!short: Global Variables ^uGlobals:^u extern int ^bmse_xin^b /* x-input coordinate */ extern int ^bmse_yin^b /* y-input coordinate */ extern int ^bprscnt[2]^b /* array for count of button presses */ extern int ^bx_lstprs[2]^b /* array of x-coords at last press */ extern int ^by_lstprs[2]^b /* array of y-coords at last press */ extern int ^brlscnt[2]^b /* array for count of button releases */ extern int ^bx_lstrls[2]^b /* array of x-coords at last release */ extern int ^by_lstrls[2]^b /* array of y-coords at last release */ extern int ^bh_micks^b /* horizontal motion counter */ extern int ^bv_micks^b /* vertical motion counters */ !short: Functions ^uFunctions:^u /* Reset mouse driver and return current status */ extern ^bint m_reset(void )^b /* Increment cursor flag and display cursor */ extern ^bint m_showcur(void )^b /* Decrement cursor flag and hide cursor */ extern ^bint m_hidecur(void )^b /* Read cursor position and status */ extern ^bint m_readloc(void )^b /* Set cursor position */ extern ^bint m_setloc(int x,int y)^b /* Get mouse button press information */ extern ^bint m_keyprs(int button)^b /* Get mouse button release information */ extern ^bint m_keyrls(int button)^b /* Set horizontal minimum and maximum */ extern ^bint m_setxlim(int xmin,int xmax)^b /* Set vertical minimum and maximum */ extern ^bint m_setylim(int ymin,int ymax)^b /* Define graphics cursor */ extern ^bint m_defgcur(int hot_x,int hot_y,int cur_shape)^b /* Define text cursor */ extern ^bint m_deftcur(int cur_type,int scr_msk,int cur_msk)^b /* Read mouse motion counters */ extern ^bint m_mickeys(void )^b /* Set user-defined subroutine call mask */ extern ^bint m_inpmsk(int call_msk,int offset)^b /* Turn light-pen emulation on */ extern ^bint m_penon(void )^b /* Turn light-pen emulation off */ extern ^bint m_penoff(void )^b /* Set horizontal and vertical motion sensitivity */ extern ^bint m_setasp(int h_ratio,int v_ratio)^b !short: Defines ^uDefines:^u #define ^bLEFT^b 0 #define ^bRIGHT^b 1 #define ^bLEFT_BUTTON^b case 1: #define ^bRIGHT_BUTTON^b case 2: #define ^bBOTH_BUTTONS^b case 3: #define ^bNO_BUTTONS^b case 0: