®RM45¯ ;CENTER ;FACE 8 ;SIZE 14 ;WIDTH 6 ;WEIGHT 6 Importing ASCII Files ;LEFT ;SIZE 9 WORD PROCESSING INTERFACE ;face 1 ;width 4 ;weight 4 ;justify ;bigsp The Import feature in Type-Set-It accepts copy from most word processors. This lets you input, edit, and spell check your copy with a word processor, save it to a file and then bring it into Type-Set-It for type~set~ting and final printing. ;bigsp There are three basic~~ methods for pro~duc~ing type~set copy from word pro~cess~ing files. The size and com~plex~ity of the job you are doing gen~er~ally sug~gests the best method to use. ;bigsp Method 1. First of all, for small or very com~plex jobs, or jobs requiring a lot a free form design, it may be better not to import the text. Sometimes retyping copy from a clean manu~script copy is eas~ier than insert~ing a lot of cod~ing or mixing in commands.~~ ;bigsp Method 2. For small to medium size jobs that use the same text only once, such as small, simple newsletters. Enter only HALT codes in the word pro~cess~ing file where you want to change the type size or style. When import~ing copy into Type-Set-It, the read~ing will stop and let you to make the appear~ance changes from the key~board with instant visual feed~back from Type-Set-It's inter~active screen. ;bigsp The three advan~tages of this method are: ;bigsp A. You do not ``mess up'' your orig~i~nal file. ;bigsp B. You do not have to visu~al~ize the effect of codes on the final out~put. ;bigsp C. You do not have to learn or use mnemonic cod~ing. ;bigsp Method 3. For frequently revised or frequently published jobs of a medium to complex nature. Enter Mnemonic codes along with the text in your word pro~cessor. This is best for repetitive work such as price lists. It is par~tic~u~larly suit~able if you can have a word pro~cessor or data base pro~gram auto~mat~ically put the cod~ing in for you. Also good for listings, directories, mul~ti~ple name tags for con~ventions etc. IMPORTING A FILE ;bigsp First prepare a stan~dard ASCII file using your word pro~cessor~. If you want Type-Set-It to make the line end~ing deci~sions for jus~ti~fied type, (as in a jus~ti~fied para~graph) only use line end~ing at the end of the para~graphs. A dou~ble return at the end of the para~graph will pro~duce an extra half line space between para~graphs. ;bigsp Some word processors always insert hard returns at the end of every screen line when they produce ASCII files. Type-Set-It has a feature that will ignore these returns. When in Type-Set-It, press ;face 8 + F ;face 1 to turn on the Fill line feature. Type-Set-It will then replace all single returns with spaces, make its own line endings and use double returns for end-of-paragraphs. To turn off the Fill line feature press ;face 8 + X ;face 1 . The import filename(S) must have the exten~sion ``.TXT''. After enter~ing Type-Set-It, press~ing the F7 + F9 will display a directory of the word processing files and prompt you for a filename. The default filename is TSI.TXT. Enter your filename and press ;face 8 ;face 1 . Then press ;face 8 ;face 1 to clear the menu from the screen. ;bigsp Use the F2 lay~out menu to set up the margins on the page before you bring in the text. If you do not embed type face codes in the text, then set the size and style of type, and the posi~tion~ing (ie: cen~tered, jus~ti~fied etc.) for the lines before you bring in the text. It's real easy~ to press ;face 8 ;face 1 type a test word or two to check the appear~ance and then delete the test copy with ;face 8 ;face 1. ;bigsp Use the ;face 8 ;face 1 key to ``Control'' the flow of read~ing of copy from the word pro~cess~ing files. First open the file with ;face 8 O ;face 1 (not a zero). When you open a file for import, nothing shows on the screen except in case of an error such as file not found. Type-Set-It auto~mat~ically turns on autoline end~ings. (Not the full line feature mentioned earlier) Thus, when you bring~ing in ``endless'' lines, Type-Set-It will count, break and jus~tify them into typeset text lines. ;bigsp After open~ing the file, you can read in copy by the char~ac~ter, word, line, para~graph, or read to the end of the file. ;face 1 ;bigsp To read in a char~ac~ter press ;face 8 C. ;face 1 The let~ters may be upper or lower case. If you hold down the ;face 8 ;face 1 