HACK v 1.0.1 HACKINFO.TXT by The Gray Mouser MORE INTERESTING FORTUNE COOKIES: Kill a unicorn and you kill your luck. Lokking pale? Quaff a red potion! Attack long worms from the rear - that is so much safer! It is not always a good idea to whistle for your dog. Monsters sleep because you are boring, not because they ever get tired. A monstrous mind is a toy for ever. HINTS FOR SPELEOLOGISTS Speleologists are perhaps the least-used character in HACK. Despite their huge storage of food to start with, they seem to have an aura of...shall we say, use-lessness. But as with all characters, it is possible to get a decent score with one (Gasp!) Moving right along: 1)Very few people notice this, but speleologists are faster than all other characters. They get two attacks per round, more when fighting an unusally slow monster (like an acid blob, which NEVER attacks you!) Find a weapon and you can use this to your greatest advantage. 2)Drop the refrigerator (large box) as soon as you start out! It is TOTALLY useless! I once kept it until about the 7th level and finally tossed it. 3)As with tourists, eat any fortune cookies and tins instantly. 4)Magic items seem to be very common when you play as a speleologist. On the first level alone I once found 8 potions, 1 ring, 2 wands, and 2 scrolls! A higher proportion of these are cursed, however. (One of these days, I'll discover a ring of identify...) 5)As with tourists, you start out with a few potions. However, this time there is no guarantee that they are beneficial... 6)The dog is, again, a useful ally until you are strong enough to take care of yourself. This means about 5th or 6th level (equivalent to a 3rd level cave- man). -------------- GENERAL HINTS A -- Develop a position that is comfortable for your hand. I use the following: L=little finger, R=ring finger, M=middle finger, I=index finger, T=thumb Left hand: L on L, R on K, M on J, I on H, T on (for -More-) Right hand: L on Q, R on Z, M on S, I on R, T on D This combination allows me quick access to the most frequently used commands as well as being comfortable for long periods of time. Let me know if you have any special method. B -- Little known fact: the little dog turns into a large dog around level 3. He is more powerful, and is worth more experience when you finally get tired of him and kill him. C -- Wearing rings increases your rate of food consumption. Better have plenty of food if you have a ring of regeneration... D -- Gems (so far) have no purpose except for 1)selling to assorted antiques shops, and 2)throwing at monsters. They hit rather well. E -- If you find a boomerang, keep practicing with it. F -- After putting on a ring, try to take it off. If you can't, then it's cursed... G -- Little known fact: typing a number, then a command will repeat that command so many times. Good for waiting when you get stuck in a pit or a beartrap. H -- To save the game, type capital "S". You must have previously defined the file from the DOS prompt with something like: A>SET HACKSAVE=drive:filename.ext Then when you type "S" it will say "Hit any key when the SAVE disk is ready." Try and fool the game by replacing the game disk with a similar one. So far, no method has worked for copying SAVEd games. I -- On training and taming your dog: Feed him, and whistle for him alot. As time goes by, he will get better. He can kill monsters for you, and go into shops and steal stuff for you. AVOID HITTING HIM! That is, the more you hit him, the less he trusts you. He will never attack you, though. If you are ever attacked, or (God forbid) KILLED by a dog, then it is not yours, it is one that was already in the dungeon. Send comments, additional hints, or hiscores to: FANTASYLAND BBS c/o The Overlord or THIEVE'S WORLD BBS c/o The Gray Mouser HAPPY HACKING!