Pibterm 4.1.x External Protocols 4/13/88 09:30:00 Happy Taxes! Robert F. Rapp In this archive you will find various REC*.BAT and SEND*.BAT files. These are all you need to add MegaLink (the MLINK BAT files), Sealink (CLINK BAT files), and the Zmodem, True Ymodem and Xmodem-1K CRC functions from DSZ.COM or DSZ.EXE (the ZMOD, YMOD & XMOD BAT files). I did include True Ymodem mode here, though it doesn't work any better than Philip Burns' Ymodem. I have also included the appropriate protocols. The DSZ is that of 4/06/88; the 2/08/88 version does not include the default download feature, but that is not needed for PibTerm, though it is useful with Telix and Hotkey-Z, and the 3/29/88 version does not have the special multi-file upload handling technique (which you don't probably need anyway). All are currently supported versions, however. As for the rest, follow the example in the external protocol configuration in PibTerm for Zmodem. Mine is like this: a) Zmodem ZM YES YES RECZMOD.BAT SENDZMOD.BAT b) Xmodem-DSZ DX YES YES RECXMOD.BAT SENDXMOD.BAT c) Ymodem-DSZ DY YES YES RECYMOD.BAT SENDYMOD.BAT d) MegaLink ML YES NO RECMLINK.BAT SENDMLIN.BAT e) Sealink SL YES NO RECCLINK.BAT SENDCLIN.BAT The protocols, DSZ.COM or .EXE, MLINK & CLINK, don't have to be in the same subdirectory as PibTerm, but they do have to be in the DOS path. You will note that I have a CLS as the first command in each .BAT file; this is for a color monitor, and can be deleted if you have monochrome. PibTerm does most everything else; keeps track of the directory (though I use my upload directory as the default), logs results, etc. The BAT files, similarly, just have to be in your path, at least with DOS 3.2 or later. I have heard earlier versions of DOS get confused sometimes when called from x while in y and calling a program from z. If you find this to be the case, try keeping it simple, and put the BAT files with the protocols. You can also add a @ in front of ECHO OFF if you have DOS 3.3 to supress the printing of that command. You may find that you need to set Zmodem Autodownload off on some BBS's; it can mistakenly think the host is ready to send a file. PibTerm 4.1.3 corrects this problem; replace your PIBTERM.EXE and .OVL files. You will NOT need to install PibTerm again if you just replace those two files. On Exec-PC, these are available as PIB413E1.ARC (the EXE and config files, the latter don't have to be changed) and PIB413E2.ARC (the overlay file, which MUST match the EXE file version). Because a DOS path is good enough, I have only one set of external protocols, for all comm programs to use. Just add the subdirectory containing the external protocols to your path. Of course, if you only use PibTerm with these protocols, just path to that directory (it should be pathed to anyway). You can optionally use the SET DIRRX=[pathname]\ and SET DSZLOG=[pathname]\[filename] options, as well as the pW1 (wait for enter on code 1 {error}) and pv1 (sound bell on completed transfer). The DIRRX option is, I think, only active in registered copies of DSZ 04/06/88; you will have to adjust for this if it doesn't work with your unregistered copy of DSZ. Better yet, register it; it's $20, and that's for all present and future copies. Try getting the present and future copies of Dbase or WordStar or Lotus or whatever for one price, however high, and then try getting it for $20. You get the point? (Actually, PibTerm does a good job of tracking the download directory, so this is not critical with that program; with something like Hotkey-Z & ProComm or Telix, it is a needed feature.) That's all; comments to Rob Rapp, Exec-PC, (414)964-5160