===================================================================== Page 1 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== Author: Tony J. Gentile All Rights Reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introductions 3 - 6 A. An Overview ............................................ 3 B. Capabilities ........................................... 3 C. Hardware and Software Requirements ..................... 3 D. Version 2.2 enhancements ............................... 4 E. Warranty ............................................... 4 F. License and Copyright Notice ........................... 4-5 G. Order Form ............................................. 5 H. Corporate and Quantity Purchases ....................... 6 II. Using CONFIG.EXE [The Configuration Program] 7 - 12 A. The Opening Screen ..................................... 7 1. A Little Note ..................................... 7 2. A Word on Help .................................... 7 3. Running it ........................................ 7 4. The File Validation Screen ........................ 7 5. The Opening Screen ................................ 7 6. Your Choices ...................................... 8 B. Main Menu Configuration ................................ 8 1. Your choices ...................................... 8 C. The Sub Menu Selector .................................. 8 1. Your choices ...................................... 9 D. Sub Menu Configuration ................................. 9 1. Your choices ...................................... 9 2. Configuring a Program ............................. 9-10 E. Password Configuration ................................. 10 1. Your choices ...................................... 11 2. Defining a password ............................... 11 F. INSTANT.BAT Creation ................................... 11-12 G. Quitting ............................................... 12 H. Modifications .......................................... 12 III. Using MENU.EXE [The Actual Menuing Program] 13 - 20 A. Running it ............................................. 13 1. Self Checking ..................................... 13 B. The Main Menu .......................................... 13 C. Passwords .............................................. 14 D. The Sub Menus .......................................... 14 ===================================================================== Page 2 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== E. The Function Menu ...................................... 15 1. DOS Shell ......................................... 15 2. Screen Blank ...................................... 15 3. Online Help ....................................... 15 4. Registration Information .......................... 15 5. Notepad ........................................... 16-17 6. The Turbo Editor .................................. 17-19 7. ESCaping .......................................... 19 F. Final Note ............................................. 20 IV. Appendices A. The User Supported Software Concept .................... 21 B. Trouble running programs or the DOS shell .............. 22 C. Instant Access and Autoexec.bat ........................ 22 D. Programs that are known to work with Instant Access .... 23 E. The programmers machines ............................... 24 F. Thanks to .............................................. 24 G. Listings of updates other then current ................. 25 ===================================================================== Page 3 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== PART I. INTRODUCTIONS -- An Overview -- Instant Access is part of a new generation of menu systems. Written exclusively in Turbo C (tm) and Assembly, Instant Access was designed to ease the use of Hard Disks and DOS. In addition it also presents a more functional interface between DOS and the user. The result of this is increased productivity with less work. With Instant Access you can run any program that can be executed from the DOS prompt. The only difference is that with Instant Access it takes only two keystrokes! The program is setup with a Main Menu, with twenty branching Sub Menus. Each Sub Menu holds twenty applications. Thus, you can run any of 400 applications at the touch of a finger. Instant Access provides complete access to DOS by using a shell. Instant Access also contains several useful functions, that will be covered shortly. For those that are security conscious take note! Passwords to each Sub Menu, as well as to the DOS shell, Turbo Editor, and Exit to DOS, are provided. They are 8 digit, alphanumeric, and are case sensitive. -- Capabilities -- o Run any DOS program using less then 4K of memory o Run any of 400 DOS programs with just two keystrokes [.COM .EXE or .BAT] o Run programs on other [logical] drives o Run internal DOS Commands o Run programs on your PATH statement o Password protection to every aspect of the program o A menu driven configuration program o Online Help and Registration Information o Screen Blanker o A popup Notepad o A DOS Shell o A full function Text Editor o Running time display -- Hardware and Software Requirements -- The program currently runs on the IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2, or any fully compatible machine. It requires 172K worth of RAM to load, but less then 4K to run another program. A CGA (Color/graphics adapter) is