High Memory RAMDisk The following letter from Skip Chambers, Carrollton, TX, along with the editor's (C. Petzold) remarks appeared in the Power User column of PC Magazine, Vol 4 No 21 October 15, 1985. Here's the secret for installing 128K additional RAM in the IBM PC and XT, over and above the normal 640K limit. The added memory can be used for a RAMdisk. The first step is to install 128K RAM in a standard IBM 64/256K Memory Expansion Option board. Set the DIP switches thus: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF This configures the board for 128K at segment address D000h and E000h. Next, you must modify the DOS 2.0/2.1 RAMdisk program to use this extra memory rather than normal user RAM. Since a manual reboot will not clear out this memory, I've provided some additional code to retain the contents of the RAMdisk and not reinitialize it if a manual reboot is in progress. Skip Chambers Editor's Remarks: Although this extra memory space cannot normally be recognized by programs running under DOS, as alternatives to using it for a RAMdisk, you could also use it for a print buffer or as a BLOAD area to hold machine language subroutines under BASIC. I find this very exciting. Until recently, I have used a 160K RAMdisk, mostly for WordStar. But what with the size of DOS 3.1 and an AUTOEXEC full of remain-resident programs, I gobble up 128K at boot time. In order to run programs requiring 512K, I had to give up my RAMdisk. Now I've got one back. Although the RAMdisk program we'll be modifying is taken from the DOS 2.x manuals, the changes work both under DOS 2.x and 3.x. Let's step back a minute to see why this trick is so neat. The 8088 microprocessor used in the IBM PC and PC-XT can directly address 1,048,576 bytes of memoty or 1,024K. But only the first 640K is allocated for random-access (or user) memory. The other 384K is reserved by IBM for other purposes. At the very top of memory, 64K is allocated for the ROM BIOS and ROM BASIC interpreter. Just above the 640K random-access memory, 128K is reserved for video display memory. While the monochrome display actually requires only 4K and the standard color/graphics display uses only 16K of this 128K reserved area, the IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) lays claim to much more of it. Following the video display memory is 64K for additional ROMs, such as those containing the BIOS support for the PC-XT hard disk and the EGA. This leaves another 128K, which IBM allocated for additional ROM expansion and which is, indeed, the memory area used for PCjr ROM cartridges. But on the PC and PC-XT, this area will normally be free for you to install another random-access memory board. If you have a non-IBM hard disk or other heavy hardware in your system, however, you must check to see if it addresses ROM segments D000h or E000h. If so, you're already using this area, and so you won't be able to install the additional memory described here. You'll also need a memory board that can be switched to segments D000h and E000h. Some multifunction boards -- the popular AST Six-Pak- Plux, for instance -- cannot themselves be switched to address an area above 640K. However, if you're up to 640K, you probably already have a multifunction board, so a straight memory board such as the IBM 64/256K Memory Expansion Option is ideal. To install a 128K RAMdisk at this address, you'll also need either the DOS 2.0 or 2.1 Technical Reference manual (the IBM RAMdisk program is found at the end of the chapter on device drivers), plus a macro assembler, such as those from IBM or Microsoft. Type in the "Sample Device Driver" program, calling the file EDISK.ASM. (EDISK stands for "Extra Memory Disk.") Do not type the numbers on the left side of the IBM listing: enter only that part of each line that is even with the top-most semicolon. Further, do not type in any of the lines that have a plus sign just to the left of them (they're toward the end of the listing). These are lines created by teh assembler when expanding the macros. Assemble, ling, and convert your EDISK.ASM into a .SYS file by using the following commands: MASM EDISK,,; LINK EDISK; EXE2BIN EDISK EDISK.SYS Success means getting only one error message from MASM, namely, that there is no stack segment. Ignore it. MASM will also create a file called