407 files found in Library "Business Applications"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
1988CAL.ZIP No 23372 09-16-87 Print out (dot matrix) calendar
ACCTG1.ZIP Yes 40051 01-10-91 Pre-written accounting letters - 1 of 2
ACCTG2.ZIP Yes 38179 01-10-91 Pre-written accounting letters - 2 of 2
ACCT_PAY.ZIP Yes 82925 07-16-89 Accounting & paying program
ACGMAIL.ZIP Yes 159048 02-15-87 Acgnj mailing list program clip aut'86
ACTIVE.ZIP Yes 1863 09-24-87 Check for sidekick active from .bat
AC_LOCTR.ZIP Yes 126842 06-04-89 An area-code locator, by a/c state major
ADDRES25.ZIP Yes 138427 08-05-88 Address & phone book great ver.2.5
ADDRFLCD.ZIP Yes 2437 05-19-86 Bas - print custom 3x5" index cards
ADRSBK3.ZIP Yes 58406 05-25-90 The address book 3.0 / rolodex type program
ADVLDGR.ZIP Yes 369 10-13-90 An advanced general ledger
ALARMCLK.ZIP Yes 5689 01-09-86 Alarm clock prog. uses 26th line. good!
AMERTRST.ZIP Yes 4272 03-04-88 Americus trusts, (stock market)
AMORTIZE.ZIP Yes 18022 05-01-88 Loan amortizations with c source
AMTAX89.ZIP Yes 130263 11-13-89 Helps you complete your 1989 income tax form
AMTAX90.ZIP Yes 133221 11-26-90 Am-tax for 1990 taxes very good program
AN130.ZIP Yes 131651 09-06-89 Major upgrade to ample notice calendar
ANALYZER.ZIP Yes 54115 03-06-88 Lotus 1-2-3 real estate analyzer
AND.ZIP Yes 53315 06-17-89 Bday/anniver/ph#/mail lbls/reminds
ANIMAL.ZIP Yes 1325 01-01-80 Artificial intelligence program in basic
APPLET11.ZIP Yes 71967 01-24-89 Windows tiny apps - use with cmdpost52
AREACODE.ZIP Yes 23133 06-14-86 Areacode database program
AUTOMN.ZIP Yes 169412 04-03-88 Automobile maint prg tracks up to 9 cars
AXS_1.ZIP Yes 194208 05-23-89 Axs accounting package (Trialware) pt 1 of 7
AXS_2.ZIP Yes 158855 12-13-88 Axs solutions pt 2 of 7
AXS_3.ZIP Yes 169977 12-13-88 Axs solutions pt 3 of 7
AXS_4.ZIP Yes 168714 12-13-88 Axs solutions pt 4 of 7
AXS_5.ZIP Yes 132350 12-13-88 Axs solutions pt 5 of 7
AXS_6.ZIP Yes 174232 03-12-89 Axs solutions pt 6 of 7
AXS_7.ZIP Yes 19255 05-31-89 Axs solutions pt 7 of 7
BACKMAIL.ZIP Yes 123329 03-09-89 Email program that runs in background
BADGE10.ZIP Yes 186627 05-01-89 Create name badges on your hp ii - great
BANKBOOK.ZIP Yes 66494 12-14-86 Savings acct./money manager for kids vg!
BANKER.ZIP Yes 19320 04-24-86 Banker - checkbook manager
BARCODE.ZIP Yes 11271 05-29-87 Prints bar codes w graphic printer
BARCODE2.ZIP Yes 11656 12-06-86 Another barcode printing prgm
BARGRAPH.ZIP Yes 3899 03-28-88 Clipper procedure for simple bar graphs
BBMAIL32.ZIP Yes 275834 07-08-89 Mailing/labels/postcards/reports data b
BBMAIL35.ZIP Yes 307951 03-24-91 Full-Featured record keeping system
BBOOK20.ZIP Yes 21401 03-10-86 Address/phone book - not bad
BBSALE27.ZIP Yes 319106 08-22-88 Marketing/sales lead/labels/letter/pros
BCLOCK.ZIP Yes 23804 02-19-89 Bestmenu's world time clock! (cga graph
BELLTEL.ZIP Yes 7723 03-19-89 Eases allocation of phone bill
BESTCL.ZIP Yes 23223 01-31-89 Display clock 4 time zones clock /s
BID.ZIP Yes 30424 10-05-86 Tracks construction bids
BILL.ZIP Yes 94177 07-05-89 PC billing -- easy-to-use billing system
BILLS.ZIP Yes 11786 04-08-86 Bill paying reminder.
BIRTHDAY.ZIP Yes 9457 06-27-86 Never forget another birthday again!
BIZVALUE.ZIP Yes 14545 11-23-87 How much is your business worth?
