Using DSZ's "True Ymodem" to add Ymodem-Batch to Boyan v.D3 4/13/88 20:00:00 Robert F. Rapp Boyan v.D3 is a fast & powerful communications program. It comes set up for many protocols; all you need to do is put PCKERMIT, CLINK, MLINK & DSZ in the same directory (pathing is not enough) as Boyan is in. Note that the proper extension is also required; DSZ.COM and DSZ.EXE (the latter with registered copies only) both will work, but the supplied .COM extension must be changed to .EXE in the external protocols configuration area in Boyan. Also, be sure that the directory Boyan is in is included in your DOS path. However, with all this power, you still don't have batch capabilities in Ymodem. In reality, you still don't have Ymodem, as "Ymodem" as many BBS's call it is actually Xmodem 1K CRC. Ymodem is a batch protocol, and you can have it in Boyan, in addition to the "Ymodem" supplied in the program (as noted, actually Xmodem 1K CRC). Get into the configuration area of Boyan (Alt-C). Choose external protocols (M). You will notice that area 5 is open. This is where you will put the information to get Ymodem to work for you. Choose 5. Then type as follows: Protocol Name Ymodem-DSZ ;my preference for name Menu Letter D ;Y is taken External File DSZ.COM ;or DSZ.EXE Needs DL name N ;IMPORTANT! UL Macro # 79 ;leave as is DL Macro # 80 ;leave as is [79]: Ymodem-DSZ UPLOAD \DC[P:DSZ port \MD speed \MS handshake on pW1 sb -k \VV] ;EXACTLY as entered - ;case IS significant [80]: Ymodem-DSZ DOWNLOAD \DC[P:DSZ port \MD speed \MS handshake on pW1 rb -y] ;EXACTLY as entered - ;the -y is optional ;as is the pW1 ;which waits for ;enter on error Now you are almost done. Do you have DSZ.COM or DSZ.EXE in the Boyan directory, and if so, do the extensions match what you have for extensions in Boyan? Make sure that if you use DSZ.EXE you change the .COM to .EXE in the Zmodem (2) external protocol, Config. Area "M", as well. To use, when the host program says to start your Ymodem (batch) receive, tap PgDn, choose [D] Ymodem-DSZ, and when Boyan asks you for the file name, just hit enter. You don't need to type the name. To send a file, you do need to specify the filename(s). Boyan is a little tricky here, and batch uploads are a bit harder than downloads. Many BBS's don't support them anyway, so maybe it's no big loss. However, to transfer a single file up, this works fine, and is quite fast. You can use the new multi-file "batch" method supported by 4/06 DSZ; see the DSZ documentation for details. In any case, uploads are easy. Just hit DELETE for the Boyan file manager, choose the directory where the file to be uploaded is, press U for Upload, choose [D], verify that the directory and file are what you want, hit enter twice, and voila! your file is off to the host. External protocols are not as "external" as they are in many comm programs. Other Considerations Note that Boyan WILL NOT be able to give you its usual % efficiency rating on a batch download, though it will keep track of total time. There is, however, a way around that. DSZ allows you to specify a log, which will give you CPS (characters per second - the closer to 1/10 your baud rate, the closer to perfect the transfer was), as well as name, errors, retries, etc., for each file sent or received. This is done as follows: In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, or the .BAT file you call up Boyan with, add the line: SET DSZLOG=C:/BOYAN/DSZ.LOG ;or whatever you'd like ;to call it! and, yes, use the / rather than the \. The drive and directory should be changed to wherever you want to keep the log, DSZ.LOG. Also, strange but true, the file DSZ.LOG must already exist, so just make one up with your favorite text editor (like QEdit 2.x). Just a word will do, e.g. type DSZLOG and save the file as DSZ.LOG in the chosen directory. Also, be sure to specify your default Up- and DownLoad directories in the Boyan configuration area, if you haven't already done so. An alternative, or you can do both, is to use the new SET DIRRX=[drive]/[pathname]/ option; see the DSZ and the other documentation in this file. A final note on DSZ: The 4/06/88 versions work like a charm. The 2/08/88 and 3/29/88 DSZ also work, and are officially supported, but lack some features. Any comments to: Rob Rapp on Exec-PC (414)964-5160 See also my comments on using PibTerm with DSZ, Clink & Mlink. PibTerm is the other comm program I am familiar with which deals with external protocols less "externally" than most. Batch uploads are not a problem, either.