About CB.DLL Note: This DLL works *only* with ToolBook 1.0. NO WARRANTY or Support! ====================================================================== Function TranslateDLLMessage(, , ) Description: Forces OpenScript to send an OpenScript message to the current page when a Windows Message is received by the ToolBook main window. To link this function, insert the following statement in the linkdll structure: int TranslateDLLMessage(WORD,WORD,STRING) Parameters: Always sysWindowHandle (handle of the ToolBook main window for the current instance) The Windows message number (see Windows.h) The name of the OpenScript message to send to the current page when is received by the ToolBook window. Returns: Undetermined Example: get TranslateDLLMessage(sysWindowHandle,3,"WM_MOVE") =================================================================== Function UntranslateDLLMessage(, ) Description: Cancels a message translation set up with TranslateDLLMessage. To link this function, insert the following statement in the linkdll structure: int UnTranslateDLLMessage(WORD,WORD) Parameters: Always sysWindowHandle (handle of the ToolBook main window for the current instance) The Windows message number (see Windows.h) Returns: Undetermined Example: get UnTranslateDLLMessage(sysWindowHandle,3) -- "WM_MOVE" =================================================================== Function UntranslateAllDLLMessages() Description: Cancels all message translations set up with TranslateDLLMessage. To link this function, insert the following statement in the linkdll structure: int UnTranslateAllDLLMessages(WORD) Parameters: Always sysWindowHandle (handle of the ToolBook main window for the current instance) Returns: Undetermined Example: get untranslateAllDLLMessages(sysWindowHandle)