There are four common races that are known throughout Earth: MUTANTS: Better known as "Mutoids", these odd-looking humanoids evolved from nocturnal hunters who were exposed to harsh radiation from the last World War. Mutoids have snouts similar to those of wolves and have flaps of skin between their sides and arms like flying squirrels. CYBORGS: At one time there was a highly-advanced technological human race that was on the edge of extinction due to post-nuclear radiation. Fearing that their kind would be wiped out, they devised a way to combine their technology with human genetics. The result was a type of living-thinking robot. The civilization programed all of their knowledge and intelligence into these creations and therefore saved their race from dying out. Cyborgs are half man and half machine. HUMANS: Until the World War, the Human race populated the planet in very large numbers. The Humans were the inventors of the atomic bomb, which, in turn, destroyed nearly their entire planet. The beliefs for Humans now is just to merely survive and seek revenge on their dreaded enemies. ALIENS: This race immigrates from another galaxy to Earth in search of trade and water crystals. Aliens hardly mix with Humans that often. They consider themselves more intelligent than other races and boast their egos by speaking of their home planets. They are also very philosophical and are well known for their unusual ideas.