recommended, but not needed as Instant Access runs in text mode. Although Instant Access could be run off a floppy drive, you would not realize the true benefits it provides. Thus, a Hard Drive is also recommended. The only required software is DOS version 2.0 or greater. ===================================================================== Page 4 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- Version 2.2 Enhancements -- Many enhancements have been made in this latest version. They include: o Applications - Instant Access has increased program capacity by 400%. The program will now run any 400 applications or commands that the user defines, while still maintaining a simple interface. o File Validation - The file validation featured added in version 2.1 has been updated for the new data files. It also now generates INSTANT.BAT automatically. o Configuration - The configuration program has been updated, including better online help, and a more usable interface. It has also been modified to work with the new data files. o File Conversion - A utility has been included to automatically convert data files from version 2.0 and 2.1 to 2.2. -- Warranty -- PRODIGY Technologies makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, and warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. PRODIGY Technologies shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the user. PRODIGY Technologies shall not be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused directly of indirectly by the use of this program. IN NO EVENT will PRODIGY Technologies be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use or inability to use the program, or from any claim by any other party. -- License and Copyright Notice -- Instant Access is distributed under the User Supported software concept. Non-registered users of Instant Access are granted a limited license to use Instant Access for a 30 day trial period, in order to determine its suitability for their purposes. Any other use of Instant Access requires registration. Any use of non-registered copies of Instant Access by a business, organization, or any kind of institution is prohibited. Registration allows you to use the product on a regular basis. Registration includes mailed notification of the next update to the program. Registration also includes licensed use of all upgrades (you will not be forced to re-register each new version). ===================================================================== Page 5 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== Instant Access comes in two forms: 1] Registration only. This costs $25.00 and assumes that you have already received a copy of the program from whatever source. We do not provide diskettes or manuals. The registration fee covers the use of the program. 2] Registration/Diskette. This costs $35.00. If you order this package, we will send you the latest available version of the program, along with the corresponding documentation (on disk). -- Order Form -- Make cash, check or money order out to either Tony Gentile, or PRODIGY Technologies, and mail it to: PRODIGY Technologies 14611 Carmel Ridge RD San Diego, California 92128 Please send: Instant Access Registration .............. @ $ 25.00 ea #_____ (includes registration: does not include disk) Instant Access Registration/Diskette ..... @ $ 35.00 ea #_____ (includes registration plus program and manual on disk) NAME:_______________________________________________________ COMPANY (if any):___________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Day Phone:__________________ Evening:___________________ CURRENT VERSION IN MY POSSESSION ______ Sorry, no C.O.D. orders will be accepted. ===================================================================== Page 6 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- Corporate and Quantity Purchases -- All corporate, business, government or other commercial users Instant Access must be registered. We offer quantity discounts starting at the eleventh copy. Corporate or site licensing is available. Purchases of over 75 units may be handled as quantity purchases or as corporate licensing agreements. Licensing agreements allow duplication and distribution of specific numbers of copies within the licensed institution. Duplication of multiple copies is not allowed except through execution of a licensing agreement. Please write for further details. The quantity discount prices deal with Registration/Diskette deal only. The quantity purchase discounts are as follows: 0 - 10 copies: no discount 11 - 25 copies: 15% discount 26 - 50 copies: 20% discount 51 - 100 copies: 25% discount 101 - 200 copies: 30% discount 201 - 300 copies: 35% discount 301+ copies: 40% discount All prices and discounts are subject to change without notice. Discounts are NOT cumulative; they apply to single orders of like products only. Unit prices are the same as for individual users. NOTE: You may NOT use Instant Access within your organization without a prior purchase or license arrangement. ===================================================================== Page 7 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== PART II. USING CONFIG.EXE -- A Little Note -- Just as a note, I wanted to remind you that this manual is not to teach you the niceties of DOS. A basic knowledge of DOS is required to use this program (or at least for its configuration). If you