6 eXecute hP41e Save Erase Rename Chdir mKdir rmDir Tree Abort Help eXecute a BUTTON hP41e, compute/program with THE FORTYONE - an HP41CV emulator Erase an existing BUTTON Rename an existing BUTTON to another name Save to disk a new program you have written Change the default disk or DOS path name for BUTTONS Abort out of BUTTONS, return to DOS Help, determine at which help level information is displayed mKdir, create a new sub-directory rmDir, remove a sub-directory Tree, show the directory paths on a disk Fkeys: 1HELP 2OFF 3SHIFT 4CHS 5USER 6EEX 7PRGM 8SST 9ALPHA 10R/S Fkeys: 1HELP 2OFF 4CHS 5Printer on/off 6EEX Busy looking at the disk, please wait Name of data file is? Press [SPACE] to continue Move the mouse to the FUNction desired [CLICK] a button Press the [KEY] corresponding to the FUNction desired Enter data, press keys shown in [ ], up/dn arrow for more text 8087 Co-processor is required for operation Syntax error, press any key to continue New directory path or disk name? was not found because is current path name name of BUTTON to Rename? name of new BUTTON? cannot be Renamed because has been Renamed name of BUTTON to Erase? cannot be found because has been Erased name of the new directory is? Press [F1] to restore prompts BUTTONS terminated BUTTON to eXecute? Directory to remove (delete) is? The BUTTON specified cannot be eXecuted New BUTTON name is? Use keyboard [KEY] corresponding to FUNction desired Move mouse to [KEY] and [CLICK] to eXecute BUTTON is already defined, please Erase or Rename before reuse UpArrow, DownArrow, [PgUp], [PgDn] for more - [Esc] to continue end of file invalid FUNction number the BUTTON was not found the path was not found DOS cannot process any more programs access denied to the BUTTON or directory invalid handle memory control blocks destroyed there is not enough memory invalid memory block address invalid environment invalid format invalid access code invalid data an invalid drive was specified you attempted to remove the current directory the disks are not the same there are no more files the disk is full file not open Do you want to make it like an existing program? (Y/N) name of BUTTON to Save? Help level wanted, 0,1,2 or 3,4 is The volume label is The disk drive to see directories is? \ 32 184 tm Welcome to BUTTONS BUTTONS looks like and acts like the very sophisticated HP41CV programmable hand-held computer but runs on the PC with all the PC's advantages of speed, storage and screen display. By reading this text, you should be able to learn and use BUTTONS. To get HELP, press [F1] anytime. While looking at the help text, you can scroll the help text with the [up arrow] and [down arrow] keys. [PgUp] and [PgDn] page the help a screen at a time. [Esc] finishes showing you the help text and returns to where you were before asking for help. BUTTONS overview BUTTONS is organized in two levels, corresponding to two types of work -- sYstem or eXecution The sYstem command level is at the top. Here you are working with DOS, the sYstem, all your BUTTONS, and all directories. BUTTONs or directories are collectively referred to as NAMEs. Active NAMEs are listed in a window on the left of the screen. The NAMEs listed in the window on the left of the screen are only those in the current disk or path. The second level is the eXecution level. Here you are working with one specific BUTTON or with base functions. If eXecuting a BUTTON, you will be prompted for the information needed by the BUTTON. If you are using the High Performance HP41CV Emulator THE FORTYONE, use the keyboard to interact with programs or eXecute base functions. When you are on the command line and the cursor is positioned on a command, a command description is displayed on the prompt line underneath the command line. To select and view descriptions of the commands, position the cursor on the command line by pressing the following keys: [tab], [backtab] (shifted tab), [<--], [SPACE] (space bar), [left arrow], [right arrow], or [Home]. If you have a Microsoft mouse, you can move the mouse across the command line and select a command by "clicking" either mouse button [CLICK]. This selects a command just like you had entered the command letter. The active command will be highlighted and the active letter to select the command is capitalized. Pressing [Enter] will select the highlighted command. Keying any active letter will select that command, no matter which command is highlighted. All these selection methods are easy to learn, but with experience, entering the command letter will be the easiest and fastest to use. If there is a list of NAMEs in the window on the left of the screen, pressing down/up arrow moves you into the list of NAMEs. Then use the up and down arrow keys, or move the mouse up or down, to move through the NAMEs. If there is more than a window full of NAMEsw, the NAMEs will scroll once the cursor reaches the top or bottom of the list. Once you have positioned the cursor next to a NAME, any command will execute that NAME without having to key the NAME in. You may type any NAME from the keyboard if you are on the command line. When in the window, the capitalized command letters are still active and are selected and executed as described above. Return to the command line by keying [Ctrl Home]. Initially, a detailed description of each command and prompt is displayed