Changes to AGS V2.10 AGS V2.10 offers several enhancements to the previously released Version 2.04. Amongst them are: A> Create Modification. You can now modify your Created database through the Main Menu. B> Error Checking. Each time you run the Menu program, the system will perform a check to determine existence of all necessary programs, and at least one index file. C> The system will warn you when the number of database fields exceeds the safe maximum (which would require you to manually modify three files: E.PRG W1.PRG PR.PRG (Possibly) D> The Verify Edit program is now modified to let you change the options in terms of whether Blank fields are allowed. E> The Create program no longer is required to be in the database directory to be used. F> AGS files are now broken down into several files: AGS.ARC contains the Dbase III+ version. FOXAGS.ARC contains the Foxbase + version. AGSDOC.ARC contains the documentation (mostly unchanged from AGS V2.04) Coming soon: AGS V2.20 Includes: Optional Verification during data entry. Instructions on Multiple-Key Indexes. Instructions on Linking Databases. Color Controls. AGS V2.30 Includes: Functions included in both Default Values and Sort. Boolean Description for Verification. Criteria Guide. Updated Documentation. Sample Create System with Documentation. Instructions on using Runtime+. (all of these will be prior to a Dbase IV or Foxbase upgrade) Later! RL Coppedge, CDP.....Copyright 1988 All Rights Reserved.