DWL Survival Manual I - Updated 7/09/89 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Time.... 2050 A.D. The Place... Planet Earth. After a vast nuclear war on Earth, the human race diminished greatly as the nuclear fallout almost wiped out the entire race. Meanwhile, other universes in inner space were developing their own civilizations. The Earth's water supply, which used to cover over 3/4 of the planet, greatly declined. The post-nuclear holocaust caused a panic throughout the planet Earth. The Human race scraped for ideas as they slowly were dying off. The liquid water was dangerous to drink and was easily contaminated. A new idea from a few scientists consisted of changing the Earth's water supply into water crystals. These new crystals were protected from any sort of diseases because of their special atomic structure. The entire Earth's water supply (that which was uncontaminated) was converted into these water crystals. However, an invasion from another planet called "Hydrania" attacked Earth. The leader of Hydrania, nicknamed now as "Overkill" attempted to steal the water crystals. Overkill managed to steal over 50 billion crystals and return them to his home planet where they were then liquified back again in a safe environment. However, Overkill was unable to capture all of Earth's water crystals. Few still remain in which the different races of Earth now struggle for. Overkill still wants the rest of the water crystals in order to become the universe's leading power. In order to achieve this, Overkill has sent his mighty warriors to Earth to collect the remaining crystals. These warriors are often known as Hydrites (or "scum-blingings" as Humans call them). They have the same basic powers as any Human would, but are equipped and well trained in battle. They are rumored to "stop at nothing" in order to kill any inhabitant on Earth. From the post-nuclear war on Earth, a person who goes by the name of ZZexon (with an unknown race) was kept into hiding by a few nomad humans. He grew up and was taught a decent education and a strong leadership ability. ZZexon was drafted into the HeXonium force and fought against the Hydrites until the force was taken over. ZZexon escaped and has secretly set up a huge complex building for recruiting warriors to battle the Hydrites in the surrounding wastelands. Corruption among the people has erupted. Warriors have been known to fight each other, time to time in the dreaded wastelands. However, ZZexon still urges forward with the goal of defeating the Hydrites. Who knows if this can ever be accomplished. The hard part is just surviving. Primary Goal..... To survive. Secondary Goal... Defeat Overkill. [ Briefing complete. ]