for you. You can use the Help command to limit these explanations once you are familiar with the commands and prompts. If the explanation for any command or prompt is longer than one screen, press [F1] to see the rest of the HELP text. After a command is selected. BUTTONS executes the command. Command execution may require additional information. If so, BUTTONS will display a prompt message, asking for information. Initially, a detailed explanation is displayed with the prompt. If the detailed explanation is not displayed or it is more than one screen long, [F1] will show you all the explanation. When you are finished looking at the HELP information, [Esc] returns you to the command level. If prompted for information, and you decide not to finish the command, [Esc] gets you out of the command and returns you to where you started. If, in processing the response to a prompt, BUTTONS cannot eXecute that response, BUTTONS displays a one-line message as to the general reason it could not process your response. [F1] will display a detailed explanation as to why BUTTONS could not process your response. After returning to the command line with [Esc], pressing F1 will display HELP on the command. If you press [F1] again, you will get back to this text. To re-display HELP on a command after getting [F1] HELP on it, press [Ctrl F1]. For HELP on your last error message, press [Alt F1]. If you have a Microsoft mouse and want to use it, you should load the mouse software before entering BUTTONS. You can do this by entering MOUSE when at the DOS A> prompt, (with the Microsoft MOUSE disk in drive A), putting MOUSE on a line of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or putting DEVICE=MOUSE.SYS on a line of your CONFIG.SYS file (if you have either one of these). The Microsoft mouse manual explains these terms in more detail. Also see your DOS manual. BUTTONS was designed to allow the use of the Microsoft mouse at the sYstems level but functions perfectly well without one. BUTTONS is easily used with a hard disk PC. We recommend that while in DOS you follow a sequence of commands similar to those below if you have one set of BUTTONS. First, place the BUTTONs diskette in drive A:. Then: C>MD \BUTTONS C>CD \BUTTONS C>COPY A:*.* C>G If you have more than one set of buttons, there are at least two ways to proceed. If you do not mind a long list of button names, follow the instructions above for the first diskette. Then for each new diskette do: C>COPY A:*.B* Otherwise, you can make a new sub-directory under the \BUTTONS directory for the BUTTONS on each diskette. With this technique, you would place the *.COM and *.TXT files in the \BUTTONS directory and the *.B* files from each diskette in each sub- directory under \BUTTONS. When in BUTTONS, use the Chdir command to select which set of BUTTONS you want. PRECISION of RESULTS and SPEED. If you have used the Hewlett- Packard HP41CV hand-held computers, you know they have 10 digits of accuracy and an exponent range of ρ99. When you go to the main menu, you will see on the right side of the display either "8087 BUTTONS", "6 Digit BUTTONS" or "9 Digit BUTTONS." "8087 BUTTONS" REQUIRES the 8087 or 80287 co-processor for computations and will give you a message if you don't have one installed. Internally, it has 18 digits of accuracy and is much faster. "6 Digit BUTTONS" uses software routines to compute its results and is accurate to only six decimal digits of accuracy and an exponent range of ρ38 as well as being much slower than the 8087. For most of the BUTTONS and much of your work, the six digits and the speed are enough. But if your answers are not accurate enough or take too much time, you need to upgrade to "8087 BUTTONS" and install the 8087/80287 co-processor in your machine. "9 Digit BUTTONS" uses software routines that have more accuracy but execute more slowly than 6 Digit BUTTONS to achieve 9+ digits of accuracy. Use this version if you need the additional accuracy and do not mind the slower execution speed. Now for a friendly word about your legal obligations in using BUTTONS. We at Straightforward are attempting to furnish you with high quality, easy-to-use functions at a reasonable price. You may make backup or archival copies of BUTTONS, but you can not give other people a copy of BUTTONS unless they also have purchased that copy of BUTTONS. If you are using this program and have not purchased it, dial (800) 553-3332 [in California the number is (800) 237-9680] and order your very own copy. That way, you are legal and we can develop more functions! BUTTONS and "FUNdamental FUNctions" are trademarks of Straightforward. \ 35 21 eXecute a BUTTON The eXecute command will run or process a BUTTON. A list of the BUTTONS that are on the current disk or directory is displayed in the window at the left. Menu selection: Use the up/down arrows or the mouse to position the cursor next to the BUTTON you want to eXecute. If eXecute is highlighted on the command bar, [Enter] or [CLICK]. BUTTONS will eXecute that program. If eXecute is not highlighted, type X. Command driven: Make sure you are on the command bar and select eXecute. You will be prompted to type in the BUTTON you want. The BUTTON may appear in the NAME list or may be on any disk or in any directory. Type X NAME [Enter]. eXecute transfers to the BUTTONS level. \ 110 10 BUTTON