need an explanation of some aspect of DOS, or if there is something you don't understand about hard disks or subdirectories, please refer to your DOS manual, or ask a friend. Other good places to look for help are your local Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's), or local user group. -- A Word on Help -- Help is available to you throughout the configuration program. This manual is a bit more detailed, but the instructions provided within the program will point you in the right direction. -- Running It -- To start the configuration program, type CONFIG (and press return) at the DOS prompt. -- File Validation Screen -- The first thing that you will see when you start the configuration program, is the file validation screen. It searches the current directory for all of the necessary data files to run Instant Access. If they are not found, they will be created. If they are found, they will merely appear on the check list. After file validation, the program will prompt you to hit a key, and will then proceed to the Opening Screen. -- The Opening Screen -- The program will then proceed to the opening screen, which gives you the following options: 1) Configure the Main Menu 2) Configure the Sub Menus 3) Configure Passwords 4) Create INSTANT.BAT 5) Exit to DOS H) Help ===================================================================== Page 8 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- Your Choices -- The Opening Screen presents you with five choices. We recommend that you configure the Main Menu (choice 1), then the Sub Menus (choice 2), then the passwords (choice 3), and finally create INSTANT.BAT. This manual is written to help you in that order. -- Main Menu Configuration -- Upon selecting one (1) from the Opening Screen, you will be placed in the Main Menu Configuration area. In this area, you will define the descriptions of the Sub Menus. Each description can be up to 25 characters long. These descriptions are what you will initially see when the menu program starts up. -- Your choices -- From this menu, you have several choices: A - T) When you enter a letter, from A to T, you will be presented with a box. You may enter any description up to 25 characters. When you are done, hit return. The program will then update the screen. Common definitions for Sub Menus are: Utilities, Spreadsheets, and so on, but of course, it all depends on the type of programs you use. 1) When you select this choice, you will see a help screen which will list all available commands. 2) Choice 2 allows you to save the changes to disk. This choice will create a file named 'MAIN.MEN' in the current directory. If the file already exists, it will be over written. Esc) The last choice is the Esc key on your keyboard (the ESCape key). Hitting this will return you to the Opening Screen. Please note that if you select this, your choices will stay in memory, but they will not be saved to disk. -- The Sub-Menu Selector -- When you select two (2) from the Opening Screen, you will see the Sub Menu Selector. This area is your path to each of the twenty different Sub Menus. ===================================================================== Page 9 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- Your choices -- At this point, you should see the descriptions you entered in the Main Menu area listed in this menu. From the Sub Menu Selector, you have several choices: A - T) Select the Sub Menu that you wish to configure. You don't have to configure all four hundred applications at this time. After entering a letter from A to T, you will be moved to the Sub Menu Configuration area. Esc) This choice will return you to the Opening Screen. -- Sub Menu Configuration -- After selecting a Sub Menu from the Sub Menu Selector, you will be presented with the following choices: -- Your choices -- A - T) Choosing a letter from A to T allows you to configure the corresponding program. You will have to provide a description, a path, and the executionary name of the program. More details follow. 1) This choice will display two pages of complete instructions on what you need to do to configure a program. The help is very detailed, and should be more then satisfactory if you happen to need on the spot help. 2) This choice saves the changes you have made to a file named SUBMENU.MEN. The changes are saved VERY quickly. Esc) This choice will return you to the Sub Menu Selector area. -- Configuring a Program -- When you choose a letter from A to T you will be presented with a prompt for three different items. You will be prompted one at a time, with the prompt staying on that same line. When you are done with each one, hit return. After answering all three, the program will update the changes in the menu on the screen. ===================================================================== Page 10 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== The first prompt asks you for the program description. A good description might be the name of the program and its version number. These descriptions are what you will see from within the actual menu program, after you have selected the Sub Menu, and entered the correct password. Descriptions may be up to 25 characters long. If you leave The second prompt asks for the path to the program. This path must have the drive, followed by a colon, then a slash, and then the subdirectory. For example, lets say that you want to define