BLACK.ZIP Yes 21964 05-05-86 Black and Scholes option pricing
BLBK31.ZIP Yes 77920 03-05-86 The little black book data base
BLKBK512.ZIP Yes 126369 02-21-90 Black book ,address and label maker
BLKSCHLS.ZIP Yes 21964 05-05-86 Options trading program
BMAIL110.ZIP Yes 126018 10-19-89 Backmail update file, message transfer
BMAILDES.ZIP Yes 3421 11-26-88 Description of backmail e-mail system
BSB12.ZIP Yes 163461 10-28-87 Strategic stock market simulation
BUDGET.ZIP Yes 41651 12-29-88 Easy to use home budget
BUSLETR.ZIP Yes 338974 01-10-91 Text business letters- 7 (360k) disks
BUSSLET.ZIP Yes 21463 04-05-89 Letters for all purposes
CALCDV.ZIP Yes 28031 01-28-88 Excellent desqview-specific calculator
CALCPLUS.ZIP Yes 54577 01-06-87 Neat and powerful calculator program
CALCRES2.ZIP Yes 14392 06-23-86 Resident function calculator
CALLMAST.ZIP Yes 285999 04-08-89 V2.08 service call scheduling.
CALM.ZIP Yes 1763 04-22-86 Print calendar from date
CALPLUS.ZIP Yes 192978 06-30-90 Calender program
CALPO3.ZIP Yes 23947 04-24-86 Appointment calendar and records program
CARDEX.ZIP Yes 104321 05-26-86 Cardex v1.2p/n rolodex(tm) for pc w/p
CENTALEX.ZIP Yes 64520 03-19-88 Air conditioning trouble shooting program
CFP.ZIP Yes 6461 08-01-86 Cash flow projector work sheet for lotus
CHARGES.ZIP Yes 57760 08-16-87 Charge card recorder
CHARTP.ZIP Yes 211277 04-29-91
The best shareware stock charting program
CHECK14.ZIP Yes 37358 08-06-88 Checking account management program
CHECKING.ZIP Yes 146569 04-29-91 Check King a nice personal check balancer
CHECMATE.ZIP Yes 131983 09-09-86 Great checkbook/home financial manager!
CHEKBOOK.ZIP Yes 65906 01-10-91 Checkbook / ledger utility
CHEX.ZIP Yes 64421 08-26-87 Full screen checkbook package.
CHEX243.ZIP Yes 87485 10-26-89 Another checkbook program
CHKAPP.ZIP Yes 1614 02-08-86 Appt checker for sidekick's cal.
CHKMATGL.ZIP Yes 174547 07-28-88 Checkmate-gl v1.70a checking/general
CHKPRO.ZIP Yes 47397 08-31-86 Newline checkbook system. excellent!
CHRNOS.ZIP Yes 99261 01-08-91 Chronological timekeeper events database
CHXWRITE.ZIP Yes 75987 08-06-86 Checkbook manager/check writer
CLARTUT.ZIP Yes 155214 04-28-89 Clarion professional developer demo.
CLOCKCAL.ZIP Yes 35244 11-20-86 Make/prn calendar w/bas- digclock v2.5
CLOSING.ZIP Yes 1800 01-01-80 Lotus work sheet for real estate closing
CM17A.ZIP Yes 128041 09-21-88 Check mate checkbook balancer ver 1.7a
CODE39.ZIP Yes 11349 10-21-86 Gen std 3 of 9 bar code on matrix prn
CODEBLUE.ZIP Yes 55537 06-12-87 Area code helper a must have for office
CONEST1.ZIP Yes 43337 01-15-87 Contractor's estimating system - version
CONTAC41.ZIP Yes 126860 04-13-88 Contact v4.1 business contact tracker
COUPONS.ZIP Yes 68291 12-31-86 Organize your store coupons
CPALEDG1.ZIP Yes 94299 06-08-87 CPA ledger - gen'l ledger 1 of 2
CPALEDG2.ZIP Yes 105821 06-08-87 CPA ledger 2 of 2 req. ibm basic
CPLUS20.ZIP Yes 163538 12-19-88 Sales & lead tracker reviewd info world
CREDCARD.ZIP Yes 23586 09-07-86 Help keep track of credit cards
CT510.ZIP Yes 85147 04-25-86 Cashtrac5 home finance program (pfm5)
DATES.ZIP Yes 4226 10-27-87
Displays cals, notifies user of important
DB121A.ZIP Yes 278716 06-22-89 D'bridge 1.21 front end mailer --- file 1
DB121B.ZIP Yes 274697 06-22-89 D'bridge 1.21 see db121a.zip --- file 2
DB121DOC.ZIP Yes 165263 06-22-89 D'bridge 1.21 doc file --- file 3
DB121INS.ZIP Yes 17937 06-22-89 D'bridge 1.21 install prg. --- file 4
DB121PRB.ZIP Yes 11907 06-22-89 D'bridge 1.21 problems util --- file 5
DEPO.ZIP Yes 113059 07-23-88 Attorney's deposition summary program
DESK131.ZIP Yes 107594 06-30-87 Desk commando (menu) v.1.31 - good!
DESKMATE.ZIP Yes 61705 03-20-89 Sidekick like - better than pcwindow
DESKTM20.ZIP Yes 88932 03-25-89 Deskteam 2.01 tsr calc alarm note pad etc
DF150D.ZIP Yes 25187 09-04-89 Don't forget reminder program (wild dat
DIARY.ZIP Yes 29880 12-20-86 Keep track of your appointments
DKTMINDR.ZIP Yes 103431 06-03-87 Lawyer's docket manager
DLITE10.ZIP Yes 111309 08-08-88 TSR mail list written in frontrunner.
DMASTER.ZIP Yes 48367 11-19-86 Diskette label sys - complete with help
DM_VOILA.ZIP Yes 65454 07-08-89 Mail order sales, profit, & response an
DOC.ZIP Yes 35902 04-03-88 Software for doctors
DOCKET12.ZIP Yes 119738 08-18-87 Lawyer's docket mgr -- rel 1.2
DRL.ZIP Yes 26420 01-24-87 Loan amortization pgm
DRUGTEST.ZIP Yes 47032 10-01-89 Random generator for employee drug tests
DSKCMD13.ZIP Yes 131013 05-24-87 Desk commando 1.3. many features.
DSP.ZIP Yes 255947 04-02-86 Dsp is a graphics editor for the ibm pc
EASINV.ZIP Yes 152357 09-04-89 Easy inventory program
EASYQTE1.ZIP Yes 157504 08-19-89 Price quotation maker for contractors.
ECSTAT.ZIP Yes 40349 11-07-86 Econometrics program for pc
EEBOND2.ZIP Yes 45234 10-21-89 Calc interest on ee savings bonds
EMAKER.ZIP Yes 12710 03-15-87 Envelope maker
ENCORE.ZIP Yes 110125 05-06-87 Encore fin. modeling demo by ferox micros
ENVLJ502.ZIP Yes 50211 10-26-87 Letter envelopes for laser jet
EP12.ZIP Yes 100908 12-13-87 Easy project ver 1.2 project manager
ESINVC.ZIP Yes 149038 11-21-87 Invoice & inventory system
EXCHK201.ZIP Yes 146734 12-02-87 Express check check book program
EXCHK4_1.ZIP Yes 178285 01-08-90 Express checking ver 4 check book
EXCHK4_2.ZIP Yes 78117 01-08-90 Express checking ver 4 check book
EXPC305.ZIP Yes 165698 10-20-89 Express check v.3.05 - check book mgr.
EXPENSR.ZIP Yes 96801 11-04-88 Keep track of business expenses
EXPRSCHK.ZIP Yes 166498 10-07-89 Express check - check book manager
EZFL_E12.ZIP Yes 232984 11-20-88 EZ forms generator - fantastic!!
EZFORM_1.ZIP Yes 312179 06-16-89 Create all types of forms -included
EZPROJ30.ZIP Yes 139658 12-02-88 EZ project organization
EZSPEL14.ZIP Yes 49623 04-21-89 Spelling checker for text by Sam Smith
EZ_FORM.ZIP Yes 70847 06-22-86 Create custom forms
FBUCK318.ZIP Yes 130582 04-28-87 Fast bucks v3.18 home finance planner vg!
