This message is to request some help with a printing problem I have been wrestling with now off and on for some months and it continues to kick my behind. The following is background infor- mation and then a description of the problem. I am also upload- ing a file called RPTDMD.ARC which contains the source code, a test DBF, the file I use to start the main program with (has SET CLIPPER=R095;E000 in it), and a sample output file complete with printer codes. Background: Machine: HP Vectra 8hz, w/Core International AT-43 hard drive on a Perstore controller (87 meg), 2MB AST Above board Config.sys - for test purposes 2 lines - FILES=25; BUFFERS=8 Autoexec.bat - for test purposes - not used DOS - IBM 3.3 File - FILRPTP.PRG part of a larger program called PJLMNU which is a project list database. Printer - Okidata 192+ (IBM Graphics) or Epson 286e (tried both) Same problems when run on an IBM-AT with no expanded/extended memory, a XT clone with 1MB expanded memory, or HP vectra with floppy drives only. All had basic config.sys file and no autoexec.bat thus no memory resident programs. No disk cache. Problem description: Computer locks up requiring cold boot during printing. Occurs randomly during the printing cycle, sometimes only the page heading prints and then printer goes to continuous form feed. About 10% of the time will print report with no problems. When using Debug it seems that the memvars all of sudden all get contaminated (scrambled) but because of randomness I don't know why. When I hard code the Public memvars which are initiated elsewhere and compile and run the program by itself it seems to be work all but about 25% of the time. Any help would be certainly appreciated. Don Davenport