to eXecute is? You are being prompted to enter the name of a BUTTON to eXecute. Enter a NAME, making sure that the NAME is valid. A NAME list of current BUTTONS or programs is displayed in the window at the left. If you got here by mistake or do not want to continue, [Esc] returns to the command level. \ 132 22 the NAME was not found BUTTONS attempted to locate a NAME, but DOS says it cannot find the NAME where it was told to look. What can you do? First, look at the list of NAMEs at the left. Use this list to make sure of the spelling and re-enter the command and NAME. Better yet, use the up/down arrow keys to position the cursor by the NAME you want. Maybe the NAME is on another disk or in another "path" or sub- directory. You can try different sub-directories with the Chdir command and look at the NAMEs in the sub-directories. Use the Tree command to see all the sub-directories on the disk and use the Chdir command to look at each sub-directory. If you still cannot find the NAME, Abort out of BUTTONS and use the DOS command TREE/F or TREE d:/F (d is a disk drive letter) to get a listing of all file names and look for NAME there. \ 36 45 hP41e, compute and program with the BUTTONS HP41E. This command allows you to use BUTTONS as an extended HP41CV programmable calculator. This version of the BUTTONS HP41E supports all Hewlett-Packard HP41CV functionality. We recommend that you have available a HP41CV owner's handbook to explain all the functions available. Basically, you will have a menu bar that explains the use of the PC function keys. These correspond roughly to the various HP41CV shift keys. Then you will have another menu that shows the calculator or base functions available and which keyboard key to press to get that function. The menu will change with each shift [F3], alpha [F9], and prgm [F7] key. To access functions that are not on the keyboard, you use X (XEQ) [F9] (ALPHA) name [F9] (ALPHA) just like you do on the HP41. The display shows not only the main numeric display but also the YZT and L registers. Numbers, exponents, negative numbers, alpha strings and program steps are entered as they are on the HP41CV. [SPACE] is the HP41CV Enter key and [Enter] and [F10] are the HP41CV R/S key. Thus you can enter programs, modify and execute them just like on the HP41CV. The calculator has the ability to Save your programming, and you can load them back in at any time with the eXecute command. Use the Save command and enter a file name in response to the prompt. BUTTONS adds an extent of .BTF or .BTS for you ( F for 8087, S for 6 digit BUTTONS.) You can also create programs with a text editor and compile them with the same eXecute command you use to execute BUTTONS. The text file should have an extent of .BTN. If you want to see a list of .BTN files, key in ! while on the command bar. Key in ! again to switch back to the regular BUTTON list. Programs created this way still execute using the calculator interface. If you want to directly enter the calculator, bypassing the sYstem level, enter G P [Enter] at the DOS prompt. Straightforward is interested in receiving your programming contributions. If they are sufficiently interesting, we will include them in our catalog. \ 37 39 Erase an existing BUTTON The Erase command allows you to Erase an existing BUTTON that you no longer require. Menu select: Use the up/down arrows or the mouse to position the cursor next to the NAME you want to Erase. If Erase is highlighted on the command bar, [Enter] or [CLICK]. BUTTONS will Erase that program. If Erase is not highlighted, type E. Command driven: Make sure you are on the command bar and select Erase. You will be prompted to type in a NAME. The NAME may appear in the NAME list or may be on any disk or in any directory. Type E, the name of the BUTTON, and [Enter]. BUTTONS will Erase the NAME you select. Beware, though. Once you Erase a NAME, it is gone forever! A technical note for interested users. BUTTONS tells DOS to place the Erased BUTTON in a special sub-directory called the TRASHCAN. Thus the program is not really Erased until you Abort out of BUTTONS or until you use the Chdir command. Then BUTTONS will Erase the programs and get rid of the TRASHCAN sub-directory. If you mistakenly Erase a program, you can get it back before the time you exit BUTTONS or use the Chdir command. Here is how you do it. Let's say you Erased program UHOH and want to recover it. Select the Rename command R. When BUTTONS asks for the NAME of the program to Rename, key in \TRASHCAN\UHOH and when asked for the NAME of the new program, key in UHOH ...that's all there is to it. \ 104 12 BUTTON to Erase? Enter a BUTTON NAME, making sure that NAME is the NAME of a valid BUTTON. A list of the current NAMEs is displayed in the window at the left. And be sure you really want to Erase this program, because once you do, and Abort (exit) from BUTTONS, it is gone forever. If you got here by mistake or don't want to continue, [Esc] returns to the sYstem command level. \ 38 20 Rename an existing BUTTON This command allows you to Rename an existing BUTTON to another NAME or to move a NAME from one directory to another directory on the same disk. Menu select: Use the up/down arrows or the mouse to position the cursor next to the NAME you want to Rename. If Rename is highlighted on the command bar, [Enter] or [CLICK]. BUTTONS