FC3000.ZIP Yes 55737 02-26-88 Checkbook & general ledger program
FCC_QUIZ.ZIP Yes 121564 11-12-89 Prepare yourself for ffc license test
FERS20.ZIP Yes 106509 01-27-87 Calculates pension for federal employees
FILEIT.ZIP Yes 17720 06-26-86 Pop-up quick reference bibliographic tool
FINAIDS1.ZIP Yes 20299 05-02-86 *Financial aids i* for symphony 1.0/1.1
FINCAL21.ZIP Yes 24053 06-24-88 A financial calculator
FINPAK.ZIP Yes 5485 01-31-86 20 advanced financial calculators
FINPT225.ZIP Yes 57494 05-02-87 Financial calculations
FLODRAW.ZIP Yes 88374 03-19-88 Flow charting utility
FLODRW2A.ZIP Yes 117331 02-15-89 Flow charting & org chart program (1 of 2
FLODRW2B.ZIP Yes 36265 02-15-89 Flow charting & org charting program (2 of 2
FM2000.ZIP Yes 42957 12-13-87 Home - business check book acct. system
FMPR1.ZIP Yes 169986 01-10-91 Finance manager ii payroll module lite
FMPR2.ZIP Yes 126587 01-10-91 Finance manager ii payroll lite (v1.3)
FOLIOB.ZIP Yes 25701 08-17-86 Record networth, stocks, mutual funds
FONE.ZIP Yes 66764 01-15-87 An example of calculating phone rates
FORMFIT.ZIP Yes 89688 04-07-89 Fills in forms
FPAK.ZIP Yes 49167 04-24-86 Loan & interest package - very good
FPD222.ZIP Yes 53631 03-21-87 Excellent financial calcs - not .bas
FPD225.ZIP Yes 57494 05-02-87 Personal financial planner program
FREEKICK.ZIP Yes 42089 01-23-87 Sidekick clone memory resident
FUND0612.ZIP Yes 23628 06-12-86 Mutual fund tracking data - 6/13/86
GANT.ZIP Yes 43272 04-07-86 Makes gant charts-prject management
GEOCHRON.ZIP Yes 43703 09-23-86 Time around world w map distance cg best
GGL12A.ZIP Yes 62451 12-31-86 Go general ledger system - 1 of 2
GGL12B.ZIP Yes 65981 12-31-86 Go general ledger system - 2 of 2
GINNIE.ZIP Yes 26982 01-01-87 Calculate yields on "ginnie mae" bonds
GL.ZIP Yes 5309 09-03-86 General ledger from lotus magazine
GL_LEDGR.ZIP Yes 173791 04-01-87 Small business general ledger from chec
GOLFLEEG.ZIP Yes 72268 03-05-87 Help golf league secty to do handicaps v4
GONE.ZIP Yes 21865 02-01-88 Leave memos on your pc
GUEST.ZIP Yes 27783 02-28-86 Hotel motel management program
HB253_1.ZIP Yes 88841 12-11-87 Homebase ver 2.53 resident program part 1
HB253_2.ZIP Yes 82496 12-24-87 Homebase ver 2.53 resident program part 2
HOMEBAS1.ZIP Yes 161351 12-13-87 DOS shell,desktop utilities,cal, &more
HOMELAW.ZIP Yes 140117 04-07-90 Several legal contracts to make transactions
ICP51.ZIP Yes 289100 03-27-91
Inventory Control Program v5.1 - 3.27.91
update - complete - easy to
use modules for selling, ordering, receiving,
tracking inventory. ASP
Shareware $20. Mailed by auth.
IDCLOG.ZIP Yes 8148 05-09-88 Mem res logging util w help in billing
IF50.ZIP Yes 39606 12-21-87 In-fidelity 5.0 calls fast mutual funds
II_V103.ZIP Yes 22948 07-04-87 Instant info tsr data notebook
INCALC20.ZIP Yes 193137 01-04-88 Instacalc v.2.0 tsr pop-up spreadsheet
INSTA_1.ZIP Yes 138380 10-20-89 Extremely powerful payroll system. 1 of 2
INSTA_2.ZIP Yes 69948 09-15-89 Extremely powerful payroll system. 2 of 2
INTVIEW.ZIP Yes 64214 03-04-89 Hiring someone. you need this! demo vers
INVESTII.ZIP Yes 12652 01-29-86 Investment work sheet
INVOICE.ZIP Yes 22341 01-09-86 Allows generation of custom invoices
INVSTRSK.ZIP Yes 2537 07-29-86 Find out the risk of an investment.
INV_TRAC.ZIP Yes 94576 04-27-89 Invoice tracker to keep tabs on receivables
IRSCALC.ZIP Yes 3278 03-20-89 IRS penalty calc- great lotus macros
IRSLOG.ZIP Yes 25571 07-19-86 Maintain log for IRS
JCMENU.ZIP Yes 156821 05-08-89 Complete job costing system, v 1.07
JOBJAR.ZIP Yes 6533 11-08-86 To do list in basic sorts by due date
JUDY.ZIP Yes 50706 04-26-86 Appointment cal., phone dialer, clock
KOPTION.ZIP Yes 72804 06-23-87 Stock & commodity futures program
LABELWIZ.ZIP Yes 6453 01-12-86 Make a 1.0 x 3.5 inch label
LABLMSTR.ZIP Yes 39038 08-16-86 Great label printing program
LANDLORD.ZIP Yes 112134 12-04-87 Demo of commercial apt mgmt software
LASERBAR.ZIP Yes 3679 01-09-86 Print bar codes onto laser printer
LBL421.ZIP Yes 42152 07-05-90 Prints 3/12 & 5/14 in. disk labels
LBLDBF.ZIP Yes 118136 12-06-89 Util. to create/print labels from dbfs.
