INFORMIX WINGZ IS FIRST SPREADSHEET TO EXPLOIT WINDOWS 3.0 WINGZ AVAILABLE NOW FOR WINDOWS 3.0 AND OS/2 NEW YORK, NY -- June 18, 1990 -- Informix Software Inc. reinforced Wingz as the leading spreadsheet for graphical desktop environments by announcing Monday its immediate availability for Windows 3.0 and OS/2 Presentation Manager. Wingz is the first graphic spreadsheet to fully exploit Microsoft's recently introduced Windows 3.0 graphical environment. With Wingz for Windows and OS/2 Presentation Manager, PC users can for the first time easily combine text, numbers, 3-D graphs and imported images on one page with one product. "Wingz for Windows 3.0 brings the most sophisticated graphical end-user application to the DOS marketplace," said Phillip E. White, chief executive officer of Informix. "With the availability of Wingz for Windows and OS/2 Presentation Manager, Informix is now strategically positioned to deliver a consistent and user-friendly interface to data across every major desktop platform in the corporate environment." Wingz is the first and only graphic spreadsheet to support every leading graphical desktop environment. In addition to Windows 3.0 and OS/2 Presentation Manager, Wingz is also available for the Apple Macintosh operating system and A/UX, Open Look for Sun, and NextStep for the NeXT Computer. Wingz is also scheduled to be available for the Motif graphic interface for UNIX-based workstations later this year. "Wingz for Windows 3.0 and OS/2 Presentation Manager gives PC users the same award-winning graphic capabilities, flexibility and power that Wingz has offered Macintosh users for more than a year," said Douglas Edwards, executive director of software marketing for Informix. "With Wingz' multiplatform availability and portability, corporate users can now easily share information and applications across every graphical platform in their organization." "Microsoft is pleased to see Informix's commitment and support of standard graphical environments with the simultaneous release of Wingz for both Windows 3.0 and OS/2," said Steve Ballmer, senior vice president of systems software for Microsoft. "Wingz fully exploits Microsoft's graphical environments by making use of features such as Dynamic Data Exchange, Extended Attributes and long file names, and by adhering to standard user interface guidelines." Informix also announced today that it is offering Wingz for Windows and OS/2 in a single package. The Wingz PC Bonus Pack includes both the Windows 3.0 and Presentation Manager versions of Wingz for the price of the Windows version alone. The pack contains both sets of disks, Wingz PC documentation, and Windows and OS/2 installation instructions. The Wingz PC Bonus Pack will be available worldwide through leading distributors including North American distributors Ingram/Micro D and Softsel/Microamerica. "The Wingz PC Bonus Pack frees PC users to choose which operating system they want to use, without locking them in to either DOS or OS/2," said Edwards. "Through the strategic bundling of Wingz for Windows and Presentation Manager, Informix makes it easy for users to take advantage of Wingz' user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities regardless of which operating environment they select." Wingz is the largest and most versatile graphic spreadsheet for desktop platforms. Wingz features advanced charting with 3-D graphics, desktop presentation capabilities and the HyperScript application development language. HyperScript is a graphical language developed specifically for end-user programming. HyperScript is more powerful and flexible than typical spreadsheet macros, giving users complete control over every aspect of their graphical interface. With Informix's recently introduced Wingz-DataLink technology, PC users will be able to access or update information in any local or remote Informix SQL database through the graphical environment of Wingz. Data can be retrieved directly into a Wingz worksheet or into a customized Executive Information System created with HyperScript. Wingz for Windows 3.0 and Presentation Manager supports dynamic data exchange, a built-in data transfer facility. DDE enables data to be shared automatically between Wingz and other applications supporting DDE. With DDE, for example, a Wingz graph pasted into a word processing document would be automatically updated anytime the corresponding data in Wingz is changed. Through DDE, Wingz can automatically update text, cells, cell blocks, object names and graphic images. Wingz version 1.1 for Windows 3.0 and OS/2 Presentation Manager is file compatible with version 1.1 of Wingz for the Macintosh and for NextStep, and will be file compatible with future 1.1 versions of Wingz on other graphical platforms. Over the coming months, the PC versions of Wingz will be translated into French, German and other languages. The Wingz PC Bonus Pack has a suggested retail price of $499. CONTACT: Informix Software Inc. Corrine Smith, 913/599-7330 Rosanne Siino, 415/926-6471 (Menlo Park)