! NECPRINT v. 2.0 June 20, 1982 NECPRINT USER'S GUIDE by Hal R. Varian This is a short guide to NECPRINT, a small texteditor for the NEC PC-8023A printer. NECPRINT supports several unique features of the NEC printer such as Greek letters, mathematical symbols, superscripts and subscripts. NECPRINT is written in IBM BASIC. NECPRINT allows easy interface to the special features of the NEC 8023 Printer via simple the simple printer control features described below. 1. Greek letters. To print a Greek letter, type an ampersand (!&) followed by the English equivalent. Examples: beta = !&b = &b, alpha = !&a = &a, and so on. If an exclamation point immediately precedes the ampersand, the ampersand is treated as a literal character and printed as such. In other words, the exclaimation point cancels the Greek letter. 2. Superscripts and subscripts. To make a superscript use a dollar sign (!$) followed by the character you wish to superscript. For subscripts use the "at" sign (!@). If you want to superscript or subscript more than one character, enclose the characters in parentheses. Parentheses can be nested. Examples: x!$(a+b) = x$(a+b), x!$(b/(a+b)) = x$(b/(a+b)). x!@a = x@a, x!@(a+b) = x@(a+b) Again, preceding the !$ or !@ sign by the the exclaimation point will cancel this feature. 3. Page Controls. A pound sign (#) in the left column will invoke certain page controls. NECPRINT currently recognizes the following page control characters: a)#= Center the text on this line b)#* Use this line as a header. (This should be the first line in the file to be printed.) c)#F Form feed to next page When centering lines, NECPRINT will recognize the vertical bar (|) as a carriage return, centering the subsequent lines. 4. Page numbering. NECPRINT automatically numbers pages starting with 1 unless the Start option described below is in effect. 5. Underlining. Use an underline bar (!_) at the beginning and end of the section you want underlined. This can extend over several lines, and indeed over several paragraphs. Example: !_underline!_ = _underline_. 6. NECPRINT offers several choices of print face including proportional print, pica, and elite. Note that the sub and superscript facility will not work well in the proportional print mode. 7. Headers. NECPRINT will print out a header on each page if this is requested in the "Set up printer" mode. 8. Literals. If the symbols "!$", "!@", and "!&" are preceded by an exclaimation point (!) then they will be printed. The special nature of these characters will then not be invoked. 9. Starting. If "S" is input during the "Set up printer" mode, NECPRINT will prompt you for a new page number and a starting string. NECPRINT will then start to print at the first line that contains that string. #F Table of Greek and Math Symbols a &a o &o - &- b &b p &p S &S c &c q &q D &D d &d r &r L &L e &e s &s / &/ f &f t &t W &W g &g u &u J &J h &h v &v G &G i &i w &w j &j x &x k &k y &y l &l z &z m &m ` &` n &n ~ &~ An ampersand (!&) preceding an English character on the left will produce the Greek or math character on the right. #F EXAMPLES OF MATH CAPABILITIES Here are some examples of the capabilities of the NEC Printer for displaying mathematical notation: &b = (X'X)$(-1)X'y S$(k-1) = {x _>_ 0: &Sx@i = 1} U$i _<_ U$j + &l$jp$j(x$i - x$j) for i,j = 1,...,n lim@(x &/ 0) f(x) = &- f(x@1,...,x@n) = x@1$2 - 2 x@2 &`u(_x_)/&`x@i = &l p@i &a + &b + &d = 1 &S x@i = 1 &a$2 + &b&d[_x_ - _z_] A$2 + 2 AB - C$2 = 0 &d&m(p;q,y)/&dp@i = x@i(q,&m(q,y)) v$(ij) = x$i + y@(ij) + z@k x$i + y$(jk) - &`f(x)/&`x v$i = x$i + y$i &l$(ij) - &b@(jk) v@i = x@i + y$i _D_f(_x_) = &l_p_ z@(ijkl) = x$(lmni) + z@3$i + x$i@3 x$i=x$j - y$k x$(1/(1-&n)) x@i=x@j - y@k x@(1/(1-&n)) x$i = x$j - y@k &m(q;q,y) _=_ y x@i = x$(ij) - y@(kl) &b@(lk) = &d$(jk) 65399 '** DONE - PRESS ENTER TO RETURN TO MENU ** ;q,y) _=_ y x@i = x$(ij) - y@(kl) &b@(lk) = &d$(jk) 65399 '** DONE - PRESS ENTE