the Instant Access configuration program. We'll say the program is on drive C (your hard disk), and is in subdirectory MENU. The path would look like this: C:\MENU That's all there is to it. Just remember that it is important that you follow the following syntax: drive[:][\]subdirectory. You may of course, have more then one subdirectory. Just remember that there must be a slash [\] between each of them. Also, the maximum path length is 25 characters. The third prompt asks for the name of the program, and its' extension. It is important that you provide the correct name, and extension. Extensions must be .EXE, .COM or .BAT. Also note that you may enter either internal DOS commands (like DIR), or external ones (like CHKDSK.COM). So, lets have an example. If we still wanted to include the Instant Access configuration program, we would enter the following when the configuration program prompts for the program name: CONFIG.EXE That's all there is to configuring a program. -- Password Configuration -- After selecting three (3) from the opening screen, you will be brought to the Password Configuration Area. Here, you will define the passwords for the different items within Instant Access. ===================================================================== Page 11 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- Your Choices -- The password configuration area lets you define a password for every aspect of Instant Access. Here are the available choices: A - T) Upon selecting a letter from A to T, you will define the password for the corresponding Sub Menu. U) Configure the password for the DOS Shell. V) Configure the password for the Turbo Editor. W) Configure the password for Exiting to DOS. 1) After selecting choice 1, you will see a complete help screen. 2) This choice saves the changes you have made to disk. The file that the changes are saved to is named PASS.MEN Esc) This choice returns you to the Opening Screen. -- Defining the Password -- Regardless of which one you select you will be presented with a prompt for the password. Just type in any numbers or letters (for a total of 8), and hit return. The program will then update the screen. -- Creating INSTANT.BAT -- After selecting four (4) from the Opening Screen, you will be brought to the area where you can modify the INSTANT.BAT file. Please note that the new configuration program automatically creates this file when you first run the configuration program. It uses the current drive and directory for the definition. If you plan on moving the program to another area, or just want to do it yourself, then the following will explain how to do just that. The configuration program provides instruction on this section, so I will not cover it to deeply. You may notice that this area is constructed differently from the others, requiring you to enter two things, and having to make absolutely no choices (We figured we've given you enough of them already). INSTANT.BAT is the program that you will use to run the entire menu system. It is simply a batch file with a loop, and one statement that checks a file to know when to exit. You will need to tell the program which drive it is located on (preferably your hard disk, which is usually C or D), and the subdirectory (if any) where all the files are. So, if you haven't decided where to put these files, now would be the time. ===================================================================== Page 12 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== I am going to proceed assuming that you are on drive C, and that the programs' files are stored in a directory called MENU. This is of course, only an example. After the instructions, the program will prompt you for the drive, followed by a colon, like this: Enter the drive, a colon [:] and hit return --> Assuming drive C again, you would enter "C:" (WITHOUT the quotes), and hit return. Next, the program will prompt: Enter a slash [\], the subdirectory and hit return --> Assuming subdirectory MENU, you would enter "\MENU" (WITHOUT the quotes) and hit return. The program will then print "Creating INSTANT.BAT". After a second or two, the program will tell you that its done, and ask you to strike a key to return to the Opening Screen. -- Quitting -- That's all there is to configuring the program. From the Opening Screen, hit 5, and you will return to DOS. You should now check the current directory. You should have the following programs there. MENUS.EXE <--- The actual menu program CONFIG.EXE <--- The configuration program CONVERT.EXE <--- The file validation/conversion program EDIT.EXE <--- The Turbo Editor NOTE.EXE <--- The NotePad NOTE.HLP <--- The help file for the note pad. MANUAL.TXT <--- This file. INSTANT.BAT <--- The batch file MAIN.MEN <--- The Main Menu descriptions PASS.MEN <--- The Password file SUBMENU.MEN <--- The Sub Menu file -- Modifications -- You may make modifications to any of the programs (INSTANT.BAT, MAIN.MEN, PASS.MEN, and SUBMENU.MEN), or just one of them, at any time by running the configuration program. Just make sure to save the changes, so that all your efforts won't be frivolous. ===================================================================== Page 13 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== PART II. USING MENU.EXE -- Running it -- To run the menu program, you need to type INSTANT (the batch file created with the configuration program). This