will Rename that program. If Rename is not highlighted, type R. Command driven: Make sure you are on the command bar and select Rename. You will be prompted to type in a NAME. The NAME may appear in the NAME list or may be on any disk or in any directory. Type R NAME [Enter]. Then you will be prompted to enter the new NAME. \ 100 11 BUTTON to Rename? Enter the NAME of the existing BUTTON. You will be prompted for the new NAME. A list of current NAMEs is displayed in the window at the left. If you got here by mistake or don't want to continue, [Esc] returns to the sYstem command level. \ 101 15 NAME of Renamed BUTTON? You are being prompted for the new NAME for a BUTTON. Enter a new NAME or a different sub-directory and NAME for the BUTTON. Make sure that the NAME has not already been used. A list of the current NAMEs is displayed in the window. The NAME you enter should obey the rules DOS has for naming files. It should be between 1 and 8 letters long and be composed of letters and/or numbers. BUTTONS will add a special extension to the NAME if you do not provide an extent. If you got here by mistake or don't want to continue, [Esc] returns to the sYstem command level. \ 39 9 Save a BUTTON If you have been programming with THE FORTYONE and want to Save your program, Save will write your program to disk so that you may easily load it the next time you need it. Select Save on the command bar. [Enter] or [CLICK] or type S NAME [Enter]. \ 152 15 NAME of program to Save is? You are being prompted for the NAME of a program to Save. Enter a program NAME, making sure that the NAME is valid. The NAME you enter should obey the rules DOS has for naming files. It should be between 1 and 8 letters long and be composed of letters and/or numbers. BUTTONS will add a special extension to the NAME if you do not provide an extent. A NAME list of the programs in the current directory is displayed in the window on the left. Type in NAME [Enter]. If you got here by mistake or don't want to continue, [Esc] returns to the sYstem command level. \ 40 61 Chdir... Change to a new disk or DOS path name Use this command to change the "default" disk. The "default" disk is where DOS looks when you didn't specify a disk when you typed in a program NAME. The format of a disk name is a letter followed by a colon,ie A: Or use this command to change the default directory on a disk. DOS 2.xx and above allow you to divide any disk into many named "paths" or "sub-directories" with each "path" acting as a little disk. Refer to your DOS manual for more details. The NAMEs, in the "current" path on the current disk are usually displayed in the window at the left of the screen. Right now, you see all the directories or paths on the disk. If you have NAMEs in other paths, use this command to specify the new "path" name. If the path names are too long to see in the window view them with the Tree command When using the eXecute, Save, Erase and Rename commands, the BUTTONS or program NAME can be prefixed with any "path" name, just as in DOS. You can change both the disk name and specify a path on the new disk at the same time by entering d:PATH where d: is the disk and PATH is the path on the disk. Menu select: Use the up/down arrows or the mouse to position the cursor next to the path you want. If Chdir is highlighted on the command bar [Enter] or [CLICK]. BUTTONS will select that path. If Chdir is not highlighted, type C. Command driven: Make sure you are on the command bar and select Chdir. You will be prompted to type in a disk letter or path name. The path may appear in the list on the left or may be on any disk. Type C d: or path [Enter]. Technical notes for interested users. If you have a diskette based system, you normally do not use sub-directories and can skip this section. When BUTTONS starts, it looks for a file called BUTTONS.DIR. This file keeps the list of directories on your disk. If BUTTONS.DIR is not found, BUTTONS makes a list of the sub- directories in the current (BUTTONS) directory and writes them into the BUTTONS.DIR file. You will see a message while this is happening. If you want to see all the directories on your disk, use the Chdir command and specify C:\. If you have a big hard disk or many files and sub-directories, this can take the better part of a minute, so be patient. If you want a new directory list, use the mKdir or rmDir command, or erase \BUTTONS.DIR before starting BUTTONS. \ 97 31 New sub-directory or disk name? Enter disk or sub-directory name -- e.g. A: or \BUTTONS or A:\BUTTONS The Chdir command allows you to change the disk or sub-directory that is used to locate BUTTONS. DOS 2.xx and above allow you to divide the disk into many named sub-directories with each sub-directory acting like a small disk. See your DOS manual. A list of the sub-directories on the current disk is shown in the narrow window to the left. If you position the cursor on the directory name you want before [Enter] or [CLICK] or typing C BUTTONS will change to the new directory name automatically. If you have NAMEs in other than this sub-directory, use this command to specify the new sub-directory. You can also use this Chdir command to change the default disk, especially if you are working on an all diskette system. Just enter A:, B:, C: for the disk you want. You can change both the disk and the path at the