The Lunacy PCBoard Telephone: 818-894-1248 (Node 1) 818-894-1470 (Node 2) 818-894-0741 (Node 3) This file was obtained from the Lunacy PCBoard. The Lunacy PCBoard is a public bulletin board system (PBBS) dedicated to the distribution of public domain and shareware files. The Lunacy PCBoard has been in existance for over 4 years, and is the major distribution point on the West Coast of the United States for public domain and shareware files. The Lunacy PCBoard maintains three telephone lines you can call, and is a free no-fee bulletin board system. It is PC-Pursuitable. The Lunacy PCBoard runs on a Compaq 386 machine with over 460 megabytes of disk space available for such files, 4 active "local" message bases (no huge national message bases to wade through) and several on-line games! * * * * * D I S C L A I M E R * * * * * These files are supplied "AS IS" without warranty of fitness of any kind. The entire risk as to the quality and/or performance of the programs or files is with YOU. Should any files or programs you download or obtain from the Lunacy PCBoard prove defective, you (and not the system operator) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Under no circumstances will the operator of the Lunacy PCBoard be liable to you for any damages resulting from the unsuitability of any files obtained from the Lunacy PCBoard, even if the operator has been advised that such unsuitability exists. By means of unARCing and unpacking this file, you now have agreed to the above provisions.