file will take care of the rest. -- Self Checking -- When you start the program, Instant Access will do a search for all of the data files that you have just created. If they do not exist, a listing of the missing one(s) will be shown, and the program will exit. If this happens, all you have to do is run the configuration program, which will create the missing one(s). -- The Main Menu -- If there are no missing files, the program will proceed as normal, and the screen will be displayed. Now the description. The Main Menu will contain the descriptions that you entered earlier. At this time, you have many different options. However, we will only discuss those contained within the Main Menu. The commands in the Functions Menu will be discussed later. A - T) Choose the Sub Menu to be active. After entering a letter from A to T, you will be presented with a prompt for a password, if you defined one for that particular Sub Menu. PgUp) Selecting Page Up (a key on your keyboard) will show the titles for Sub Menus A to J. If those are already displayed, nothing will happen. PgDn) Selecting Page Down will display the titles for Sub Menus K through T. If those are already displayed, nothing will happen. Note: You do not have to have the Sub Menu displayed in order to select it. In other words, if the titles for K through T are currently being displayed, you can still select any of A to K. The same is true if A through K was displayed. This was done so that a user would not be bombarded with 20 different selections (which may or may not be configured yet). ===================================================================== Page 14 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- Passwords -- A small box will appear, and will prompt you with "Please enter password". At that time, you will need to enter the password that you specified in the configuration program. The characters will not be echoed to the screen (but the cursor will move) as you type them. If you enter the wrong password, you will hear a loud beep, and then be returned to the main menu. If you enter the correct password, you will see the Sub Menu overlay the Main Menu. If you did not define a password, you will be brought immediately to the sub menu. -- The Sub-Menus -- Now, you will see the descriptions of the applications that you entered in the configuration program. You now have choices A through T. (You may use PgUp and PgDn to display the other ten just like in the Main Menu). After selecting from A to T one of the following will happen: 1 - If you left the description blank, nothing will happen. 2 - If you defined the description but not the path or program, the screen will clear, and you will be returned to the main menu. 3 - If you defined the wrong drive or path, "Bad Command or File Name" will be displayed on the screen. 4 - If you defined the wrong program name, it couldn't be found, or didn't exist, "Bad Command or File Name" will be displayed. 5 - The program (or any program, even if defined correctly, will not run). Consult appendix B immediately (it CAN be corrected). Even if "Bad Command or File Name" is displayed, the program might run. This is true because of the fact that Instant Access will search your path for the program, and add a .EXE or .COM to the end of the file to try to run it. If you see one of these errors, but the program runs, you should re-configure it with the correct path or file name. If you see one (or both) of these errors, and the program won't run, it's because the path or file name is bad, and Instant Access couldn't find the program or directory. Most of the time, everything will work fine. Now, when the program finishes (or you exit from it), you will return to the Main Menu. If you choose not to run any of the programs in that Sub-Menu, just hit ESCape, and you'll find yourself back at the Main Menu. ===================================================================== Page 15 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- The Function Menu -- The commands in the Function Menu are only valid when you are in the Main Menu area. In other words, if you have a Sub Menu listed, you will not be able to execute any of the Functions. The Function Menu provides you with 7 options: A. DOS Shell B. Screen Blank C. Online Help D. Registration Information E. Note pad F. Text Editor Esc] Exit program -- Choice A: DOS Shell -- This shell provides you with full access to all of the DOS commands. It is just as if you had no program running at all. However, if you do a CHKDSK, you will note that some memory is missing (a little over 3K). This memory is being used by Instant Access. You may use this shell just as if it were the DOS prompt. To return to Instant Access type EXIT and hit return. When you type EXIT, you will be returned to the Main Menu. -- Choice B: Screen Blank -- The Screen Blank function provides you with a way to turn the screen display off when you leave for a few minutes. This will prevent screen burn in. You may restore the screen image by hitting any key. -- Choice D: Online Help -- The Online Help Function will display a concise listing of the various commands available, and what they do. -- Choice E: Registration Info -- The Registration Information is kept online for several reasons. One of them being, that some people never read the documentation, but prefer to skip right to the program. Please remember that to continue