same time by entering d:path where 'd' is the disk drive letter and 'path' is the DOS sub-directory -- e.g. C:\BUTTONS If you got here by mistake or don't want to continue, [Esc] returns to the sYstems command level. \ 135 41 access denied to the BUTTON or sub-directory BUTTONS tried to access a NAME and was told by DOS that access was denied. There are five possible reasons for this message. If you are eXecuting a NAME and there is no help text file that BUTTONS can find, and you do not have THE FORTYONE interface, then you can't eXecute the program since BUTTONS would not have any way to prompt you. The help text file is a file with the same name as the button with an extent of .BTX. Look on your BUTTONS diskette for a file with this name and copy it along with your BUTTON file. Otherwise, you can order THE FORTYONE by calling (800) 553-3332 [in California the number is (800) 237-9680.] Also in the case of a NAME, this can be is because someone who created a NAME has changed its access priviledge so that it cannot be accessed. The best way to proceed is to get the person who created the NAME to give you a copy that can be accessed. You can also get this message if you attempt to Rename using an existing NAME as the desired new name. In the case of a directory name, if you are trying to rmDir the directory, and there are NAMEs, files or directories included the directory you will get this message. Rename or Erase all of the NAMEs or files in the directory. Use the Chdir command to see if there are any NAMES. rmDir all the sub-directories in the directory (possibly chaining down even more.) Use the Tree command to see if there are any sub-directories. Finally, if you used the mKdir command, the new directory name already exists. DOS will not allow this. \ 42 9 Abort BUTTONS When you have finished with BUTTONS, return to DOS by using the Abort command. Select Abort on the command line [Enter] or [CLICK] or type A Once back in DOS, you can re-enter BUTTONS by retyping its name, just as you did to get in the first time. \ 43 30 Help, determine how much help the system gives you In the beginning, you will probably want to get as much information about each command and prompt as possible. This way, you learn how BUTTONS works and what each prompt will do for you. BUTTONS is normally set up to give you all the assistance it can until you become comfortable working with BUTTONS and don't need as much assistance. Using the Help command and specifying a help level of 1,you will get rid of the detail explanations for each prompt, but will still have the 1 line command explanations. If you need any explanation for a prompt, you can get it by pressing [F1]. Command explanations take a small amount of time to display Turning them off allows you to do some operations more quickly. To turn off command explanations, use this command with a value of 0. The messages will be replaced with a prompt asking you to press [F1] to get the messages back. If you are in the minimum help mode with prompts turned off, you can get the prompts turned back on by pressing [F1]. Pressing [F1] a second time will give you this "HELP" again. If you don't want the "welcome" message to appear when you enter BUTTONS, use the H command with a value of 3. A value of 4 brings the welcome message back. \ 157 17 Determine how much HELP information gets displayed Set Help level: 0 - Display no explanations. KEY [F1] to get to the state of #1 or use this command. 1 - Display the one line command explanations. KEY [F1] to get the detailed explanations for each prompt. 2 - Display the HELP text that goes with each prompt plus the one line command explanations. 3 - Take away the "greeting" message the next time you use BUTTONS. 4 - Show the "greeting" message the next time you use BUTTONS. If you got here by mistake or don't want to continue, [Esc] returns to the sYstem command level. \ 44 43 mKdir, create a new sub-directory DOS allows you to divide a disk into many smaller areas called sub-directories. Each sub-directory is like a small disk and is a convenient way to place different pieces of information that relate together. That way, when you look at a directory display, you see a small number of names rather than a big, long list. A way of visualizing directories is by thinking of the disk as a file cabinet. If you make directories at this level, it is like you are naming file drawers in the file cabinet. Within each file drawer, you can name directories that are like file folders. You could even name directories within each file folder which would be like file folders within file folders. The disk is organized hierarchically like a tree. It starts at the trunk, which can have files or directories. Each directory is like a branch from the trunk. Within each directory, you can have files and/or more directories, being limited by disk space or the ability to understand and manage all the branches in the tree. The more directories you have, the fewer number of files you may have in any directory. However, it will be harder to remember which directory has the file. If you have few directories, you may have lots of files in any directory. A list of the directories in the current disk is displayed in the narrow window at the left. See the directory structure of a disk by using the Tree command. Menu select: Use the up/down arrows