The HardBack archive contains four files: 1) READ-ME.TXT -- The file you are now reading 2) HARDBACK.EXE -- The HardBack executable program 3) HARDBACK.DOC -- Program documentation, formatted 4) HARDBACK.TXT -- Program documentation, unformatted The difference between the two documentation files is this: HARDBACK.DOC has been formatted for Epson, IBM, and compatible printers. It (i) has been broken up into 66-line pages, with headers and footers; (ii) has twelve spaces of left margin at the beginning of each line; and contains some emphasized (on = ESC E; off = ESC F) and underlined (on = ESC - 1; off = ESC - 0) text. The lines are a maximum of 78 characters long (not including left margin), so you should set your printer to print at 12 cpi (= "Elite"); also, you should start with the top of form at the very top of the page. To print this documentation on a compatible printer, first set the printer as just described, and then type: copy hardback.doc prn at the DOS command prompt. HARDBACK.TXT contains exactly the same prose, but with no pagination, headers, footers, margins, or text attributes; this makes it possible for you to format the file with your own word processor, without having to remove my formatting first.