LCALC.ZIP Yes 63610 09-23-89 Good and slick loan calculator
LCTICK.ZIP Yes 29928 04-18-86 Lynn canning's appointment calendar v2.0
LEASECAR.ZIP Yes 132533 07-08-86 Car leasing evaluation prgm from FoMoCo
LEGAL.ZIP Yes 73575 01-10-91 Collection of legal forms in alpha order
LEGAL1.ZIP Yes 27797 10-23-87 Good collection of legal forms/docs 1 of 6
LEGAL2.ZIP Yes 18433 03-04-86 Good collection of legal forms/docs 2 of 6
LEGAL3.ZIP Yes 25032 02-18-86 Good collection of legal forms/docs 3 of 6
LEGAL4.ZIP Yes 8883 02-21-86 Good collection of legal forms/docs 4 of 6
LEGAL5.ZIP Yes 10899 02-21-86 Good collection of legal forms/docs 5 of 6
LEGAL6.ZIP Yes 29393 02-21-86 Good collection of legal forms/docs 6 of 6
LETHEAD.ZIP Yes 18456 07-30-86 Print letterhead with dot matrix printer
LETHEAD3.ZIP Yes 105654 08-06-89 Design/print letterheads, labels, envelops
LITLBOOK.ZIP Yes 48771 10-07-86 Phone book --form kenn flee qfiler v2.1
LIVDUP.ZIP Yes 18475 12-13-87 Make list of dup contacts- ARRL operation
LJ_LEGAL.ZIP Yes 21677 06-26-89 Legal stationary form overlay samples -
LM.ZIP Yes 107031 09-11-86 Label master - mail list and print labels
LOANCALC.ZIP Yes 56581 07-27-86 Excellent loan calculator scheduler
LOANCOMP.ZIP Yes 4196 06-17-86 Compare loans for int rate pay back etc
LOANPAK.ZIP Yes 35219 10-09-86 Figures pmts amortize from partial informt
LWDEMO.ZIP Yes 198458 09-14-90
Live wire investment software.. you need to
MA3.ZIP Yes 150122 01-10-91 1 Mass appeal v3.0 mailing list database
MAIL115.ZIP Yes 7634 04-20-87 Mailing list manager.
MAILAB.ZIP Yes 28380 09-20-87 Quick mail label maker
MAILMEN.ZIP Yes 13120 01-10-91 Mailmen programs
MAILMGR.ZIP Yes 73800 07-31-89 Mailing list manger (v1.1)
MAINTA30.ZIP Yes 66032 05-16-89 Maintenance/service call tracker - 1 of 4
MAINTB30.ZIP Yes 112707 05-15-89 Maintenance/service call tracker - 2 of 4
MAINTC30.ZIP Yes 65816 05-15-89 Maintenance/service call tracker - 3 of 4
MAINTD30.ZIP Yes 114003 05-16-89 Maintenance/service call tracker - 4 of 4
MAKDAY.ZIP Yes 87429 10-15-86 Make my day time and project manager
MAKMYDAY.ZIP Yes 70397 10-15-86 Appt scheduler things to do time system
MASS1.ZIP Yes 117267 01-10-91 Mailing list manager,prt 1 of 2
MASS2.ZIP Yes 21739 12-29-87 Mailing list manager,prt. 2 of 2
MAXICRAS.ZIP Yes 76860 03-24-86 Best checkbook/home finances manager !
MCX.ZIP Yes 15791 06-03-87 Mortgage calculator
MD_ACCT.ZIP Yes 160426 12-19-89 MD versaform : patient accounting and
MD_ACCT1.ZIP Yes 60529 08-31-89 MD versaform medical billing/client dbase
MILEPRC3.ZIP Yes 250837 08-12-91 Tracks miles, time, money.
MISCSTAT.ZIP Yes 11309 04-25-86 Miscellaneous statistical functions
MKMST124.ZIP Yes 173708 09-13-89 Stock and futures price forecaster
MLMMAL.ZIP Yes 70563 10-27-87 Mailing list manager
MM142.ZIP Yes 334759 12-08-89 Generic price forecaster for stocks,futures
MMD21.ZIP Yes 70284 08-27-87 Electronic time management
MNGX27A.ZIP Yes 70917 07-01-86 Professional time and billing - part I
MNGX27B.ZIP Yes 98111 07-01-86 Professional time and billing - part II
MOE22.ZIP Yes 80711 01-16-89 Pop-up sched/expense log/calc/dialer
MONEYEX.ZIP Yes 17249 11-06-89 Convert dollars to foreign currency
MORCOST3.ZIP Yes 15204 08-23-86 Mortgage cost calc. w/ points/taxes/etc!
MORTCOST.ZIP Yes 13470 02-27-86 Find how much you pay for a mortgage.