or the mouse to position the cursor next to the path you want to add a sub-directory to. If mKdir is highlighted on the command bar [Enter] or [CLICK]. BUTTONS will select that path and let you key in the sub-directory name. If mKdir is not highlighted, type K. Command driven: Make sure you are on the command bar and select mKdir. You will be prompted to type in a new sub-directory. Type K, the new sub-directory name, [Enter]. \ 107 16 Directory to create is? BUTTONS wants you to enter the name of a new directory to be included in the directory structure of the disk. A directory name has between one and eight letters or numbers, like a file or program NAME, but with no file extent. To add the directory to the current directory, Enter the new directory name. However, to add the directory somewhere else, you will have to 'qualify' the new name with an existing path name. i.e. \name1[\name2...]\ with as many directory names as are necessary. Use the Tree command to see the current directory structure. \133 34 The path you specified could not be found BUTTONS told DOS to find a disk or path (directory), but DOS said that the disk or directory was not available. What can you do? Finding the proper sub-directory in a complicated large disk can be a chore. Perhaps the first choice is to check the spelling. Then try to remember where the sub-directory was. If it is at the root (main directory level) of the disk, get to it by prefixing its name with a \. If you are trying to reference a sub-directory on the current disk, you can use the up/down arrows to position the cursor by the directory you want and let BUTTONS pick it up. If you specified a new directory or path, check the following: If you did not preceed the path name with a \ make sure the path name is a sub-directory in your current directory. If you used a \ make sure the proper path names preceeded or "qualified" your path name. If you specified a disk drive, make sure that the disk drive is defined for your system (i.e. that you have disk drive A: or B: or C: or D:). Also make sure that the disk drive letter was followed with a colon, i.e. A: with no space between A : If you removed the \TRASHCAN subdirectory, you will get this message if you try to Erase a NAME without prefixing the NAME with a disk letter ie A:NAME Finally, you can use the Tree command to see all the directories on a disk. \ 45 18 rmDir, remove a sub-directory If you have created a sub-directory, but no longer need it, remove it with the rmDir command. Rename or Erase all NAMEs, programs and other files and rmDir all sub-directories from this sub-directory, since DOS will not allow you to remove a directory with files or sub-directories in it. Then make sure that the sub-directory you want to remove is not the current directory, since DOS will not allow that either. A list of the directories in the current disk is displayed in the narrow window at the left. Position the cursor on the directory to rmDir and BUTTONS will pick up the directory. Use the Tree command to see the directory structure of the disk. \ 111 19 Directory to remove is? Enter the name of a directory to be removed from the directory structure of the disk. To remove a sub-directory of the current directory, enter the sub-directory name. However, to remove the directory from somewhere else, you will have to 'qualify' the new name with an existing path name like \name1... with as many directory names as are necessary. A list of the directories on the current disk is shown in the narrow window at the left. If you place the cursor on the directory you want to remove before typing D, BUTTONS will pick up the name for you. Use the Tree command to see the directory structure and how to enter the name. \ 146 9 You attempted to remove the current directory The directory name specified in the rmDir command is the current directory. DOS will not allow removal because then it wouldn't know what the current directory is. You will have to specify another directory with the Chdir command before using rmDir to remove this directory. \ 46 11 Tree, show the directory names in a disk You can divide a disk into many named areas called directories. Keeping track of these directories can be a chore. The Tree command will show all the directories on a disk. Usually, you will see at least one directory - \TRASHCAN. This is where BUTTONS places programs you Erase. You can retreive them from the TRASHCAN. \ 172 11 The disk drive to see directories is? You are being prompted for the disk letter for for the disk to see the directory names or 'tree structure'. To see the directories on the disk you are currently working with, [Enter] Otherwise, specify the disk as a disk letter followed by a : like A: or C: \ 76 5 F1 HELP F2 OFF F3 SHIFT F4 CHS F5 USER F6 EEX F7 PRGM F8 SST F9 ALPHA F10 R/S \ 134 25 There are no handles left BUTTONS tried to read or write to the disk and DOS advised there were no handles left. A handle is how DOS associates a disk file (like a NAME) with the files' information on disk and DOS needs one handle for each file. BUTTONS uses several files, but not enough to get this message. Thus, you normally should not get this message. If you do get this message, try first to Abort out of BUTTONS and re-enter to try again. If that doesn't work, the cure is more complicated. First, Backup your system!!! Look