TWEAK version 2 TWEAK makes it possible to run Windows 3.0 with 800x600 resolution with standard VGA cards, that are fully compatible with IBM cards. Here is procedure that can be used for this: 1. Make sure, that TWEAK is run before Windows is started. There are many ways to do this: you can add line TWEAK to your AUTOEXEC.BAT, or you can run it manually every time. You can also make a batch that first runs TWEAK and then Windows, but this causes TWEAK to be loaded multiple times, if you start Windows more than once. 2. Run TWEAK for this time. 3. Install a Super-VGA 800x600, 16 colour Windows driver. Probably most drivers work, but some may require some tuning. First of all, the card for which the driver is originally meant for, must be register compatible with normal VGA. The driver must also use BIOS for mode switching. The EMUL_MODE constant in TWEAK.ASM must equal the video mode that the card uses for 800x600 mode. The constant is preset to be compatible with the Paradise SVGA driver. The software is also tested with that driver, so it may be best to use it. 4. Optionally patch the Super-VGA driver to use the exact resolution used by TWEAK (800x564). This is done by running PATCH with the name of the driver. E.g: PATCH C:\WIN\SYSTEM\VGA800.DRV PATCH is only tested with Paradise VGA driver. However, it is a generic patch utility to be used for any driver. WARNING: PATCH might not be able to patch the driver correctly. Test the modified driver thoroughly before using it for important work. By default, TWEAK actually only shows 800x564 pixels on screen, since most monitors cannot handle the extremely slow refresh rate that 800x600 causes. If you still want to try 800x600 mode, you can do that by including the commented register values and by commenting out the used values. If you need to change TWEAK.ASM, reassemble it with MASM. I try to make a version of TWEAK, that allows the use of 752x564 mode. Currently the vertical resolution must be 800, and this causes too much flicker on many monitors. Jussi Puttonen (Internet: