7/18/90 This disk contains the following Windows 3.0 drivers for Video Seven VEGA VGA: V748016.DRV - 640 x 480 16 color V754016.DRV - 720 x 540 16 color V760016.DRV - 800 x 600 16 color Follow these instructions for installing the drivers. This example loads the 800 x 600 16-color driver. To install a different resolution, substitute the driver file name of the resolution you wish to install. If you already have Windows 3.0 installed using the VGA driver that is supplied with Windows: 1. Copy the V760016.DRV file from the floppy disk into the \SYSTEM subdirectory under the directory where you have installed Windows 3.0. (e.g. WIN3\SYSTEM\) 2. Using an editor (or the Notepad from within Windows) modify the SYSTEM.INI file as follows: Change the DISPLAY.DRV= entry under the [Boot] section from: DISPLAY.DRV=VGA.DRV to: DISPLAY.DRV=V760016.DRV 3. Check that the following lines appear in the [Boot] section: 386GRABBER=V7VGA.GR3 (386 machines only) and 286GRABBER=VGACOLOR.GR2 Make any modifications as necessary. (If you had installed Windows with the standard VGA driver you need to make these changes. 4. Save the SYSTEM.INI file. Restart Windows from the DOS prompt. You are now in the 800 x 600 resolution. Repeat the above steps to change resolutions at any time. If you do not have Windows 3.0 installed: 1. Install Windows 3.0 changing the "VGA" display option to "OTHER". Place this driver disk in drive A: and . 2. Complete installation following the Microsoft instructions.