!SHORT:ReadLine Provide line input/editing facility ReadLine ReadTTT Purpose To provide a line input/editing facility Declaration ReadLine( X,Y,L,F,B: byte var Text: string; var Retcode: string); X is the X coord of input field (1..80) Y is the Y coord of input field (1..25) L is the length in chars of input field(1..80) F is the foreground color (0..15) B is the background color (0..7) Text is returned with the users input Retcode indicates if user Escaped. Uses CRT, FastTTT, ReadTTT. Remarks "Text" must be declared as a string variable. This variable is returned with the users input. If you want to provide the user with a default entry, set the value of Text to the desired default string, otherwise set it to null, i.e. ''. "Retcode" must be an integer variable and it is returned with the following values: 0 successful completion 1 user ESCaped Example USES CRT, FASTTTT, READTTT; VAR THEFILE: STRING; CODE : INTEGER; BEGIN THEFILE := ''; WRITEAT(10,5,WHITE,BLACK,'ENTER THE FILENAME ===>'); REPEAT READLINE(33,5,12,BLACK,LIGHTGRAY, THEFILE, CODE); UNTIL CODE = 0; END. A 12 character field is presented for the user to input a filename. If the user ESCapes, the system will re-prompt for a filename.