using this program past the 30 day trial, you must register it. The cost for this program is around a fourth of what you would pay for a commercial program that does the same thing! Plus, there aren't any upgrade fees or hassles to deal with! ===================================================================== Page 16 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- Choice F: The Note Pad -- The Note Pad was provided for those of you who plan to fully utilize the menu program. It provides a way for you to leave reminders for yourself or others, store a phone number list, or whatever else you could imagine. It contains a total of 30 lines (displayed 15 at a time), with a width of 60 characters. And since it only modifies a file named note.pad, it is safe for anyone to use. Here are the available commands: Cursor Movement: . -T Move cursor to the top of the screen . -B Move cursor to the bottom of the screen . -Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word. . -Left Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word. . Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. . End - Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. . Tab - Moves cursor to the next tab stop. . Shift Tab - Moves cursor to the previous tab stop. Page Movement: . PgUp - move the text forward . PgDn - move the text backward . -Home Moves the cursor to the first page of text, and places the cursor at the beginning of that line. . -End Moves the cursor to the last page of text, and places the cursor at the beginning of that line. Block Commands: . F4 - Forms a paragraph from the lines marked as a block. . F5 - Marks the first line in the block. . F6 - Marks the last line in the block. . F7 - Moves the marked block to the line where the cursor is positioned. Blocks can not be copied onto themselves. . F8 - Copies the marked block to the line where the cursor is positioned. This command differs from F7 because the original block remains in place. . F9 - Deletes the block. . F10 - Unmarks a block. ===================================================================== Page 17 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== Editing Commands: . F1 - List the Help Menu. Hitting F1 again returns you to the note pad. . F2 - Returns you to the Main Menu. . F3 - Erases all the text in the notepad. Requests confirmation first. . Ins - Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode, and changes the shape of the cursor to indicate the mode. . Del - Deletes the character under the cursor. . Backspace - Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. . Ctrl D - Deletes the word on which the cursor is presently located. . Alt D - Deletes the line where the cursor is presently positioned. -- The Turbo Editor -- As we developed the notepad, we realized that it had one function. This function was to leave notes, which all revolved around the file it creates [note.pad]. There was no way to call up another file. We also noted while writing the appendices that we were referring people to a commercial word processor. To eliminate that need, and to further enhance Instant Access functions, we added a text editor. Those of you who are familiar with WordStar, Sidekick, or any of the Borland programming environments will be instantly at home in this editor. For those of you who aren't, we've tried to make it as painless as possible. When you choose choice G from the function menu, be brought to the Turbo Editor Selector Area. If you chose 1, you will see the Turbo Editors copyright notice, and then a prompt for a file. If you hit return, the file name will default to NONAME.TXT. If you choose a file name that doesn't exist, it will be created. If you choose an illegal file name, you will be returned to Instant Access. Otherwise, the program will load in the file you choose. Keep in mind that you can specify other drives, and subdirectories. If you chose 2, you will see 7 screens of help appear for the Turbo Editor. Choice 3 returns you to Instant Access. With all that in mind, here is a listing of the Turbo Editor commands. Basic Cursor Movement: . Ctrl-S/Left Arrow *Moves one character left . Ctrl-D/Right Arrow *Moves one character right . Ctrl-A/Ctrl-Left Arrow *Moves one word left . Ctrl-F/Ctrl-Right Arrow *Moves one word right . Ctrl-E/Up Arrow *Moves cursor up one line . Ctrl-X/Down Arrow *Moves cursor down one line . Ctrl-W *Scrolls screen up one line . Ctrl-Z *Scrolls screen down one line . Ctrl-R/PgUp *Scrolls screen and cursor up one page . Ctrl-C/PgDn *Scrolls screen and cursor down one page ===================================================================== Page 18 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== Quick Cursor Movement: . Ctrl-Q S/Home *Moves cursor to the beginning of the line . Ctrl-Q D/End *Moves cursor to the end of the line . Ctrl-Q E *Moves cursor to the top of the screen . Ctrl-Q X *Moves cursor to the bottom of the screen . Ctrl-Q R/Ctrl-PgUp *Moves to the beginning of the file . Ctrl-Q C/Ctrl-PgDn *Moves to the end of the file . Ctrl-Q B *Moves cursor to the top of a block . Ctrl-Q K *Moves cursor to the bottom of a block . Ctrl-Q P *Moves cursor to its previous location Insert and Delete Commands: . Ctrl-V/Ins *Toggle between insert and overwrite mode . Ctrl-N *Inserts a line at the current cursor position . Ctrl-Y *Delete the line containing the cursor . Ctrl-Q Y *Delete from current cursor position to