MORTPLAN.ZIP Yes 71254 12-31-86 Mortplan v2.2 menu-driven amort functions
MR_BILL.ZIP Yes 278808 12-14-87 Time & services billing -professional
MYDESK.ZIP Yes 66673 12-16-88 Desktop util use 7k if ems. 1 of 2
MYDESK2.ZIP Yes 73100 12-16-88 Part 2 of mydesk desktop utilities 2 of 2
MYGL112.ZIP Yes 93962 03-04-87 Mygl v1.12-nice general ledger prgm w/tut
MYLABEL.ZIP Yes 18857 09-11-87 Mailing labels program
NAMPRO39.ZIP Yes 144825 10-24-89 Names database, names/clients/fax support
NAVIB3.ZIP Yes 91840 02-09-86 Navigation planner for pilots aircraft
NAVIB_MW.ZIP Yes 23335 12-12-87 Use w navib3. database for upper midwest
NET49.ZIP Yes 29536 12-06-90 Novell file server performance tester
NOTE11.ZIP Yes 14160 01-06-87 Notebook program w/ ms-c src.
NOTEIT.ZIP Yes 4643 11-20-88 Small simple monthly reminder program.
NPAD.ZIP Yes 2120 01-29-87 Memory resident note pad
OLAF.ZIP Yes 58378 01-13-86 Database program
ONTIME13.ZIP Yes 89007 09-10-88 The professional reminder system
ORGCHART.ZIP Yes 42251 06-11-88 Fine org chart maker simple works
OWLPPM.ZIP Yes 139063 02-06-89 Owl portfolio manager - shareware
PA40_1.ZIP Yes 186450 09-20-89 Painless accounting v4 (shareware) - 1 of 3
PA40_2.ZIP Yes 133817 09-20-89 Painless accounting v4 - 2 of 3
PA40_3.ZIP Yes 238223 09-20-89 Painless accounting v4 - 3 of 3
PAL14.ZIP Yes 73549 08-26-86 Personal appointment locator for sidekick
PAL15.ZIP Yes 147595 12-10-86 Pal 1.5 - alarm system for sidekick
PALARM10.ZIP Yes 70834 08-26-86 10 memory resident alarms (see pal14.ZIP)
PALTOGAL.ZIP Yes 16744 03-03-87 Pld to generic array logic xlator-good
PAR11.ZIP Yes 95997 01-21-89 Your inventory your way
PASSBOOK.ZIP Yes 36672 01-25-87 Powerful checkbook manager
PAYDAY13.ZIP Yes 50197 10-25-86 Computes payroll for office etc.
PAYROLL.ZIP Yes 20053 04-26-86 24 employee payroll program...seems good
PC1410.ZIP Yes 161848 10-31-90 Personal calendar - tsr appointment
PCACCNT2.ZIP Yes 156840 02-28-87 Double-entry accounts program.take 1 too
PCACT211.ZIP Yes 2207 09-12-87 Brief description of pc-account
PCAP.ZIP Yes 46737 08-03-87 Accounts payable 2 of 4
PCBOOK.ZIP Yes 16777 02-01-86 Calendar w/ appointments and alarms
PCBRIDGE.ZIP Yes 18301 08-12-89 Simple pd ethernet bridge
PCDOC211.ZIP Yes 55481 08-15-87 Documentation for pc-account
PCFINVC.ZIP Yes 20738 08-23-87 A pcfile plus invoice database-relational
PCFMERGE.ZIP Yes 1555 11-08-87 How to merge to databases under pc-file
PCL412.ZIP Yes 105252 08-12-89 Loan amortization
PCMGR.ZIP Yes 40763 08-04-88 The very best program applications mgr!
PCPROJ.ZIP Yes 149944 04-12-88 Complete project management very good
PCSORT.ZIP Yes 4887 01-01-80 Sort routine
PCTAX901.ZIP Yes 147929 12-31-90 PC-Tax90 v90.10 - Income tax prep
PC_AP13.ZIP Yes 41175 04-13-89 Accounts payable pgm
PC_AR38.ZIP Yes 42601 04-13-89 Accounts receivable pgm
PC_AREA.ZIP Yes 245587 12-02-89 PC-area code version 2.00
PC_BID.ZIP Yes 80694 08-28-88 Shareware sub-contractor bidding system
PC_DBMS2.ZIP Yes 33879 03-01-86 Documentation and files for pc-dbms
PC_FLOW.ZIP Yes 40933 09-13-86 Flowchart utility
PC_LOANS.ZIP Yes 46408 04-27-86 Very good loan analyzer and calculator
PC_PR17.ZIP Yes 48058 04-13-89 Payroll manager
PC_QUOTE.ZIP Yes 80895 08-28-88 Shareware quoting software system
PC_STOCK.ZIP Yes 49045 08-01-86 A good stock tracking program
PDESK.ZIP Yes 302758 06-20-89 Complete office environment for the pc
PDSQUOTE.ZIP Yes 153381 02-12-88 Outstanding price quotation system
PERCH.ZIP Yes 73367 09-12-87 Purchase order system
PERT.ZIP Yes 6313 04-26-86 Critical path organization program
PEST.ZIP Yes 47663 11-25-86 Universal estimator v2.0, self-document
PFMM.ZIP Yes 118049 08-26-89 Personal finance manager
PFROI24E.ZIP Yes 171746 02-23-89 A portfolio manager version 2.4e
PHOEBE.ZIP Yes 155936 04-15-87 Track customers and prospects
PHONE201.ZIP Yes 9766 03-17-86 Exchange finder for 201 area code v101
PI.ZIP Yes 11801 01-17-87 Compute monthly loan p&i pmt w/pas,011787
PIA88.ZIP Yes 100645 06-25-88 Calc soc sec benefits program from ssa
PIBASIC.ZIP Yes 2828 11-07-88 Calculate pi to any of decimals (slow)
PINKY.ZIP Yes 28348 12-13-88 Phone message database.
