PC Outline -- Commands alphabetically by function -- David Lewis -- 3/7/86 End - Beginning of line ^C - Block copy ^E - Block delete ^B - Block move ^F3 - Boldface begin ^F4 - Boldface end Home * 3 - Bottom file Home * 2 - Bottom screen ^V - Center paragraph Alt F2 - Clear all marks Alt F1 - Code display toggle Alt F9 - Copy all marks to be children of the current entry ^C - Copy block ^Q - Copy family F9 - Copy marks to current location Shift F4 - Date, insert live Shift F3 - Date, insert static ^E - Delete block ^D - Delete family ^Y - Delete line Shift Del - Delete to end of line ^Left - Delete word left ^Right - Delete word right ^U - Divide outline element Shift F5 - Doublestrike begin Shift F6 - Doublestrike end Shift Down - Down one outline entry on same level Home - End of line ^Q - Family copy ^D - Family delete ^W - Family move ^End - File bottom Shift End - File bottom Home * 3 - File bottom End * 3 - File top ^F - Find string ^A - Find string again F1 - Help screen ^H - Hide children ^L - Hide level children ^PgDn - Hide text toggle Gray Plus - Hide/unhide children toggle ^O - Indent and hang F6 - Indent current entry F8 - Indent marks ^I - Indent paragraph ^G - Insert/overwrite toggle Shift Ins - Insert/overwrite toggle ^F5 - Italics begin ^F6 - Italics end ^J - Join outline elements ^PgUp - Jump to parent ^K - Key define Shift Left - Left word End - Line beginning ^Y - Line delete Home - Line end F2 - Mark/unmark Alt F2 - Marks, clear all Alt F9 - Marks, copy all to be children of the current entry F9 - Marks, copy to current location Alt F10 - Move all marks to be children of the current entry ^B - Move block ^W - Move family F10 - Move marks to current location ^M - Move outline elements ^N - New outline element ^Return - New outline element ^G - Overwrite/insert toggle Shift Ins - Overwrite/insert toggle ^V - Paragraph center Shift PgDn - Paragraph down ^T - Paragraph style ^I - Paragraph unindent ^X - Paragraph unindent Shift PgUp - Paragraph up ^P - Print F5 - Promote current entry F7 - Promote marks ^R - Replace (find first) Shift Right - Right word ^S - Save outline Home * 2 - Screen bottom End * 2 - Screen top ^F9 - Scripts, end both ^F10 - Space, insert non-breaking ^F8 - Subscript ^F7 - Superscript Alt 1-9 - Switch directly to window # Shift F2 - Time, insert live Shift F1 - Time. insert static ^Home - Top file Shift Home - Top file End * 3 - Top file End * 2 - Top screen ^F1 - Underline begin ^F2 - Underline end Gray Plus - Unhide/hide children toggle ^X - Unindent paragraph F2 - Unmark/mark Shift Up - Up one outline entry on same level F3 - User defined with macros F4 - User defined with macros ^Z - Windows list ^Left - Word delete left ^Right - Word delete right Shift Left - Word left Shift Right - Word right Gray Minus - Zoom