GRAPHIC COACH RUNNER'S LOG AND PERSONAL COACH Version 4.1 (C) Copyright 1988 DUNNIGAN DESIGNS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Dunnigan Designs 3536 Utah St. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 299-0752 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The GRAPHIC COACH is the copyrighted property of Dunnigan Designs. You are granted a limited license to try GRAPHIC COACH, copy and distribute it provided it is distributed in its original, unmodified state, with all included documentation. Those companies which charge a distribution fee for copying and mailing shareware may do so provided they clearly inform customers of the necessity of paying licensing fees for software which is used beyond trial use. The GRAPHIC COACH is an example of user-supported software, software provided at low cost and with the opportunity for the user to test the product before purchasing. User supported software "banks" on the user's integrity to actually purchase products which he or she finds useful. If user supported software as a whole thrives, it means that all users will continue to benefit from affordable and useful software. If user supported software authors are not reimbursed, users will have no choice but to pay top dollar for software which may or may not end up being useful to them. Try the GRAPHIC COACH for a week, if you find the GRAPHIC COACH useful to you, send $24.95 (California residents add 7.0% sales tax) to: Dunnigan Designs 3536 Utah St. San Diego, CA 92104 Registered users will receive a copy of the operations manual and will be eligible to use any future program revisions for no further cost. The GRAPHIC COACH provides serious runners of all abilities an easy and inexpensive way to monitor their current training, compare current training to their past progress and plan their training to improve future fitness and race performance. It utilizes the potential of computer database and graphics functions as a personal coach of the user. GRAPHIC COACH: Calculates the pace (minutes per mile) for each training and racing day. Graphs the pace and distance for each day's run relative to the average pace and reports the total milage, for each month. Presents a table of any month listing the exact pace and distance of the runs, the average training pace for that month and the total distance run for the month. Graphs the monthly average pace and miles run per month for the whole year. Reports the cumulative miles run per year. Presents a table of elapsed time, distance and pace for each race run in a year (up to 68 races). Calculates and displays a specific training schedule (distance, pace and number of runs) for the next week, based on most recent 5K or 10K race elapsed time. The training schedule is based on calculated aerobic capacities and maximizes the training effect. On VGA/EGA compatible systems, systematically uses color to indicate length of run, average pace, and total miles run. REQUIREMENTS: GRAPHIC COACH requires an IBM PC (or compatible) with a graphics adapter (CGA, EGA or VGA) or a Compaq computer, one disk drive, and PC or MS DOS 2.0 or higher. Computers with Hercules graphics adaptors may be able to run this program by obtaining a CGA simulation program available on most computer bulletin boards. GETTING STARTED: Make a backup of GRAPHIC COACH for your everyday use and save the original disk for safekeeping. Installing DOS will allow you to start your computer with the GRAPHIC COACH backup disk. FLOPPY DISK INSTALLATION Installing DOS (optional). For PC DOS: 1) Boot with DOS in floppy drive A and get the A>. 2) If you have two floppy drives place a formatted disk in drive B. (If you have only one floppy drive, don't worry, DOS will tell you when to put each disk in your drive.) 3) Type at the A> B:SETUP and press enter. 4) When the process is complete, the message "1 file copied" will appear. For MS DOS: 1) Format a new disk with the format /s command. 2) Copy the file COMMAND.COM to the newly formatted disk. II. Copying GRAPHIC COACH For 2 floppy drive systems: 1. Insert the original GRAPHIC COACH disk in drive A. 2. Insert the future backup disk in drive B. 3. Type at the A> copy a:*.* b: and press enter. For 1 floppy drive systems: 1. Insert the original GRAPHIC COACH disk in drive A. 2. Type at the A> copy a:*.* b: and press enter. You will be prompted when to change floppy disks so that all the files can be copied. Remember: "Source disk" refers to the original GRAPHIC COACH disk, and "target disk" refers to your future backup copy. Verifying backup Place the backup disk in drive A and type at the A> dir and press enter. A list of files should be displayed which will include the file coach4-1.exe. This file on the backup disk will verify that the backup was successful. HARD DISK INSTALLATION 1) From the root directory of the hard disk (C:\), make a subdirectory for GRAPHIC COACH. Use the DOS command MD SUBDIRECTORYNAME, for example, MD COACH. 2) Use the command CD SUBDIRECTORYNAME (ex. CD COACH) to move to that subdirectory. 3) Put the original GRAPHIC COACH disk in drive a: and type copy a:*.*. This will copy the necessary files to the GRAPHIC COACH subdirectory. USING GRAPHIC COACH: Floppy Disk Systems Using the back-up disk prepared above, GRAPHIC COACH may be started in two ways. 1) If DOS was copied to a floppy backup disk you may boot your computer with this backup disk and a batch file (included on disk) will automatically start GRAPHIC COACH after logging the date and time. 2) If DOS was not copied to the backup disk type at the A> COACH4-1 and press enter. Hard Disk Systems 1) Use the CD SUBDIRECTORYNAME 2) Type COACH4-1 and press enter. **** NOTICE **** Registered users will receive a full copy of the operating manual