In the Beginning there were relatively few Bulletin Boards. During years of technological progression more and more BBS's appeared on the scene. Today there are more than 25,000 in and around our country. That number is growing every day! In accordance so is the number of people with computers, and modems to access these Systems. This sounds like good news doesn't it? The FCC and your Telephone company sure like the idea. A new regulation that the FCC is quietly working on will directly affect you as the user of a computer and a modem. The FCC proposes that users of modems should pay extra charges for use of the public telephone network which carries their data. In addition, computer network services such as Compu Serv, Tymnet, & Telenet would also be charged as much as $6.00 per hour per user for use of the public telephone network. These charges will definitely be passed on to the subscribers. The money is to be collected and given to the Telephone Company in an effort to raise funds lost to deregulation. You can see where this is going. I run a Bulletin Board, I enjoy working on it, and I hope to see it grow, and improve with time. Some of my best work and hours have gone into the continuance of my system. I for one pay the Telephone bill for the line on which my Bulletin Board can be reached. The telephone company does not have to provide any special equipment or service so that I can run my system. However I am now told that I may have to pay for a Business class telephone line, in addition to the new FCC proposed charges. My bulletin board has provided me with $40.00 in donations in the last year. Does that sound like a business to you? Unless SysOps and modem users alike get together to fight against these outrageous porposels, I fear the loss of my system. I know it's an old saying, but it applies here "United We Stand Divided We Fall" If you reading this are a casual modem user, and don't particularly give a damn one way or the other, you may soon have to find other uses for your modem, Because my system, and 95% of the others will not be able to afford, the upcomming costs of providing a FREE service. On the other hand if you are interested in keeping your flow of Information through your modem, I urge you to do some of or all of the following: Send a letter something like this: Dear Sir, Please allow me to express my displeasure with the FCC proposal which would authorize a surcharge for the use of modems on the telephone network. This regulation is nothing less than an attempt to restrict the free exchange of information among the growing number of computer users. Calls placed using modems require no special telephone company equipment, and users of modems pay the phone company for use of the network in the form of a monthly bill. In short a modem call is the same as a voice call, and therefore should not be subject to any additional charges. ---==> people to send this letter to are: Chairman of the FCC 1919 M Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 Chairman, senate Communication Subcommittee SH-227 Hart Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Chairman, House Telecommunication Subcommittee B-331 Rayburn Building Washington, D.C. 20515 A tariff like what is being proposed by the FCC is only a proposal. If enough objection is raised, the proposal will be dismissed. I urge you to find out when the FCC meets in your state, and voice your objection to this proposal. ********** post note: ********** as a sysop myself, i strongly urge every user who reads this to send in their letters. if such a tariff, or worse yet, a business charge is levied, many sysops, myself included will not be able to continue to keep their systems on line, or will be forced to charge you a yearly/monthly fee to help cover the outrageous cost. do this for us, do it for yourself. if anything, do it because you are sick and tired of watching the big boys get richer and richer without the little guys saying a word! but, by all means, do it! don't let the '90's go down as the last decade of free bbs'ing. my letters go out with tomorrows mail. i hope i can count on each and every user here to do the same. your support is needed! thank you. brandi