PIPEDA3A.ZIP Yes 40193 10-03-88 Pipe data 3.0 - calc flow thru pipes.
PLBL27.ZIP Yes 68217 01-30-90 Power label 2.7 label maker, nice!!!!
PMDEMO.ZIP Yes 56998 09-09-87 Complete law office automation package
POORBASE.ZIP Yes 2022 08-20-87 Poor man's database
PORC150.ZIP Yes 34492 02-09-89 A pretty good retirement planning progrm
POS.ZIP Yes 164758 06-11-86 Point of sale program
POSTAL.ZIP Yes 111470 11-17-89
Useful postal information file with
rates, etc.
POSYSTEM.ZIP Yes 77297 01-21-88 Complete purchase order program
PRCMAUTO.ZIP Yes 37108 03-27-86 Time manager type program
PROJECTS.ZIP Yes 4053 04-26-86 Database to keep track of jobs
PROJEST1.ZIP Yes 146955 01-30-89 Consultants-estimate hrs for project
PROSPEC2.ZIP Yes 51877 04-04-88 Client tele marketing tracking system
PTLABLE3.ZIP Yes 18859 07-02-86 Print mult labels any size v3.0
PURCH.ZIP Yes 112998 11-25-87 Purchase order database system
PWRSTAR.ZIP Yes 28614 06-08-86 Data analysis pgm curve fit
PW_GUIDE.ZIP Yes 59958 02-19-87 Xlnt guide to writing a business plan
QCALC.ZIP Yes 37144 07-22-86 Stand-alone quickie calculator w/memory
QIKSERVE.ZIP Yes 26747 03-22-88 Serve the customers fast as you can
Q_PRO4A.ZIP Yes 201278 09-01-89 Good programmable database 1 of 2
Q_PRO4B.ZIP Yes 124212 09-01-89 Good programmable database 2 of 2
RATIOANA.ZIP Yes 2217 07-28-86 Financial statement ratio analysis
RDEX_211.ZIP Yes 20146 07-05-88 Mini data base system
REALCOST.ZIP Yes 36745 03-10-88 Calculate cost of owning real estate.
REFLEX2.ZIP Yes 5179 12-01-86 Billing invoice generator for reflex
RENTLAND.ZIP Yes 38585 01-07-87 Cash rent estimate tool for farmers
REVIEW.ZIP Yes 24426 03-28-86 Employee performance evaluation system
ROLODIX.ZIP Yes 46198 06-09-89 Rolodix
RS2.ZIP Yes 173701 03-24-89 Record store database program ver 2.0
SALEC264.ZIP Yes 69927 06-27-88 Prospect sales tracker ver 2.645 (3 of
SM11.ZIP Yes 122423 02-18-91
Schedule*Master v. 1.1 Appointment/To do
list manager.
SOAR1.ZIP Yes 186303 01-07-90 Service oriented accounts receivables
SOAR2.ZIP Yes 196606 12-24-89 Disk 2 of 3 soar
SOAR3.ZIP Yes 193407 12-24-89 Disk 3 of 3 soar
SPANISHT.ZIP Yes 106396 12-10-88 Travel & business - spanish
STAX89.ZIP Yes 150758 12-29-89 Share - tax/1040 for 1989.
TAME102.ZIP Yes 36804 10-06-88 Reduces overhead of desqview programs
TEACHELP.ZIP Yes 14812 02-13-87 Helps stop cheating.
TELENAME.ZIP Yes 65665 11-24-89 Client/telephone number cross ref.
