Date: September 21, 1987 Number: 195 Title: Printing from Nondedicated File Servers It has been found that version 2.01 of Lotus 1-2-3 (and subsequent releases) will not print from a nondedicated file server to the network printer. (This is true all for versions of nondedicated Netware.) Prior to a printing operation, Lotus will check the equipment list to see that a printer is available. Because the printer port has been defined as a network printer, the equipment list is cleared. A SPOOL command must be issued before any application can print. Any application, such as BASIC, that checks for the presence of the printer will see that none are available according to the equipment list and will not allow printing to occur. By running "PRFIX.COM" prior to entering the application, the equipment list will be modified to show that a printer is available and allow the application to print. Remember that a SPOOL command must be entered before the PRFIX command is entered. The program "PRFIX.COM" is available from NetWire or LANSWER. Lotus and Lotus 1-2-3 are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. NetWire is a servicemark of Novell, Inc. NetWare is a trademark of Novell, Inc.