VAX/VMS machine and CP/M-based microcomputers, and is a lot cheaper than the DEC offering! The program was originally implemented under Version 7 UNIX, and is written entirely in C. All of the modifications made to the program for VMS (VAX-11 C) are in #ifdef statements, so the program still compiles properly under V7 UNIX. The VMS support routines required by the program to emulate UNIX "raw" I/O and the gtty(), stty(), and stat() system services are in a separate module, VMODEM.C. This module alone should be interesting to those who are interested in learning how to call system services and perform QIOs using VAX-11 C. UMODEM consists of five files: UMODEM.C, the main program (the only file needed to compile the program under V7 UNIX); VMODEM.C, VMS support routines (not needed under UNIX); VMODEM.H, a header file including structure definitions needed for the VMS routines; UMODEM.HLP, a help file in VMS HELP format; and UMODEM.EXE. All that's needed to run the program is to define a symbol for a foreign command: "$ umodem :== $umodem.exe". The VMS version of UMODEM is by Walter Reiher; the UNIX version is by Lauren Weinstein, Richard Conn, and Bennett Marks. Thanks to the C Line computer bulletin board system for making the UNIX version available and to Max Benson and Robert Bruccoleri for coding examples which made VMODEM.C easier to implement. [The CP/M program MODEM, which is also needed to perform file transfers, is available on a number of public computer bulletin board systems and user groups. WR has a version of MODEM configured for the Heath/Zenith-89 microcomputer system which is available for the asking.] DISPLAY This command file makes the VMS Version 3 MONITOR program look like the Version 2 DISPLAY program. For those of us who prefer the old syntax, this beats having to type those long MONITOR commands or defining a slew of symbols. DISPLAY.COM is by Andrew Cherenson. Submitted by: Walter Reiher, 617-495-1768 $ If this swi