TFA112.ZIP Yes 40590 01-10-87 Turbo financial assistant v1.12
TFBOOK.ZIP Yes 60734 11-02-86 Electronic telephone book
TFO51B.ZIP Yes 149024 02-13-90 The front office: sales/prosp. tracker 2 of 3
TFO51DOC.ZIP Yes 117590 10-12-88 The front office: sales/prosp. tracker 3 of 3
TFO_1.ZIP Yes 149733 02-13-90 The front office: sales/prosp. tracker 1 of 3
TFO_2.ZIP Yes 97896 01-31-87 2 of 3 - sales management, job costing,
TFO_3.ZIP Yes 87525 10-12-88 3 of 3 - customer reporting control sys
TIM21.ZIP Yes 340669 06-26-88 Consultants time billing system - vg
TIMECARD.ZIP Yes 12429 11-05-87 Program to manage employee's time
TIMESAV2.ZIP Yes 94293 07-06-86 Microcon's graphical scheduling program
TIMESLIP.ZIP Yes 5708 11-16-88 Discussion of time slips billing software
TKLX50.ZIP Yes 318349 07-12-89 Ticklex v5.0 professional scheduler
TODOSW.ZIP Yes 350660 02-09-91 New TO DO program from Pricewise. Shareware.
TPCALC.ZIP Yes 3428 06-10-86 Turbo prolog calculator program
TRADEOPT.ZIP Yes 6728 08-22-86 Futures option trading, cost conversion
TRANS000.ZIP Yes 51362 03-05-86 Transaction register cash, savings account
TSS15.ZIP Yes 21700 06-25-86 dBase time sheet system
TW2V601A.ZIP Yes 218714 10-22-88 The original tradewars version 2. disk 1
TW2V601B.ZIP Yes 89056 10-23-88 The original tradewars version 2. disk 2
TWITCHER.ZIP Yes 27481 11-06-86 Stock option future trading system v 1.0
TX40A.ZIP Yes 125834 09-06-88 Time billing system from integra part 1
TX40B.ZIP Yes 112166 09-06-88 Time billing system from integra part 2
TX40C.ZIP Yes 117152 09-06-88 Time billing system from integra part 3
TX40D.ZIP Yes 146236 09-06-88 Time billing system from integra part 4
TX40E.ZIP Yes 78096 09-06-88 Time billing system from integra part 5
UPC.ZIP Yes 3186 06-03-87 Universal product code generator
UTILBILL.ZIP Yes 5329 04-26-86 Utility bill audit.
VACSC.ZIP Yes 11836 03-08-86 Vacation scheduler for up to 50 employees
VDI.ZIP Yes 60564 09-14-87 Stock market volume analysis DEMO program
VLIBRARY.ZIP Yes 56859 01-31-87 Video tape library system v 3.0
W4.ZIP Yes 39388 01-20-87 W-4 tax form helper - shareware
WALLYBIL.ZIP Yes 31315 02-27-87 Figure your roommates share of expenses
WHATLN20.ZIP Yes 36427 02-05-90
Whatline 2.0 / share one phone line with
modem, voice and answering machine.
WHOWORKS.ZIP Yes 40349 10-29-87 Work scheduling program
WILLPKG.ZIP Yes 5754 04-30-88 Package for attorneys
WORD3DV.ZIP Yes 2322 06-05-86 Needed to run word 3.0 in desqview
WORKLOG.ZIP Yes 29239 11-10-86 Time record for freelance consultants
WRKLOG.ZIP Yes 29239 11-10-86 Nice record keeping/reporting of your wo
WSSI336A.ZIP Yes 106197 05-22-88 Excellent index catalog prog v 3.36
WSSI336B.ZIP Yes 96773 05-22-88 Part 2 of wssindex catalog prog vg!!!!
WYSAR100.ZIP Yes 151934 10-05-89 What you see is what you get (accounting/pd)
XACT.ZIP Yes 190077 06-19-90
Calculator program. hp-11c scientific;
hp-12c financial;hp-16 programmers;
XCHANGE.ZIP Yes 17259 01-10-91 Stock market simulation
YEARCAL.ZIP Yes 21192 12-02-87 Calendar prog. many diff types
YEARPLAN.ZIP Yes 58805 08-30-87 Yearly planning guide
ZIPASC.ZIP Yes 279841 05-20-88 Zip code by city & state text database
ZIPDELIM.ZIP Yes 245723 10-08-88 32 200+ zip codes cities st w delimiter
ZIPKEY08.ZIP Yes 241542 01-19-90 Zip code reference city/zip
ZIPPER10.ZIP Yes 187868 12-07-88 Fast zip code search
ZIPPHONE.ZIP Yes 213395 07-18-86 Relates zip code to states etc.
ZMAIL25A.ZIP Yes 142084 07-18-89 Zip mail labels/letters/mailmrg/mgmt
ZMAIL25C.ZIP Yes 118075 07-18-89 Zip mail exe file - see zmail25a.zip
ZMAIL25D.ZIP Yes 87908 07-18-89 Zip mail action diagram - see zmail25a.z
ZMAIL260.ZIP Yes 302611 07-22-89 Zip mail update
ZMAIL262.ZIP Yes 181977 07-30-89 Zip mail updates - see zmail25a for deta
Z_APPEAL.ZIP Yes 378762 01-10-91 Option for mass appeal, 43,000 zip codes