USING PROCOMM 2.3 WITH MULTILINK ADVANCED and other Software Link Products From The Software Link BBS: (404) 998-6712 or 998-6737 06/03/86 1) BEFORE RUNNING PROCOMM AND MULTILINK TOGETHER Start Procomm and enter the General Setup menu. Setup Procomm so that the Alarm and Sound Effects are set to OFF. Setup Procomm for BIOS screen writes if you don't want to use Procomm in the Foreground. You can use DIRECT screen writes from the Foreground ONLY! Setup up Procomm so that Exploding Windows are OFF. This will help the speed in most cases on terminals or if you are using BIOS screen writes. 2) TO USE PROCOMM 2.3 FROM THE FOREGROUND PARTITION Use the following to use Procomm from the foreground. C>MLUTIL ENQ -4 (Use -3 if your modem is on COM2:) C>PROCOMM /S To have the use of the alt-function key combinations that Procomm uses, you will need to do one of the following things: A) Press ALT-F9 and then the Procomm keys that you want to use. B) Press ALT-F9 then K then one of the following to move the Multilink partition access keys. SHIFT F1-- moves partition access to shift FN keys. CRTL F1-- moves partition access to control FN keys. ALT 1 -- moves partition access to top row of number keys. ALT F1-- moves partition access back to the default positions. This will move the partition access keys to that location until you reboot or change them by the same proceedure. C) To permenently change these keys, use the following patch. Do NOT use this patch on your original diskette or if you are not accustomed to using DEBUG. C>DEBUG MLINK.COM -E 0160 XX WHERE XX IS: 68 ----The original value for ALT-FN keys 54 ----To use the SHIFT-FN keys 5E ----To use the CRTL-FN keys 78 ----To use the ALT-1 through ALT-0 -W (WRITES INFORMATION TO DISK) WRITING XXXX BYTES (DEBUG MESSAGE) -Q (TO QUIT DEBUG) 2) TO USE PROCOMM 2.3 FROM THE BACKGROUND PARTITION Use the following commands to use Procomm from the background: C>MLUTIL ENQ -4 C>PROCOMM /S /M If you are running Procomm from a terminal your display may be improved by adding /B to the Procomm command line. 3) GENERAL OPERATION If you have download or upload problems try increasing your time ticks or priority. C>MLUTIL TIME 4 (Other partitions may experience a slow-down) C>MLUTIL PRI 3 (If you have a higher priority than anyone else, you will lock other users out of the system until you exit Procomm!) If other partitions experience a slow down, try switching to keyboard disable mode. C>MLUTIL DIS To improve your BIOS video speed, we suggest that you download QUICKVID.SYS from The Software Link BBS. This device driver speeds up your video by replacing the INT 10 routines. 4) USING PROCOMM 2.3 WITH LANLINK 1.3 (an RS-232 based Local Area Network) To operate Procomm with LANLink Server, just follow the instructions given above for operation in a foreground Multilink Partition. Make sure that you issue a LANUTIL ENQ -4 (or -3). The sound can be left on, but if you experience lock-ups when sound is generated, turn it off. On the satillite machine, make sure that Procomm doesn't try to use the same communications port as your LAN connection. Also, saving files across the network during a download is not recommended. It will work, but it is safer to download to a local drive. 5) USING PROCOMM 2.3 WITH THE AT-GIZMO MEMORY MANGEMENT UNIT To operate Procomm with the AT-Gizmo, all that is recommended is that you leave the sound off. Because the AT-Gizmo remaps video memory, you can use the faster direct screen writes from the background, instead of the slower BIOS screen writes. 6) USING PROCOMM 2.3 WITH TALLTREE'S J-RAM MEMORY BOARDS & MULTILINK If you are having a problem with lock-ups when using the J-RAM memory board, Multilink, and Procomm, you probably have an older version of Multilink. For this to work correctly, you will need to upgrade your Multilink to version 3.03 or higher. If you have this problem with version 3.03 or higher, please contact The Software Link technical support. 7) COMMON PROBLEMS & QUESTIONS Q) The program works normally, but when I connect with a remote system all I see are the modem lights flashing. Nothing is shown on the screen. A) If you forgot to issue the MLUTIL ENQ -4 (or -3) command, you will not receive the incoming data. This ENQ saves the communication buffers for a single partition. If putting in this command does not correct the problem, then it is possible that you did not get a good copy of Procomm. Try to obtain a new copy or try extracting it from the .ARC file again. Q) Which terminal emulation works best when connecting with a system acting as a server under Multilink? A) We have obtained the best results with the ADDS VIEWPOINT emulation. This is terminal type 2. The Wyse 100 and VT-100 emulations are not supported. to use Procomm in the Foreground. You can use DIRECT screen writes from the Foreground ONLY! Setup up Procomm so that Exploding Windows are OFF. This will help the speed in most cases on terminals or if you are using BIOS screen writes. 2) TO USE PROCOMM 2.3 FROM THE FOREGROUND PARTITION Use the following to use Procomm from the foreground. C>MLUTIL ENQ -4 (Use -3 if your modem is on COM2:) C>PROCOMM /S To have the use of the alt-function key combinations that Procomm uses, you will need to do one of the following things: A) Press ALT-F9 and then the