Okay all you word freaks, from the same profession that brought you FLATUS for the simple act of passing gas comes a list of words you can use in everyday conversation to amuse/amaze/confuse your friends (or enemies of course). Ready for your tour through the world of medispeak? Amastia A-MAST-YA Without breasts Anamastia ANNA-MAST-YA No breasts Borborygmi BOR-BO-RIGE-ME Rumbling stomach (i.e. intest- inal gas) Bradykinetic BRADY-KIN-ETIC Moves like a turtle Callipygian CAL-IH-FIDGEON Nicely shaped buttocks Coprolith COP-ROW-LITH Hard, dried feces! Coprophagia COP-ROW-FAGE-YA The act of eating feces. Dysmensia DIS-MEN-SEE-YA Disordered thinking Hyperhidrosis HYPER-HYDRO-SIS Sweats in large amounts Hyperlogic HYPER-LOW-JIC Talks too much (see also lalorrhea) Lalorrhea LAL-O-RIA Excessive flow of words Macromastia MACRO-MAST-YA Large breasts Macrophallic MACRO-FALICK Large male organ Micromastia MICRO-MAST-YA Small breasts Microphallic MICRO-FALICK Small male organ Phallodynia FAL-O-DIN-YA Pain in the penis Pneumocephalic NEW-MO-SEFALICK Air Head Proctodynia PROC-TO-DIN-YA Pain in the ass (ex. You are proctodynic!) Steatopygian STE-ATO-FIDGEON Fat ass Steatocephalic STE-ATO-CEFALICK Fat Head (see you're catching on) Rectocephalic inversion RECTO-SEFALICK Having ones head and ass reversed Orocolo-fistula OAR-O-COLO FIST-U-LA Direct connection of mouth and colon Well enough for now, try these in the workplace. How much nicer to describe the new secretary as macromastic (or, for the ladies, macrophallic) and callipygian instead of using the vernacular. Perhaps you might even get the opportunity to spend some time telling her (him) what it means. Assuming of course that they are not Pneumocephalics! Dr. Demento o‡,$áßt¨Z@—¿ Ú§ö:6`ë$ðÀtp¬@ð€ éçÚÏòX€I ƒ>@³Ÿ g;Ó3°ðL€zZC2^# f3CëaZ3^# Š·^¼eV$?öó[ócõs?u°'ÅNîT Bá0E/5?