EDISK.LST. To assure yourself that you typed the program in correctly, check the addresses and assembled machine code at the left of the EDISK.LST listing with the program listing in the DOS manual. The next step is to include a line in a CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory of your boot disk. This line is: DEVICE=EDISK.SYS. EDISK will then be loaded at boot time. When first installing a device driver such as EDICK, you should have two different ways to boot your system (such as a disk without EDISK and a disk with EDISK), because if errors in the EDISK program crash your system, you need some way of booting without it. Unmodified, EDISK.SYS simply creates a 180K RAMdisk on your system in regular user memory. This disk will have a drive letter one above your normal drive. You may use this disk like any other except that the contents will be destroyed if the PC is turned off or if you reboot. Figures 1 through 4 show the changes to make in EDISK.ASM so that it will use the extra random-access memory at segments D000h and E000h. The line numbers are consistent with the line numbers in the DOS 2.0 and 2.1 manuals. Line numbers with decimals, such as 230.1, are insertions; that line would go between line 230 and 231. Otherwise, the lines replace those in the DOS 2.x program. Figure 1 shows a few changes you should make even if you only want to set up a normal IBM RAMdisk. These changes take care of the most blatant bugs and allow the program to be assembled under later versions of the IBM or Microsoft Macro Assembler. Figure 2 shows the changes used to shorten the RAMdisk to 256 sectors and to place it at segment addresses D000h and E000h. Each sector is 512 bytes, so total disk space will be reduced from IBM's 180K to the 128K you have available. This is really all that's needed, but you might be in for a surprise if you read some RAMdisk sectors directly from DEBUG or run Norton Utilities DISKTEST program on the new RAMdisk. You'll probably get a parity check error, since the added memory was not properly initialized by the BIOS during boot time. Initialization is easy, however: all you do is write something to it. Figure 3 shows the added steps to initialize the new memory properly. Figure 4 shows the additions to preserve the disk contents during a "warm boot." Turning on the PC's switch is sometimes called a cold start; resetting the computer with the Ctrl-Alt-Del key sequence represents a hot (or warm) start. The code shown in Figure 4 preserves the contents of the disk when you use a keyboard reset, though they will be lost, of course, if you turn the machine off with the power switch. By the way, you should not study the RAMdisk program in the DOS 2.x manual in hopes of learning good assembler programming practice! The listing is excessively macroed and equated to the point where it is virtually unreadable. Moreover, the most important types of equates -- those that would allow the user to change the number of sectors or the sector size with one statement at the top of the program -- are missing. - - - - - Figure 1: 102 USER_DTA DW ?,? ;CORRECTION 230.1 PUSH CS ;ADDITION 230.2 POP DS ;ADDITION 230.3 LES BX,DWORD PTR RH_OFF ;ADDITION - - - - - Figure 2: 92 DW 256 ;TOTAL NUMBER OF SECTORS 115 DW 256 ;TOTAL NUMBER OF SECTORS 247 MOV CS:VDISK_PTR,0D000H ;RAM DISK SEGMENT 248 ;DELETE LINE 249 ;DELETE LINE - - - - - Figure 3: 257.1 MOV CX,8000H ;NUMBER OF BYTES 257.2 SUB AX,AX ;BYTE TO WRITE 257.3 REP STOSW ;1ST SEGMENT DONE 257.4 MOV CX,ES ;ES TO NEXT SEGMENT 257.5 ADD CX,1000H 257.6 MOV ES,CX 257.7 MOV CX,8000H ;NUMBER OF BYTES 257.8 REP STOSW ;2ND SEGMENT DONE 257.9 MOV ES,CS:VDISK_PTR ;BACK TO 1ST SEGMENT - - - - - Figure 4: 255.1 PUSH DS ;SAVE DS 255.2 MOV AX,40H ;BIOS DATA SEGMENT 255.3 MOV DS,AX ;SET UP SEGMENT REGISTER 255.4 CMP WORD PTR DS:[0072H],1234H 255.5 POP DS ;CHECK RESET MODE 255.6 JNZ COLD_START ;INITIALIZE DISK 255.7 JMP HOT_START ;SKIP IF KEYBOARD RESET 255.8 COLD_START: 290.1 LEA DX,COLD_MSG 290.2 JMP SHORT MESSAGE 290.3 COLD_MSG DB 13,10,"Hi-RAM disk installed.",13,10,"$" 290.4 HOT_MSG DB 13,10,"Hi-RAM disk preserved.",13,10,"$" 290.5 HOT_START:LEA DX,HOT_MSG ;MESSAGE TO PRINT 290.6 MESSAGE: PUSH CS ;CURRENT SEGMENT 290.7 POP DS ;SET DS TO IT 290.8 MOV AH,9 ;DOS PRINT STRING CALL 290.9 INT 21H ;PRINT STRING