Version 1.0 ----------- Development and Alpha test version. Not released. Version 1.1 ----------- First public release. Version 2.0 ----------- Development and Alpha test version. Not released. Version 2.1 (08-06-90) ----------------------- Quite a few improvements over v1.1! Added full screen editor in DBUTIL. Added security levels for the categories. Added locks based on callers baud rate. Expanded COMLOCK to include 9600, 19200 and 38400 baud. Added insert and delete options to category and door screens. Version 2.1a (08-08-90) ----------------------- Fixed a bug in the timing routines. If a caller logged on close to the event and he had already been on previously that day, DoorBill would sometimes figure his time wrong and kick him out with a 'Time Expired' message even though he had plenty of time left. Added Bulletin creator to DBUTIL. Version 2.1b (08-10-90) ----------------------- Added logic so DoorBill would know a little earlier when a caller had logged off while inside a door. Version 2.1c (08-14-90) ----------------------- Fixed a bug in the security routines where DoorBill would allow a caller with a level less than that specified would be allowed to see and enter categories he shouldn't have. Version 2.1d (08-16-90) ----------------------- Thought I had the timing routines fixed but did not. Time calculations kept getting screwed up due to the fact that some doors update PCBOARD.SYS with the time remaining and some do not. I THINK it is fixed now. Fixed a bug in the CHAT routine. It would give a Keyboard Timeout error after 5 minutes even though keyboard input was going on the whole time. Version 2.1e (08-16-90) ----------------------- Ok, I got it this time (I really do!). These time calculations are giving me a fit! Finally solved it by ignoring PCBOARD.SYS altogether and writing a file just for time keeping. Version 2.1f (08-20-90) ----------------------- Had some reports of 'Out of String Space' errors so I cleared out a bit more for this update. Version 2.1g (08-22-90) ----------------------- Made some adjustments to the COM routines in COMLOCK and DoorBill. COMLOCK wasn't picking up the HST 38400 parameter correctly. Fixed a bug in the CHAT mode. If you stayed in CHAT longer than 5 minutes, when you came out DoorBill would kick the caller back to the BBS with a 'Keyboard timeout' error. Version 2.2 (08-24-90) ---------------------- Added the MOVE command to DBUTIL. Changed the DoorBill version number so we can keep the version numbers in sync. Version 2.3 (09-02-90) ---------------------- Think I finally solved the lock-up problems some Sysops were having. The problem stemmed from a sub-routine that checked for the existance of a file. Took that out and put another routine in it's place which should solve the problem. (later note: Nope, that didn't fix it!) Version 2.4 (09-14-90) ---------------------- Fixed a bug in the time routines. If a caller logged on just before midnight and entered DoorBill after midnight, it wasn't calculating his time correctly and would kick him out with a 'time expired'. Added option for the Sysop to Shell to DBUTIL. Added Doors Bulletin viewing ability! If you enable this, the user can now list your Doors Bulletins from within DoorBill. Added the user's time left to the menu prompts. Version 2.5 (09-21-90) ---------------------- Fixed the CHAT MODE routines so the user gets credit for any time spent in CHAT with the Sysop. Changed the Status Line Help Menu key from ALT-H to HOME for reasons to complicated to go into here. The Bulletin option now displays both ASCII and ANSI bulletins. Version 2.5 (09-30-90) ---------------------- Added Sort option to DBUTIL. This option will sort all Doors in all Categories and put them in alphabetical order. (Pretty quick too!) Version 2.6 (10-04-90) ---------------------- DoorBill is now DOOR.SYS compatible! This entailed some changes in DBUTIL as well as DoorBill. The DOORBILL.CNF file has changed with this version and must be converted. Never fear, the conversion is automatic. Both DoorBill and DBUTIL will detect the older format and do it's thing. You won't even know it is happening! You no longer need to enter the path to PCBOARD.DAT in DBUTIL. The fields for the Doors BLT Menu and BLT.LST are now 25 characters instead of 20 and the BBS DIR field has shrunk from 30 characters to 25. The DOOR.SYS version is pretty much like the PCBoard one except you do not have the ALT-N (Sysop next on) and ALT-X (exit to DOS) options while in DoorBill. The Bulletin of your Categories and Doors that DBUTIL creates has been changed to make ASCII and ANSI files instead of the PCBoard @X files. Version 2.7 (10-20-90) ---------------------- Added auto-ANSI detection! If the caller has ANSI capability, DoorBill will switch to Graphics mode regardless of his setting on the BBS. This does not change the BBS setting. Right now auto-ANSI detection is not configurable. Please let me know if you would like it to be. Added Up:Dn to the Status line which indicates uploads and downloads. Fiddled with the Sort routine in DBUTIL since it wasn't quite right. Hopefully it will sort ALL the doors now! Changed the local screen printing from Direct Screen Writes to BIOS screen writes which should solve the problems with bleed thru for those of you using DesqView (I hope!). Added 2 shortcuts to the menus: 1. If you hit any key while any of the menus are printing, it will stop and prompt you with 'Yes? '. This way you do not have to sit thru the whole menu if you know which number you want. 2. You are now able to bypass the second menu altogether! For instance if you want to enter Category 3 and Door 5 of that category, you can now type 3;5. The delimiter must be a semi-colon (;). Version 2.8 (10-22-90) ---------------------- DoorBill now provides a conversion for DORINFOx.DEF and CALLINFO.BBS! There is a new field at the bottom of the Door entry screens in DBUTIL. Just place a D for DORINFOx.DEF conversion or a C for CALLINFO.BBS in that field and DoorBill will write the appropriate conversion file in the door's directory. Fixed a problem with the chat routine and the backspace introduced in the conversion to BIOS screen writes. Version 2.9 (10-26-90) ----------------------- Since a couple of Sysops expressed concern about the automatic ANSI detection, I have made this configurable in DBUTIL. The default is ON (Y). If you want to turn it off just put an N in the Auto-ANSI field. Added the ability to stack commands from the PCBoard prompt! (Here ya are Chuck!) The format is: .... Command? OPEN 1 1;3 2;5 5;1 B Q This would OPEN Door #1 (DoorBill), select Category 1 - Door 3 and run the door. When that door is finished DoorBill reloads (so it can check carrier etc.) then selects Category 2 - Door 5, and so on. After all the doors have ran, DoorBill reloads and displays the Bulletin Menu then exits to PCBoard. If the caller enters either an invalid Category number or Door number, an error message is displayed and DoorBill goes on to the next parameter. NOTE: This option only works with PCBoard!