Here is a usefull little patch for those of you who use the ANSI.SYS device driver, and wish like to have it set the screen color for you. Unfortunately, it is impossible using ANSI.SYS to set the color of the screen border. This makes for an ugly screen in my opinion. I decided to replace one useless ANSI.SYS command with a command which will set the screen border color; specifically the ESC[=#h command, which will set the screen mode to 80 column, 40 column, black&white, and color. Since the dos MODE command will do the same thing, I have never used ANSI.SYS in this way. After making this patch, the ESC[=#h command will change the screen border to the color #, where # is from 0 - 7, 0 being black, and 7 being white. Look in the BASIC manual under the COLOR command to learn which values give which colors. Here is the patch: Enter: DEBUG ANSI.SYS Search for the area to patch, enter: S 100 L673 3C 07 77 F1 72 06 88 0E FA 00 EB E9 B4 00 CD 10 Note the address where this occurs (in DOS 3.1 this will be 5DC), enter: E 50 53 B7 00 88 C3 B4 0B CD 10 58 58 90 90 90 90 Save the changes you made and quit, enter: W Q You have now patched ANSI.SYS. I hope you didn't change your only copy. If you would like to know an interesting use for this, read on: In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file add the line: PROMPT $e[s$e[24A$p$e[K$e[2;1H$e[K$e[u$n$g$e[=1h$e[37;44m This will change the screen color to white on blue, and the border to blue every time you see the dos prompt. It will also print the current directory in the upper-left corner of the screen. I find this damned convenient, but if you just want the color, not the directory display, add this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. PROMPT $e[=1h$e[37;44m$n$g If you don't have the IBM-DOS Technical Reference Manual, get it! It explains all the features of the ANSI.SYS driver, and all of the DOS FUNCTION CALLS, and much more. I don't know how I'd work without it. Enjoy, Peter Nelson