key, each time you press a C, it reads another char~ac~ter from the file to the screen. ;bigsp To read in a word, press ;face 8 W ;face 1 . When you read in a word, it intention~ally throws away the space fol~low~ing the word. This pre~vents a word from overfilling a line and word wrap~ping to the next line before you have a chance to approve it. Just press the space bar to put one in before con~tinu~ing. ;bigsp To read in a line, press ;face 8 L ;face 1 . The line will stop when it gets into the jus~ti~fica~tion zone allow~ing you to decide where to break the line. You can add to it a character at a time until you are get to the proper place to break the line. This kind of attention to detail can be critical in ad work. ;bigsp To read in a para~graph press ;face 8 P ;face 1 . It reads in copy con~tinu~ously until it finds a dou~ble return. ;bigsp To read in all the copy, press ;face 8 R ;face 1 . ;bigsp Any key will stop read~ing and print on the screen. Press~ing ;face 8 ;face 1 will stop read~ing with no other effect. Press~ing ;face 8 C ;face 1 while read~ing con~tinu~ously will read one more char~ac~ter and then stop. If you press an alphanumeric key, the read~ing will stop and that char~ac~ter will print on the screen. ;bigsp If you decide to change the appear~ance or restart, change the setup, clear the screen and press ;face 8 S ;face 1 to get to the ``start' of the word pro~cess~ing file. You can then read in the copy again. ;left Sum~mary of Con~trol Codes ;bigsp Con~trol + O ;tab Open file for read~ing ;bigsp Con~trol + S ;tab Read from Start of file ;bigsp Con~trol + C ;tab Read a Char~ac~ter ;bigsp Con~trol + W ;tab Read a Word and a space ;tab (dis~card the space) ;bigsp Con~trol + L ;tab Read a Line ;bigsp Con~trol + P ;tab Read a Para~graph ;bigsp Con~trol + R ;tab Read and Read and Read ;bigsp Con~trol + F ;tab Fill line (ignore single returns) ;bigsp Con~trol + X ;tab Turn off Fill line ENTERING MNEMONIC CODING ;justify ;bigsp Codes always start with a semicolon and end with a space or a number followed by a space. If Type-Set-It detects an invalid code, the read will stop. You may then read a char~ac~ter at a time to get past any errors and cor~rect the screen by backspacing. ;bigsp You may type the codes in upper or lower case. Codes that require a numer~ical value must have a space between the code and the number. There is no space after the number. Enter the mnemonic codes in the text where you want the type~set~ting com~mand. Mnemonic Codes and Their Actions ;;HALT ;tab Stop reading (allow key~board input) ;;FACE # # ;tab 1-8 (family) or 9 = italics ;;SIZE # ;tab # = 4-100. Height in 64th inch ;;WIDTH # ;tab # = 1-9. 1 = skinny, 9 = wide ;;WEIGHT # ;tab # = 1-9. 1 = light, 9 = bold ;;KERN # ;tab # = 1-50. Backup # dots on screen ;;LEFT ;tab Posi~tion line(S) left ;;RIGHT ;tab Posi~tion line(s) right ;;CENTER ;tab line(s) ;;JUSTIFY ;tab line(s) ;;UP # ;tab # = 1-64 (#/64th inch) Up baseline ;;DOWN # ;tab # = 1-32 (#/64th inch) Down baseline ;;UPLN ;tab Move up page 1/2 line ;;DNLN ;tab Move down page 1/2 line ;;BIGSP ;tab Big Space ;;SPACE ;tab Small Space ;;FSPACE # ;tab # = 1-500 Forward fixed space ;;TAB ;tab Tab ;;GALLEY ;tab Change to next galley ;;PAGE ;tab Change to next page ;;PP ;tab End of Paragraph ;left Word pro~cess~ing tips. ;justify ;bigsp Type~set~ting uses left and right quotes ``like so.'' The left hand quotes can be either the acute accent mark, or the dou~ble quote ('') on the IBM key~board. The right hand quote and the apos~tro~phe are the same char~ac~ter. Use two of them for dou~ble quotes. ;bigsp Use only one space after punc~tu~a~tion marks at the end of sen~tences. ;bigsp Do not use word spaces to position typeset copy in columns. Spaces may shrink or stretch to accommodate the proportion spacing of the letters. To produce copy in columns, use tabs, fixed spaces like small space or big space, or just move the cursor using the index on the ruler or use layout to set up galleys. ;bigsp The dis~cre~tion~ary hyphen code is the tilde sym~bol (wave). When plac~ing them within a word, and ``autoline~ ends'' are on, and that word over~sets a line, the word will break on the dis~cret~ion~ary hyphen. It will auto~mat~ically in~sert a hyphen. Other~wise the dis~cret~ion~ary hyphens will never show.