1************************************************** PAGE 1 ************************************************** a a b up to 80 characters per line are permitted. b c c d d e e f f g gf #-----separator line h h h i i j j k k l l m m n n o o p p q a r b up to 80 characters per line are permitted. s c t d u e v f w g x #-----separator line y h #-----------another separator i The Separator line must have a # in the first column. j Other than that, there is no restriction on its form. k It could even be blank. l #----- m a n b o c p d q e r f s gf t h u h v i w j x k y l #-----------another separator m The Separator line must have a # in the first column. n Other than that, there is no restriction on its form. o It could even be blank. p #----- a a b up to 80 characters per line are permitted. b c c d d e e f f g gf #-----separator line h h h i i j j k k l l m m n n o o p p q a r b up to 80 characters per line are permitted. s c t d u e v f w g x #-----separator line y #-----------another separator The Separator line must have a # in the first column. Other than that, there is no restriction on its form. It could even be blank. #----- 1************************************************** PAGE 2 ************************************************** h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y #-----------another separator The Separator line must have a # in the first column. Other than that, there is no restriction on its form. It could even be blank. #-----