To start the program: 2COL INPUT.TXT OUTPUT.TXT. INPUT.TXT is the input file; the program creates OUTPUT.TXT. Any valid filespec is OK. 2COL creates a two-column text file out of a one-column text file. Two example files are included: 2BEFORE.TXT and 2AFTER.TXT. 2before is a mockup of a listing which might be created by dBASE: one entry after the other, separated by lines. 2AFTER is the output file. The program reads the input file one line at a time. It determines the number of lines in each listing. Each listing can have a different number of lines. If all of the listing's information can fit into the column it is currently filling, then the computer adds the listing to the bottom of the column. Otherwise, the computer starts a new column, either by moving to the next column on the same page, or by starting a new page. If an entry is longer than a whole column (in this program, 79 lines per column, but it can be changed) the entry is put at the top of the next column, and is cut at the 79th line. The rest of the entry appears in the following column. Pages are numbered at the top. This program was inspired by dBBASE III+'s ability to print database entries one at a time, but could not format the entries on the page. Because my database had entries of variable lengths, I couldn't use a simple arithmetic method of distributing the entries along the columns. Licensing? Of course not. Public domain. Just remember those less fortunate.