end of line . Ctrl-H/Backspace *Deletes character to the left of the cursor . Ctrl-G/Del *Deletes character currently under the cursor . Ctrl-T *Deletes the word to the right of the cursor Block Commands: . Ctrl-K B/F7 *Marks the starting location of a block . Ctrl-K K/F8 *Marks the end of a block . Ctrl-K T *Marks a single word as a block . Ctrl-K C *Copies a previously marked block to the current cursor position . Ctrl-K Y *Deletes a previously marked block . Ctrl-K V *Moves a previously marked block from its original position to the current cursor position . Ctrl-K R *Reads a file from disk, inserts it at the present cursor position, and marks it as a block . Ctrl-K W *Writes a previously marked block to a file . Ctrl-K P *Prints currently marked block. If no block is marked, it prints the entire file ===================================================================== Page 19 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== Miscellaneous Commands: . Ctrl-U *Aborts current operation [except loading a file] . Ctrl-O I *Toggle autoindent on/off. This feature provides automatic indenting of successive lines . Ctrl-Q F *Lets you search for a string of up to 30 characters . Ctrl-Q A *Searches and then replaces a string . Ctrl-L *Repeats the last search . Ctrl-Q N *Finds a set place marker . F1 *Saves current file to disk . F2 *Loads a new file . F3 *Quits Editor, returns you to Instant Access . Ctrl-Q L *Restores line cursor is currently . Ctrl-K 0..Ctrl-K 3 *Set marker #0 to #3 . Ctrl-Q 0..Ctrl-Q 3 *Jump to marker #0 to #3 . Ctrl-I/Tab *Tabs over 8 spaces Search Options: B - Searches backwards, from the current cursor position toward the beginning of the file. G - Search Globally search the entire file starting at the beginning, or backward if used with the B option. #[a number] - Searches for the nth occurrence of the search string. U - Ignore case and treat all characters as uppercase. W - Search for whole words only; skip patterns embedded within other text. Replace Options: N - Replace without asking. Otherwise, each replace will seek validation. To enter text, type as though you were using a typewriter. To end a line, press the ENTER [or RETURN] key. Turbo Edit will let you type over 200 characters in a line, but only recognizes the first 149. -- ESCaping -- This is the exit command. After password verification, you will be returned to DOS. ===================================================================== Page 20 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- A Final Note -- Well, that's all there is to it. Except for the configuration, the program is very understandable, and over a day or two, will prove to be very easy to use. You will probably find that it takes a little while to get used to a different type of interface, but we believe it to be a much more understandable and productive one. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop us a line. Following this are several appendices that cover a variety of topics. ===================================================================== Page 21 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== APPENDIX A: USER SUPPORTED SOFTWARE CONCEPT User Supported software is a way of delivering quality software to a user at a very reasonable cost, while allowing the user to make sure the software meets his/her needs. This concept is based on several ideals: The value and utility of software is best assessed by the user on his/her own system. Only after using a program can one really determine whether it serves personal applications, needs and tastes. There should be a way of delivering low-cost, high-quality software to the consumer. Copying of programs should be encouraged, not discouraged. This is the strength of User Supported software, and allows it to spread far more readily that software distributed by regular means. Under the User Supported software concept, anyone may request a copy of a user-supported program by sending a blank, formatted disk to the program author together with an addressed, postage paid return mailer. A copy of the program, along with documentation on disk, will be sent by return mail on the users' disk. The program carries a notice suggesting registration for the program. You should register if you are going to use the program on a regular basis. Regardless of whether you register and use the program, you are encouraged to copy and distribute the program for the private, non- commercial trial use of others. User Supported software is generally not public domain material; most programs of this nature carry a copyright notice. Rather, the author has licensed you to copy and use the program under certain conditions. Likewise, User Supported software is not intended to be free software; The user is simply granted a license to try the program for a period of time. The author hopes that by cutting out the overhead which makes a commercial software package so expensive, the same program can be sold for a much lower price. As an experiment, User Supported software seems to be failing. The sad truth is that less then 1% of the users of a product of this type are registering. Only through the financial support of users will this kind of inexpensive software continue to be available. ===================================================================== Page 22 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== APPENDIX B: Trouble running