様様様様様様様様様様様様 How to Use the LDA様様様様様様様様様様様様 The Logical Disk Analyzer(LDA) gives you a management report about your disks. It provides four major functions: 1 - Directory Size Analysis - computes the number of sub- directories, files, and total space in each directory and the total for each directory and ALL its sub- directories. 2 - Duplicate File Check - Searches for and counts the files which match the filename.extension you specify 3 - Extension Check - Searches for and counts the files with an extension you specify 4 - Physical Disk Analysis - Reports on the physical use of your disks, including an efficiency measure Use the LDA to find out which directories are using the most space, look for duplicate or backup files, and then erase what you don't need. Copyright (C) 1986 Marin Pacific Software