*-/\- NOTICE -/\-* ~~~~~~ This service is being presented on an "as is" basis, with no guarantees or warranties express or implied; the user is hereby informed that the operator does not accept responsibility for any circumstances such as may arise due to usage of this system. DWL Guidebook - Updated 7/09/89 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dark WasteLand, shortened to 'DWL', is a new bbs/game system that is in the beta-test mode. Any errors should be reported to the staff running this system immediately. DWL, by all means, is a bbs that is meant to be used or recreation and fun. In no way does DWL or its creators intend to promote harm; merely a source of entertainment. DWL may contain some violent language and may not be suitable for persons with a weak stomach or under the age of 13. DWL has some basic rules that must be applied when using this system: 1) A user is only allowed ONE character per system. If others are found, BOTH accounts will be terminated; no questions asked. If it even is suspected that you are using two different characters, whatever the reason, both characters will be terminated. We believe in a justified system. 2) Avoid abusive or strong language when posting messages. The staff is aware of the freedom of speech, but please keep all harsh lanaguage limited to private messages in the E-Mail system. 3) If a person should happen to be killed during a battle, he/she is given the option to resurrect their character on the next call. Other things to look for in the system usage: Messages can be aborted with the spacebar, or any other key will prompt with a (Cont/Quit?). Q)uit will terminate the output completely. To pause the text at any time, press S or CTRL-S. To resume, hit any other key. The Gear-Shifting mode is a powerful tool used during reading. Pressing the number keys along top of your keyboard will slow the text according to the number pressed. For example, #1 will slow down to the slowest output, while #8,#9,#0 are the fastest speeds. When you first sign on, your gear-shifting mode will be turned off. If you enter the U)ser Config in the Barracks, the Gear-shifting mode can be switched on or off. NOTE: This system was directed mainly towards the male species of users. Most quotes throughout the system refer to "he" and "him". This format, in any way, is not intended for the discrimination of sex. Thanks to: Mad Hacker, Ice, Hector, Child of Destiny, Dalamar, Macavity, Doctor Rug, Bryan Lowery, and the rest of the users here who have helped me beta-test the first versions Dark Wasteland. Special Thanks to: The staff of Nulfenstein Productions and Pinnacle Software.