!SHORT:DisplayMenu Display a formatted menu window DisplayMenu MenuTTT Purpose To display a highly formatted menu window. Declaration Displaymenu(MenuDef: menu_record; Window: boolean; var Choice,Retcode: integer); MenuDef - the name of the menu record. Window - when true indicates the screen prior to menu display should be restored after menu completion. Choice is returned with the users menu selection. The variable should be initialized to the menu pick that should be highlighted when the menu is first displayed. Retcode is returned with a value of zero if the execution was successful, or 1 if the user pressed Esc and AllowEsc was enabled. Uses CRT, FastTTT, DOS, WinTTT, KeyTTT, MenuTTT. Example Program Menu_Demo; Uses CRT, FastTTT, DOS, WinTTT, KeyTTT, MenuTTT; var M : menu_record; Choice, Retcode : integer; Ch : char; Procedure Define_M; begin With M do begin Heading1 := 'TechnoJocks'; Heading2 := 'Menu'; Topic[1] := ' Help'; Topic[2] := ' Load Database'; Topic[3] := ' Re-index Database '; Topic[4] := ' Input new Data'; Topic[5] := ' Save Database'; Topic[6] := ' Print Reports'; Topic[7] := ' Quit'; TotalPicks := 7; PicksPerLine := 1; AddPrefix := 3; TopleftXY[1] := 0; TopLeftXY[2] := 4; BoxType := 5; Margins := 5; Colors[1] := white; Colors[2] := red; Colors[3] := lightgray; Colors[4] := blue; Colors[5] := lightcyan; AllowEsc := true; end; end; begin Fillscreen(1,1,80,25,white,blue,chr(177)); ClearLine(25,white,black); WriteCenter(25,lightgray,black,'TechnoJocks Turbo Toolkit'); Choice := 1; Define_M; DisplayMenu(M,False,Choice,Retcode); writeln; GotoXY(1,20); If Retcode = 0 then Writeln('You chose option ',Choice) else Writeln('You escaped!'); WriteAT(1,22,white,black,'Run DemoTTT.exe for the main demo program'); WriteAT(1,23,white,black,'Technojocks Turbo Toolkit v4.0'); Ch := Readkey; end. !SEEALSO:PullTTT.ngo:Pull_Menu