on the disk you initially load from when you turn on power (boot diskette or hard disk) for a file called CONFIG.SYS. If you find one, modify it with a word processor or text editor. Look for a line that says "FILES=n". If you find one, increase the size of the number on the line. If you don't find one, insert a line that says "FILES=10" or larger, save the file, then re-boot. Do this, increasing the size of the FILES line until everything runs. If you can't find CONFIG.SYS, create one and make a line that says "FILES=10" as mentioned above. \ 136 15 Invalid handle BUTTONS told DOS to do something, and DOS complained that it couldn't do it. This means that something strange happened. Probably the best thing to do at this point is Abort out of BUTTONS and then start it up again. If the problem insists on repeating, document the actions leading up to this message in a letter and send a copy of BUTTONS, your programs and any other relevant information to Straightforward 15000 Halldale Avenue Suite 115 Gardena CA 90247-2153 \ 137 17 Memory control blocks destroyed. BUTTONS told DOS to do something, and DOS complained that it couldn't do it. This is a serious error, and probably means that something bad has happened to the computer or DOS. Probably the best thing to do at this point is Abort out of BUTTONS, reboot the system, run CHKDSK on your disks and try again. If the problem insists on repeating, document the actions leading up to this message in a letter and send a copy of BUTTONS, your programs and any other relevant information to Straightforward 15000 Halldale Suite 115 Gardena CA 90247-2153 \ 138 16 There is not enough memory. You have asked BUTTONS to execute a program. The program is too large so there is not enough memory in the computer to execute the program. You will have to get more available memory for BUTTONS. If there are more programs in memory than BUTTONS (including print spoolers, keyboard enhancers, RAM disks ) reboot, leaving out these extra programs. You may have to change your AUTOEXEC.BAT startup file to accomplish this. See your DOS manual. If you are in a network, the network software may be using up a lot of memory. You may need to run BUTTONS on a stand alone machine without the network software. \131 16 Invalid function number BUTTONS told DOS to do something, and DOS complained that it couldn't do it. This means that something strange happened. Probably the best thing to do at this point is Abort out of BUTTONS and then start it up again. If the problem insists on repeating, document the actions leading up to this message in a letter and send a copy of BUTTONS, your NAMEs and any other relevant information to Straightforward 15000 Halldale Avenue Suite 115 Gardena CA 90247-2153 \ 139 17 Invalid memory block address BUTTONS told DOS to do something, and DOS complained that it couldn't do it. See your DOS manual. This is a serious error, and probably means that something bad has happened to the computer or DOS. Probably the best thing to do at this point is Abort out of BUTTONS, reboot the system, run CHKDSK on your disks and try again. If the problem insists on repeating, document the actions leading up to this message in a letter and send a copy of BUTTONS, your programs and any other relevant information to Straightforward 15000 Halldale Suite 115 Gardena CA 90247-2153 \ 145 9 Invalid drive ID. You have tried to change the current or default disk drive, but have specified a drive letter that is not recognized by DOS for this computer. Perhaps the disk drive letter is for a special disk that BUTTONS does not know about. Leave no space between d and : \ 148 7 the disks are different. You wanted to Rename a program to another NAME. However, you specified a different disk name on the Renamed program, and DOS cannot do that (you can specify a different sub directory or path but not a differnt disk.) \ 77 41 Move to the function you want and [CLICK] the button You are using BUTTONS with a Microsoft mouse. You can use the mouse to move to any base function. When you [CLICK] a mouse button, the corresponding function is eXecuted. The keyboard is also active. Press any keyboard key and the corresponding FUNction eXecutes. The keyboard keys are as follows: δ+ 1/X ϋ LOG LN Q W E R T X<>Y RDN SIN COS TAN A S D F G SHIFT XEQ STO RCL SST Z X C V B The numbers and + - * /. are themselves. δ- Y^X X^2 10^X e^X Q W E R T CLδ % SIN-1 COS-1 TAN-1 A S D F G SHIFT ASN LBL GTO BST Z X C V B x=y? SF CF FS? - 7 8 9 x<=y? BEEP P-R R-P + 4 5 6 x>y? FIX SCI ENG * 1 2 3 x=0? PI LASTx VIEW / 0 . R/S Key in the letters on the keyboard. The keys defined are: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = ? : , and space. \ 78 35 Press the key corresponding to the function you want You are using BUTTONS with the keyboard keys assigned to base functions. For each shift level, a menu will give the key descriptions of what keys correspond to what FUNdamental FUNctions. For instance, pressing the W key will execute the 1/X button shown. F3 gives you the shifted level, with a different set of functions for the same keys. If there is a function you want and it is not on the keyboard, do [XEQ] [ALPHA] name [ALPHA] like you do on the HP41. The space bar is like an Enter key when entering numbers. The left arrow key above the Enter key works like a backspace key. You can enter