The flexible Installation lets you configure VEDIT PLUS to run on your particular computer and "customize" VEDIT PLUS to your particular applications and personal preferences. A primary feature is the ability to completely determine your own keyboard layout - what control or function key you will press to perform each edit function. This demo asks you to press, for example, "" to get the "PRINT" menu. However, the Installation lets you assign the "PRINT" menu to any key. You can even assign it to two different keys or to an "escape sequence" like " P". The same holds for all of the edit functions. You can start with a keyboard layout we supply, perhaps modifying it a little. Or you can create your own keyboard layout, perhaps using one you are already familiar with from another editing/word processing program. For example, you can easily configure a keyboard layout almost identical to WordStar (tm).  You can also build "keystroke macros" into VEDIT PLUS during Installation. This lets you add your own editing functions to those we have already built in. The manual gives examples of how to add the functions "duplicate line", "open line", "transpose letters" and others. These edit functions can all be accessed with a single keystroke. Built-in keystroke macros also let you access the "menu" functions directly with a single keystroke. In this case the menu prompt does not even appear. The entire keyboard layout, including any added keystroke macros, can be saved to disk from within VEDIT PLUS and loaded at a later time. The keyboard layout file may also be loaded during Installation. This also makes it easy to copy one's keyboard layout from one release of VEDIT PLUS to another.  The Installation lets you set the default values for numerous parameters. These include the "Print parameters", "Edit parameters", "Edit switches" and "Tab positions". For example, you could select to have "word wrap" set to column 65, "justification" enabled and tab positions sets to 10, 25 and 30. The Installation lets you set various options in the Visual and Command Modes. For example, you can select the character to be displayed at the end of lines (where the is). You can select the "fill character" used to display Tab characters. You can change the "Sign-on message", i.e. you could have VEDIT PLUS sign on as: Bill's VEDIT, Word Wrap = 65, Justify, Horiz Scroll = 210  The Installation can configure VEDIT PLUS to a wide variety of hardware. Screen sizes up to 100 lines and 250 columns are supported. The colors (attributes) for the status line, window borders and text can be selected. The Installation sets the default values for the cursor type and cursor blink rate (a non-blinking cursor can also be selected.)  A fully functional Installation program is supplied on this demo disk. (Please make a copy of your original demo disk before experimenting.) To perform the installation give the DOS command: INSTALL VDEMO.COM The program is menu driven. You can easily perform some aspects of the installation and leave all other aspects at their current settings. You can also examine all current settings without changing any. During Task (2) "Modify Keyboard Layout" you can press "H" for on-line help. If you are interested in the details of Tasks (4), (5) and (6) examine the "VPHELP.HLP" file and read the description of the "PP", "EP" and "ES" commands.