Windows RIP Handler, version 1.22 ================================= The RIP handler is a utility that intercepts FatalExit messages generated by the debugging version of Windows and displays them on a debugging screen. This is the same thing as OX.SYS will do for you. The difference is that this utility will also allow you to answer the "Abort, Break or Ignore?" question in protected mode. This cannot ox.sys currently do. This will probably save you some time avoiding a reboot and also the possibility to ignore more or less harmless errors. The utility does not limit itself to FatalExits, it will intercept every OutputDebugString issued by any application. This utility will only work in protected mode, so you definitely still need ox.sys for real mode stuff. In addition to displaying the FatalExits the utility will also try to replace the exit code with a readable text string. So instead of seeing "FatalExit code = 0x0007" you will see "FatalExit code = Window handle not valid." which is somewhat nicer. The utility will work in three different hardware configurations: 1) Graphics card+Mono 2) 8514/a+VGA (Currently limited to 25 lines) 3) Graphics card only In the third alternative the FatalExits are redirected to the same display as where Windows run. The second alternative is probably not limited to the 8514/a but will work with any card that can coexist with a VGA. I haven't tested anything else though. The selection of the setup is done by renaming the executable to the following names: 1) MDA.EXE 2) VGA.EXE 3) SCREEN.EXE Everything else will default to the Monochrome card. The easiest way of installing this is to specify "load=mda" in WIN.INI. It will display a logo string upon installation. Note that it will not check if you have the appropriate hardware, so you have every chance of making it fail. All the usual disclaimers about functionality but it has been used successfully for some time now. (Tested mostly on Compaqs and a few PS/2s). Enjoy! Anders Thun BIX: athun CIS: 72331,2560