Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
387_MATH.ZIP | No | 24147 | 04-29-90 | 80387 Math Coprossesser Emulator fools Autocad 10 |
ACADC1.ZIP | Yes | 26968 | 03-28-91 | Readme.DOCs for Autocad 11 |
ACADMNU.ZIP | Yes | 25189 | 03-13-89 | A program for the cad |
ACADSAVE.ZIP | Yes | 2248 | 04-03-87 | Auto-file save + menu for autocad. |
ACADUT1.ZIP | Yes | 15261 | 07-12-87 | Collection of autocad utilities |
ACDCHORD.ZIP | Yes | 13375 | 01-05-91 | AutoCAD ADI mouse chord translater. Use chords whith your mouse and AutoCAD. Requires MOUSE.COM + 512 bytes. MASM source. |
ADIDRV.ZIP | Yes | 132631 | 02-28-91 | DOS real mode ADI 4.0 driver for Autocad. |
ADIKIT.ZIP | Yes | 136202 | 12-01-86 | River development kit for autocadd |
ADRIVERS.ZIP | Yes | 78273 | 03-13-90 | Collection of ADI drivers for Autocadd/Autosketch |
AMATE128.ZIP | Yes | 156652 | 03-02-91 | Auto-Mate v1.28 - AutoCAD DWG file front end selection/management program |
ARCTEX.ZIP | Yes | 1433 | 02-23-91 | ACAD .LSP to put text on an arc |
AUTODESK.ZIP | Yes | 23115 | 09-02-87 | Sp macro files for autocad v2.6 |
A_6E.ZIP | Yes | 4456 | 03-31-91 | An Autocad DWG of a side view drawing of a Navy A-6 Intruder jet |
BLOCKCAP.ZIP | Yes | 19176 | 01-22-89 | Rawing of blockcap font for generic cad |
CABINE.ZIP | Yes | 10552 | 01-16-90 | Acad draw 2D cabinet faces via autolisp |
CAD3DDOC.ZIP | Yes | 36887 | 11-21-86 | An cad 3d manual |
CADDINL.ZIP | Yes | 8269 | 03-12-91 | Article for AutoCad NL, Caddies LTD |
CADEMO.ZIP | Yes | 214370 | 06-07-89 | A cellular automata demonstration. Celluluar Automata are visible computations which take |
CHEAPCAD.ZIP | Yes | 21425 | 05-02-86 | Scaled-down but functional CAD package |
CHEMIC.ZIP | Yes | 155399 | 10-09-87 | 3d molecular modeling program |
CHKCOP22.ZIP | Yes | 10539 | 03-02-91 | Intel's Check Coprocessor Utility v2.2 |
CLOCK4MC.ZIP | Yes | 18757 | 01-20-91 | MICRO CADAM - Digital graphic clock for use with MC products. TSR clock that might work with other CAD or graphics programs, too. > |
COOPLAWS.ZIP | Yes | 1554 | 04-29-91 | Cooper's 13 Laws of CAD Systems - humor(?) |
COPYRO.ZIP | Yes | 1829 | 11-26-89 | ACAD copy/rotate utility |
CORSAIR2.ZIP | Yes | 34842 | 02-23-91 | An autoCAD side-view drawing of a US Navy LTV A-7E |
CRVPLOT.ZIP | Yes | 171031 | 01-28-91 | An excellent plotting program for engineers, students, etc. Superb documentation. |
CTEXT.ZIP | Yes | 1484 | 02-23-91 | ACAD .LSP to print curved text around radius |
CURVE1.ZIP | Yes | 184837 | 09-29-88 | Shareware CAD program. First of two files. |
CVTSCALE.ZIP | Yes | 1232 | 03-15-91 | Convert dimensions to scale model |
DB2UTIL.ZIP | Yes | 129619 | 03-20-89 | dBase II utility |
DB4TUT.ZIP | Yes | 118111 | 02-19-90 | The BEST dBase IV tutor abailable. Excellent interaction. |
DBGRAF.ZIP | Yes | 3369 | 01-21-91 | Graphics generator for dBase II |
DC151.ZIP | Yes | 222078 | 02-13-91 | Draft Choice, V1.51 Trius Inc., |
DEEPDRAN.ZIP | Yes | 5621 | 02-08-89 | How to completely drain laptop NiCad batts. |
DESIGN3D.ZIP | Yes | 161346 | 07-10-89 | A design program for dBase II |
DOOR.ZIP | Yes | 2462 | 03-06-90 | ACAD draw a door for walls at any angle |
G2P55.ZIP | Yes | 105363 | 02-26-91 | The Guide.2.Pascal - norton guides database for Turbo Pascal v5.5 Nortone Guides required |
GENCAD_1.ZIP | Yes | 172273 | 08-24-89 | Generic Cad Disk 2 of 3 |
GENCAD_2.ZIP | Yes | 113587 | 07-12-89 | Generic Cad disk 3 of 3 |
GENCAD_3.ZIP | Yes | 94679 | 08-21-89 | Generic Cad program disk 1 of 3 |
GENERIC.ZIP | Yes | 10141 | 10-10-86 | Lect. schem. symbols for generic cadd |
HPSRT08.ZIP | Yes | 113810 | 03-31-91 | HPGL Pen Motion Optimizer and File Densifier This is the initial release by author |
IMSI.ZIP | Yes | 126404 | 02-04-86 | Demo for imsi cad program |
LCAD35.ZIP | Yes | 96436 | 02-14-91 | LaunchCad v3.5 alternative interface for ACAD |
