WFNPATCH v1.0 (c) Copyright 1991, Costas Kitsos WFN Patch Documentation ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1 Who needs WFNPATCH.EXE? You need WFNPATCH.EXE if you use Corel Draw's font utility WFNBOSS.EXE (Version 2.00 Rev A) to create Adobe Type 1 fonts (PFB) from your Corel Draw Font Outlines (WFN). WFNPATCH.EXE patches WFNBOSS.EXE by incrementing the current Unique ID in WFNBOSS.EXE by 1. What's wrong with WFN conversions to Adobe Type 1? WFNBOSS.EXE uses the same Unique ID number (#4221071) when it creates Adobe Type 1 fonts. As a result, conflicts occur when two or more WFNBOSS.EXE created fonts are downloaded to the PostScript printer. Different PostScript interpreters exhibit different behaviors when they receive two or more fonts with the same Unique ID. Some interpreters replace the previously loaded font with the newer one, while others improperly cache font bitmaps, while others reject both fonts. It's possible that your PostScript printer or imagesetter has no trouble dealing with two or more Type 1 fonts with identical Unique IDs. If that's the only PostScript output device you ever use then you may not need WFNPATCH.EXE. How does WFNPATCH.EXE work? For details on installing WFNPATCH.EXE read Section 2. WFNPATCH.EXE searches the file WFNBOSS.EXE for the Unique ID (currently at three locations in the file). If the Unique ID is found, it's retrieved, incremented by one and the new Unique ID is written to the file at the correct file offset locations. For example, if WFNPATCH.EXE retrieves a Current Unique ID that equals 4221071, it will increment it to 4221072 and write the New Unique ID to WFNBOSS.EXE. Each time you run WFNPATCH.EXE it will increment the Unique ID by 1. A backup of the old version of WFNBOSS.EXE is saved as WFNBOSS.OLD. If the Unique ID is not found, the file remains untouched. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2 Installing WFNPATCH.EXE 1. IMPORTANT! BEFORE RUNNING WFNPATCH.EXE MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF WFNBOSS.EXE. DO NOT NAME YOUR BACKUP WFNBOSS.OLD AS THAT NAME IS RESERVED FOR USE BY WFNPATCH.EXE. I recommend the name: &FNBOSS.EXE. To make a backup of WFNBOSS.EXE use the DOS copy command, e.g. copy c:\corel\wfnboss.exe c:\corel\&fnboss.exe Note: Do not simply rename WFNBOSS.EXE because WFNPATCH.EXE looks for the filename: WFNBOSS.EXE. 2. Copy the file WFNPATCH.EXE to the drive and directory of your choice. I recommend copying it to the same drive and directory where WFNBOSS.EXE is located. This speeds up program operations. This completes DOS installation of WFNPATCH.EXE. 3. Windows 3.0 Installation. a. Start Windows. b. Open the Program Group containing your Corel Apps (Corel Draw, WFN Boss, Corel Trace). c. In Program Manager. Click on File. d. Click on New. e. Click on Program Item. f. Under Description type: WFNPatch Under Command Line type: [drive]:[\path\] WFNPATCH.EXE Substitute [drive] and [\path\] with the appropriate drive and path where the program is located, e.g. C:\COREL\WFNPATCH.EXE g. Click on OK. Windows will install WFNPATCH.EXE (with a DOS icon) in your selected group. This completes Windows installation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 3 As explained earlier, WFNPATCH.EXE needs to be run before you run WFNBOSS.EXE to create Adobe Type 1 fonts. You need to run WFNPATCH.EXE every time before using WFNBOSS.EXE to create Type 1 fonts. WFNPATCH.EXE performs a simple function. It opens WFNBOSS.EXE (after saving a backup copy as WFNBOSS.OLD) and gets the Current Unique ID. If you like DOS esoterica, the Unique ID numbers in WFNBOSS.EXE start at file offsets: 30,174, 30,467 and 30,871. After WFNPATCH.EXE retrieves the Current Unique IDs it increments them by one and "writes" the New Unique ID to WFNBOSS.EXE. For example, if WFNPATCH.EXE finds a Unique ID of 4221071 it will change it to 4221072. The next time you run it, it will find a Unique ID of 4221072 and change it to 4221073. Next time you use WFNBOSS.EXE to create Adobe Type 1 fonts the New Unique ID will be used for the PFB file as well as the AFM file. Using WFN Patch (Windows) 1. It's very easy. Double click on the WFNPATCH icon to start the program. 2. First the program needs to know the location of WFNBOSS.EXE (drive and directory). You'll see the prompt: WFNBOSS.EXE location ---> ? At the prompt type the drive and directory where WFNBOSS.EXE is located. If it resides in drive D: in a subdirectory called \WINDOWS\COREL\, then type: D:\WINDOWS\COREL\ Hit enter. If WFNBOSS.EXE resides in the same drive and subdirectory as WFNPATCH.EXE you don't have to type anything. Just hit enter. 3. That's it! WFNPATCH.EXE patches WFNBOSS.EXE and ends with a message informing you of your New Unique ID. Press any key to exit and run WFNBOSS.EXE to create Adobe Type 1 fonts with your New Unique ID. Using WFN Patch (DOS) It makes sense to run WFNPATCH.EXE from within Windows since you have to run it before each time you use WFNBOSS.EXE to create Adobe Type 1 fonts. But if you feel more comfortable with the DOS environment or you don't like using DOS applications in Windows follow the instructions bellow. 1. Change to the drive and directory containing WFNPATCH.EXE. At the DOS prompt type: WFNPATCH Hit enter. 2. First the program needs to know the location of WFNBOSS.EXE (drive and directory). You'll see the prompt: WFNBOSS.EXE location ---> ? At the prompt type the drive and directory where WFNBOSS.EXE is located. If it resides in drive D: in a subdirectory called \WINDOWS\COREL\, then type: D:\WINDOWS\COREL\ Hit enter. If WFNBOSS.EXE resides in the same drive and subdirectory as WFNPATCH.EXE you don't have to type anything. Just hit enter. 3. That's it! WFNPATCH.EXE patches WFNBOSS.EXE and ends with a message informing you of your New Unique ID. Press any key to exit, start Windows and run WFNBOSS.EXE to create Adobe Type 1 fonts with your New Unique ID. ----------------------------------------------------------------- A Final Note: If you plan to use your WFNBOSS produced fonts in the Windows environment, you must still patch them according to the instructions in "Converting fonts for use with Adobe Type Manager" in WFN2AT.WRI (available in WFN2AT.ZIP in Lib:2 of CompuServe's WINAPB). If you decide to upload WFNPATCH.EXE to a BBS or give it to a colleague of yours that's fine. But - please - always include this text file with it. If you have any questions about using the program you may contact me via CIS mail at: 73667,1755 ----------------------------------------------------------------- WFNPATCH v1.0 (c) Copyright 1991 Costas Kitsos