Steven W. Kieffer CIS [72027,2532] December 31, 1990 This is a Beta test of a host script that I've been using at home for the past 3 months. I haven't found any problems with it so far, but would like some other people to test it out and let me know if it works for them. The host is pretty staight forward. Read the screen, and menu line at the bottom. It'll tell you just about everything you need to know. You can totally customize the menus any way you like. All the .HST files are related files to the host and can be edited. I would advise NOT to edit the Mail.hst file. It handles all the mail posted. You can delete the mail from inside the script when nobody is logged on. Just select X. The password.hst file contains all the passwords for anyone to get into the system. I've had problems a couple months back with the password section but I think it's all straightened out. Let me also know how the upload/ download features work for you all. Thank you very much!