numbers either on the number pad or on the number row. To use the number pad, NumLock must be displayed in the status row. If you always use the numeric keypad, especially to enter * and +, you can modify the calculator so that [Shift] acts like [F3] when you depress it and again like [F3] when you release it. To do this, set flag 30. In order to print on the printer, flags 55 and 21 need to be on. In general, each menu tell you what keys are available and what they do. Feel free to experiment. \ 79 57 Follow instructions in the screen below You are about to execute a BUTTON or function. There is text to go with the function that explains its theory of operation and text that gives instructions on what and how to enter data for the function. If you have selected full prompting, what follows after this text will be text that explains the theory of operation of the function you want to execute. When you have finished reviewing the theory, [Esc] will take you to the function itself. There you will find a screen of explanations of how to enter the data for the function. If the explanations are longer than one screen, you can scroll then up or down with the up or down arrow keys. At any time, you can go back to review the theory of operation by asking for help (F1). At each step of a BUTTON, you will be prompted for input. At this stage, usually you input a number and press [Enter], [A-J], or [a-j]. You can perform 4 function arithmetic on the input. Input the first number, then [SPACE]. Input the second number, then + - * /. Continue in this sequence, then press [Enter], [A-J] or [a-j] as indicated. Remember, if a letter is capitalized, you need to key in the capital letter because the lower case letter will either work differently or have no effect. Probably the best way is to turn on CapsLock. In Buttons, you can tell CapsLock is on by looking for CapsLock on the display, and toggle the CapsLock key to see its effect. The top line of the display explains what the function keys do. F1 is HELP, is shows you the theory of operation for this BUTTON. When you [Esc] out of HELP, you will be back in the at the same place you left. F2 turns the BUTTON OFF -- it returns to the sYstem level. F4 or ScrollLock is CHS, it changes the sign of the number you are entering. This is how you enter a negative number. F6 is EEX, it allows you to enter a number in scientific notation, with a power of 10 following EEX. F5 is the printer on/off toggle. If you have a printer, you can get a printout of all your computations by using this key. This message corresponds to the 'greeting' message you see when you first start executing BUTTON's and you can get rid of it the same way by selecting the Help command in the first menu and selecting a value of 3. If you do not want to see the theory of operation menu, select the Help command with a value of 1. If you want to directly execute a button, bypassing the sYstem level, enter G buttonname [Enter] at the DOS prompt. \ 112 17 On USER PRGM ALPHA δ+ 1/X ϋ LOG LN X<>Y R SIN COS TAN GOLD XEQ STO RCL SST ENTER CHS EEX Del - 7 8 9 + 4 5 6 X 1 2 3 φ 0 . R/S \ 113 12 ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί δ+ 1/X ϋ LOG LN ISG RTN Ί Ί Q W E R T Y U Ί Ί Ί ΊX<>Y RDN SIN COS TAN X<>_ VIEW Ί Ί A S D F G H J Ί Ί Ί ΊSHIFT XEQ STO RCL SST FS?C FC? Ί Ί Z X C V B N M Ί Ί Ί ΊThe numbers and + - * /. are themselvesΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ \ 114 17 Off USER PRGM ALPHA δ- Y^X Xύ 10^X e^x CLδ % SIN-1 COS-1 TAN-1 ASN LBL GTO BST CATALOG ISG RTN CLx/a X=Y? SF CF FS? XσY? BEEP P-R R-P X>Y? FIX SCI ENG X=0? PI LASTX VIEW \ 115 16 ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊFIX SCI ENG BEEP P-R R-P SF CF FS? PI Ί Ί 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Ί Ί Ί Ί δ- Y^X Xύ 10^X e^x DSE PROMPTΊ Ί Q W E R T Y U Ί Ί Ί ΊCLδ % SIN-1 COS-1 TAN-1 %CH AVIEW Ί Ί A S D F G H J Ί Ί Ί ΊSHIFT ASN LBL GTO BST FC?C MOD Ί Ί Z X C V B N M Ί Ί Ί ΊX=Y? XσY? X>Y? X=0 LASTx X#Y? Xσ0? Ί Ί " : \ / . [ ] Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ \ 116 17 On USER PRGM ALPHA A B C D E F G H I J SHFT K L M SST N O P BS Q R S T U V W X Y Z = ? : Space . R/S \ 117 15 ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊKey in the letters on the keyboard.Ί ΊThe keys defined are: Ί Ί Ί ΊA B C D E F G H I J K L M Ί Ίa b c d e f g h i j k l m Ί ΊN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ί Ίn o p q r s t u v w x y z Ί Ί Ί Ί0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Ί Ί Ί Ί= ? : , and space. Ί Ί Ί Ί^ is the up arrow Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ \ 118 17 On USER PRGM ALPHA a b c d e δ % NE < > SHFT APND ASTO ARCL BST Up Arrow Del $ CLA - 7 8 9 + 4 5 6 * 1 2 3 φ 0 . AVIEW \ 119 17 ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊKey in the letters on the keyboard.Ί ΊThe keys defined are: Ί Ί Ί ΊA B C D E G I J Ί Ίa b c d e f g h i j k l m Ί ΊN P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ί Ίn o p q r s t u v w x y z Ί Ί0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Ί Ί% < > + - * / . Ί Ί Ί ΊF=δ, H=NE, BS=CLA Ί Ί Ί ΊK=Alpha append, O=delta Ί Ί Ί ΊL=Asto, M=Arcl Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ \ 120 17 On USER PRGM ALPHA δ+ 1/X ϋ LOG LN X<>Y R SIN COS TAN SHIFT XEQ STO RCL SST ENTER CHS EEX Del - 7 8 9 + 4 5 6 X 1 2 3 φ 0 . R/S \ 121 9 δ+ 1/X ϋ LOG LN Q W E R T X>