This is an MSDOS version of the Unix(tm) directory lister "ls". The program was developed under MSDOS 3.1 and runs on versions 2.0 and up. I am placing it without conditions in the public domain, it may be copied and distributed freely. I ask that you do not sell it, and that you leave this notice intact. If you find any bugs, I'd appreciate a report. Yaniv Hakohen E-Mail: yaniv@taurus.bitnet (preferably) or tykucinski@nyuacf.bitnet MailMail: Computer Science Dept., Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL. or 3 East, 66 St., New York, NY, 10021. Compilation notes: Compiled with Microsoft C Version 3, small memory model. Must be given larger stack than default. I used 8K and it was fine with a recursive list of 500 files which were up to 5 subdirs deep. The command "cl ls.c -link /STACK:8192" or some such, is fine. Do NOT link with the ssetargv.obj module!