FOREACH.EXE Class: UNIX Repeat keyboard commands for a series of files or options. NAME FOREACH Repeat commands SYNOPSIS foreach [-v] list | @file DESCRIPTION Foreach will repeat a series of commands substituting the current value of the variable during each pass. The variable is accessed by placing a '$' in front of the choosen letter. For example, if the variable if f than $f would be used in the command line. OPTIONS The below list are modifiers for use with the replacement variable: :e replaces with extension (d:\path\file.ext -> ext) :h replaces with head of path (d:\path\file.ext -> d:\path) :n replaces with name of file (d:\path\file.ext -> file) :r replaces with root of file (d:\path\file.ext -> d:\path\file) :t replaces with tail of file (d:\path\file.ext -> file.ext) The use of the -v option prior to declaring the variable will enable the verbose mode. In this mode each command will be displayed on the screen prior to execution. EXAMPLES foreach -v f *.c del $f:n.obj del $f:n.exe end In the above example all files that are present as .C files will have thier associated .OBJ and .EXE files deleted. The series of commands is terminated by the word end or END. foreach r @files copy $f \batch del $f end In this case the files to be operated upon are in the file 'files'. The preface of '@' on the foreach command line instructs the program to obtain the files list from a file.