Version 1.00 - 11/15/86 - Original release Version 1.01 - 11/19/86 - Minor refinements of the original coding Version 1.02 - 11/21/86 - Added Change border option - Block or Double Line - Moved text editing from line below display to within the displayed PopUp Version 1.03 - 11/25/86 - Rewrote code to accomodate revised Ass'y code for new PopUps .COM files Version 1.04 - 11/26/86 - Added the first pass at setting colors - Finished POPUP.COMs are the exact size as the originals now - Closed up the 'window' while editing so you don't overwrite the borders on all lines except the second and last - If nothing is changed when you enter the E)dit section, you will not be prompted to create a new PopUp - While editing, hitting [ENTER] alone, for input to a line will write a blank line (quick removal of previous text) Version 1.05 - 11/27/87 - Changed coding of Set Colors routine to show actual PopUp as opposed to mockup screen Version 1.05A - 11/28/86 - Corrected bug in color display during Color Set and Editing Version 1.06 - 11/28/86 - Combined the Change Border and Set Colors routines - Command line in the Set Border and Colors routine now reflects the actual ForeGround and BackGround colors - Border select option now displays only the other border type ie: when PopUp Border is Block, command line prompts for Line when PopUp Border is Line, command line prompts for Block Version 1.07 - 11/29/86 - Cleaned up the code eliminating the redundancy Version 2.00 - 11/29/86 - Combined SPOPED and LPOPED into POPEDIT - Added built in licensing agreement/order form/warranty information with either print to Screen or print to Printer option - Added file/filename checking and file overwrite protection - Added write PopUp to disk without exit to DOS option - Added switch PopUp size without exit to DOS option - Added current PopUp size (L or S) to main menu prompt line - First public release Version 3.00 - 02/21/87 - Replaced the Editor routines with a full screen Editor! The Editor status (top) line displays the following information: PopEdit name and version number File name being edited (or default LPOP.COM or SPOP.COM if new) Text mark status - [MARK] or [CLEAR] Insert mode - [INSERT] or [OVER] [F9]=Help Editor Help Screen - the F9 key will display a 'pulldown' help screen containing a summary of the available Editor Command keys Full cursor movement: Left, Right, Up and Down number pad arrow keys Home moves cursor to start of current line End moves cursor to end of current line PgUp moves cursor to 'Home' position (row 1, column 1) PgDn moves cursor to 'End' position (last row, last column) Full Insert and Overwrite Modes - the Number Pad [Ins] key will toggle from Insert mode to Overwrite mode. The present status will be reflected on the Editor status (top) line. The BackSpace key deletes the character to the immediate left of cursor and moves all remaining text left by one position The Number Pad [Del] key deletes the character to the immediate right of cursor and moves all remaining text left by one position Mark, Retain and Release text for Block Copy, Block Delete or Block Move The F1 key is used to Mark the starting and ending characters when moving copying, or deleting text. Upon striking the F1 key for the first time, the text colors will be reversed, and the editor status line will be updated by changing the [CLEAR] to [MARK]. You may now use the left or right arrow keys to move the cursor in the desired direction on the current line. Once positioned over the last character to be marked, strike the F1 key again. The text color will be returned to normal foreground and background colors. Your marked text is now being held in a buffer awaiting your next move. You may use: F3 will copy the marked text to another location on that same line or any other line. use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired postion and strike the F3 key. This operation may be done any number of times as the marked text will remain in the holding buffer. F4 will delete the marked text. F6 will remove the marked text from the marked location and move it to the new location you have designated via the new cursor position. Both the F4 and F6 commands will empty the holding buffer once the command has been completed. F5 flushes (clears) the holding buffer and updates the Editor status line. Add a line - moving following lines down. The F7 key will perform this function for you. Simply place the cursor on the first character of the line to be cleared and strike the F7 key. That line and along with all subsequent lines will be moved down one location. Be aware that if you have text residing on the last line of the PopUp, it will be lost and replaced with the next line up. Delete a line - when in Insert mode the F8 key will delete the line on which the cursor is positioned and bove all subsequent lines moved up by one position. Again, if you have text on line one and that's where you have the cursor, that line will be lost and replaced by line 2. When in the overwrite node, only that line will be deleted with no movement of subsequent lines. Save and Quit - The F10 key will transpose your edited lines into the resident PopUp and then return you back to the main menu. Be aware that the save of your work is done in memory only. You will be asked if you wish to save your edited PopUp to disk when exiting, changing PopUp sizes, or requesting another PopUp be read into memory. Quit without save - The Alt-F10 key combination will return you to the main menu without transposing your work into the resident PoUp. If you decide you don't want to save your changes or decide you want to start over, this option gives you that 'out'! Full ASCII graphics support. PopEdit will now allow you to enter the PC/ MS-DOS ASCII graphics characters into text lines. You may enter any ASCII character using the Alt Number Pad method. You will need the ASCII codes (located in your BASIC manual). Simply use the number pad to enter the ASCII code number while holding down the Alt key. The character will appear once the number has been entered and the Alt key has been released. Use the Block Mark, Block Copy and Block Move functions to create NEAT graphics PopUps FAST!! Well, I think that about covers it for this version! As you can see by the time stamp on this file (03:40 a.m.), it is well into the 'wee hours'! That being the case, I may have forgotten something (I doubt it)! Don't worry though... as is the case with the previous versions, this version of PopEdit is fully menu driven and has its own built in help screens. It is also totally non-destructive as long as you answer N to the 'Save this PopUp' prompt! Take care and Enjoy... Underdog-