programs or the DOS Shell During testing, we attempted to create every possible error, and provide a solution for it. If you have been unable to run programs (and you know the drive, subdirectory, and name are correct) or if you have been unable to use the DOS shell, read on. To run other programs (and create the DOS Shell), Instant Access makes a call to DOS for another copy of COMMAND.COM. COMMAND.COM is your command interpreter. For instance, when you type DIR at the DOS prompt, COMMAND.COM intercepts it, and then lists the directory. The reason why the programs won't run is because Instant Access can't find COMMAND.COM in your PATH statement. Here's what to do: First, go to your root directory. To do this, type "CD \" at the DOS prompt. Now, type "SET". You will see at least two lines appear. One of them will be COMSPEC, and the other will be PATH. On most computers, your COMSPEC will look like the following: "COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COM". If you look at it carefully, you will see the C:\ part of the COMSPEC. That is the part that must be in your path. If it would have been "COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM", the C:\DOS would have been the important part. You must add that part of the comspec to your path command. To do this, type "SET PATH=C:\", or which ever was the important part of the COMSPEC. Doing this will fix it so that you can run all your programs. If your path was already followed by a few directories, just add the important part onto the end. PLEASE consult your DOS manual or a friend on how the PATH command functions. APPENDIX C: Instant Access and Autoexec.bat If you would like Instant Access to automatically start when you turn your computer on, add the following to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file after the PATH command: CD \SUBDIR INSTANT Where SUBDIR is the subdirectory where the files for Instant Access exists. This will force DOS to change to that directory, and then execute the INSTANT.BAT batch file. ===================================================================== Page 23 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== APPENDIX D: Programs known to work with Instant Access Through all my testing, I have yet to find one program that won't run directly through Instant Access. Here is a list of the programs that definitely will work. Remember, this is by no means a complete listing... after all, nobody could own every program! Turbo C 1.0/1.5 Lotus 1-2-3 2.01 Turbo Pascal 3.0/4.0 Turbo Tax 5.01 Microsoft Assembler 4.0/5.0 dBase III Plus 1.1 WordPerfect 4.2 Timeline 1.1 Vopt 2.12 Desqview 1.03 PCTools Deluxe Harvard Business Graphics 2.1 CDisk 3.56 Paradox 1.11 Windows 1.03 Dac Easy - Accounting 2.0 Fastback 5.14 The Word Processor 4.1 Foxbase 1.0 PFS First Publisher 1.01 Transcopy 4.3 Locksmith/PC 1.2 Cruise Control 3.02 Typing Tutor 4.0 Gramatika II 1.00a Enable 1.5 QDOS II 2.00 Double DOS 4.0 Telix 2.12/3.0 Procomm 2.4.2 DirMagic Dynadiag 2.05 Eureka 1.0 Express SuperCalc WordStar 4.0 Clipper ===================================================================== Page 24 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== -- The programmers machines -- Instant Access was written on a Compaq Deskpro 286, with the following statistics: . 6 / 8 switchable speed [Instant Access was tested at both] . 512K extended cache memory [turned off and on for testing] . 30 meg hard drive . 1 1.2 meg floppy drive . CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) card . Amber monitor Programming was also done on a Compaq Portable III: . 8 / 12 switchable speed . 40 meg hard drive . 1 1.2 meg floppy drive . CGA card . Gas Plasma monitor -- Thanks to... -- Although there are far too many people that have helped PRODIGY Technologies develop Instant Access, I would like to take some time to point out a few: Steven Hill - An excellent beta tester with enough ideas to fill a phone book. Ben Debban - A user I meet on a local BBS. He has provided me with some of the most open and valuable criticism. Rick Fry - Sharing his ideas on user interface, and setup procedures, as well as providing an excellent BBS. (a) Bruce Bequette - Not only for his great ideas (which will be added), but also for unselfishly providing his resources. (b) John Dwulet - For providing an excellent BBS, and encouragement. (c) (a) - Jabberwocky BBS (619) 743-9935 (b) - Over the Line BBS (619) 279-1930 (c) - San Diego Alive BBS (619) 584-1715 AND (619) 584-4172 ===================================================================== Page 25 Instant Access Manual Revision 2.2 7-18-88 ===================================================================== Enhancements since version 2.0: Version 2.1 : o File Validation - This newest addition to the configuration program will create all necessary data files to run Instant Access, rather then require the user to save each sub-menu, configured or not. o Passwords - If a password was left blank during configuration, the user will no longer be prompted to hit return. o Interface - The user interface for Instant Access has been "modernized". The new look is not only more attractive, but is actually faster. o Real time clock - In the upper right hand corner, users will find a real time clock updated by the second. o Documentation - This documentation file was modified to reflect the changes in the program. <-- End of Documentation -->