LISSA091.ZIP | Yes | 2584 | 03-04-91 | Lissajous figures for dc3, replaces; requires designcad 3d |
LOKDWG.ZIP | Yes | 9081 | 01-02-91 | Lock an ACAD dwg file (can not be changed) |
MENUMKR1.ZIP | Yes | 183996 | 02-08-89 | Part 2 of AutoCad menu makeing program |
MENUMKR2.ZIP | Yes | 158217 | 02-07-89 | Part 2 of AutoCad menu makeing program |
NCC1701.ZIP | Yes | 30821 | 11-03-89 | Drawing file for AutoCadd or Generic Cadd Starship enterprise from old Star Trek |
NEWFONTS.ZIP | Yes | 2896 | 05-12-87 | Copy a generic cadd font table |
ORCAD.ZIP | Yes | 165965 | 03-14-88 | Digital design simulation demo prog. |
PANELS.ZIP | Yes | 15691 | 01-16-90 | Acad draw HOFFMAN enclosures with autolisp |
PCDCAD.ZIP | Yes | 195919 | 01-27-89 | C-draft shareware cad looks good |
PCDDOC.ZIP | Yes | 37323 | 01-19-89 | C-draft documentation |
PCDRAF30.ZIP | Yes | 90278 | 10-24-87 | Hareware cad drawing pgm. release 3.0 |
PCD_CAD.ZIP | Yes | 224523 | 06-11-89 | C-draft-cad cad system v.20 |
PCKYDRW1.ZIP | Yes | 132561 | 09-18-89 | C key-draw - cad prg - program disk |
PCKYDRW2.ZIP | Yes | 104637 | 11-08-89 | C key-draw - cad prg - tutorial |
PCKYDRW3.ZIP | Yes | 196942 | 10-18-88 | C key-draw - pc key draw supplement |
PCONFRE2.ZIP | Yes | 162618 | 03-11-91 | Updated AutoCad 10 menu system |
PCRE0788.ZIP | Yes | 60249 | 07-26-88 | C resource mag- july 1988 programs |
PCRE0888.ZIP | Yes | 6909 | 07-13-88 | C resource magazine - august 1988 progs |
PC_DRAFT.ZIP | Yes | 55491 | 08-01-86 | Hareware drawing cad program |
PD2DEMO.ZIP | Yes | 162945 | 11-29-87 | Rodesign ii demonstration program. |
PERFECT.ZIP | Yes | 84464 | 12-10-87 | Ad pgm to design hi-fi speaker systems |
PHANTOM.ZIP | Yes | 10084 | 09-01-87 | Eneric cadd drawing of a fighter jet |
PLOTSURF.ZIP | Yes | 89667 | 04-09-89 | Lot functions in 3d (ega required) |
PRNTGL16.ZIP | Yes | 92678 | 02-08-91 | Print HP-GL plotter files from AutoCad, SAS, etc., on most dot-matrix & laser prntrs with excellent resolution. v1.16; 2/01/91. |
PRODUCT.ZIP | Yes | 83221 | 12-01-86 | Utocad productivity |
PSPIC1.ZIP | Yes | 115269 | 08-15-86 | Pice electronic circuit design 1 of 3 |
PSPIC2.ZIP | Yes | 151000 | 12-30-86 | Pice circuit design program 2 of 3 |
PSPIC3.ZIP | Yes | 62988 | 09-04-86 | Pice electronic circuit design 3 of 3 |
PSPICE1.ZIP | Yes | 115269 | 08-15-86 | Atered down version of spice ee cad . |
PSPICE2.ZIP | Yes | 151000 | 12-30-86 | Electrical eng. cad 2 of 3 . |
PSPICE3.ZIP | Yes | 62988 | 09-04-86 | Cad program 3 of 3 |
PULDWG13.ZIP | Yes | 42041 | 02-13-89 | Pulldown menus for AutoCAD ACAD shell ver1.3 |
REMEXTRA.LSP | No | 1664 | 04-26-91 | AutoCad utility (AutoLisp) removes not only redundant lines, but also those underlying lines that are colinear, reguardless of endpoints and length, as long |
RUNACAD.ZIP | Yes | 33922 | 10-06-86 | Run autocad 2.5 without hardware protect |
SCANLSP2.ZIP | Yes | 2415 | 11-07-89 | ACAD-LISP file manager |
SCREWIT.ZIP | Yes | 161893 | 03-12-91 | Autocad library of screws. Socket heads-free! Cadd Excellence offer of all types for insertion into your drawings. |
SELDWG.ZIP | Yes | 5960 | 10-21-88 | Select and load autocad dwg from menu |
SHARELIB.ZIP | Yes | 10185 | 07-04-87 | St shareware autocad library |
STEELX.ZIP | Yes | 14626 | 07-22-88 | Raws & lables struct shps in autocad |
STRCT.ZIP | Yes | 20171 | 03-08-91 | Drawings in generic cadd format of house |
TECHINFO.ZIP | Yes | 23814 | 03-03-91 | Intel Math Coprocessor Technical Information |
VGACAD16.ZIP | Yes | 275888 | 05-08-89 | Newest vgacad |
VPACAD2.ZIP | Yes | 30478 | 12-06-89 | AutoCAD driver for Everex Viewpoint 16-bit VGA 16 and 256 color modes |
WESTELEV.ZIP | Yes | 5069 | 02-07-88 | Generic cadd drawing of a house. |
XPLOT.ZIP | Yes | 19803 | 11-13-87 | Cad independent plotting system |