10:01 /* 1881 William Edward Boeing, founded aircraft company. 1924 Jimmy Carter, 39th President (1976-1980) 1851 1st Hawaiian stamps issued. 1869 1st postcards are issued in Vienna. 1896 Yosemite becomes a National Park. 1898 Henry Huntington buys the Los Angeles Railway. 1903 1st World Series starts between the National & American Leagues 1908 Henry Ford introduces the Model T car. 1960 Nigeria gains it's independence. 1962 Johnny Carson hosts his 1st Tonight Show. 1964 Cable Cars declared a National Landmark. 1971 Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens. Independence Day, celebrated in Nigeria. */ 10:02 /* 1851 Ferdinand Foch, believed to be the leader responsible for Allies winning World War I. 1869 Mahatma Ghandi, pacifist. 1608 Hans Lippershey offers the Dutch government a new invention -- the telescope. 1836 Darwin returns to England aboard the HMS Beagle. 1939 Birdbaths installed in Union Square. 1958 Guinea gains it's independence. Independence Day, celebrated in Guinea. */ 10:03 /* 1803 John Gorrie, invented cold-air process of refrigeration 1804 Townsend Harris, 1st Western consul to reside in Japan 1925 Gore Vidal, writer. 1789 Washington proclaims the 1st national Thanksgiving Day on Nov 26 1863 Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day 1955 Captain Kangaroo premieres. Good Morning, Captain! 1913 Federal Income Tax is signed into law (at 1%). 1960 San Francisco's White House department store is first to accept the BankAmericard in lieu of cash. */ 10:04 /* 1822 Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th President (1877-1881) 1895 Buster Keaton 1931 Dick Tracy 1916 Market Street's "Path of Gold" lit for 1st time. 1926 The dahlia is officially designated as the City Flower. 1957 USSR launches Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite. 1977 Pier 39 opens. */ 10:05 /* 1829 Chester A. Arthur, 21st President (1881-1884) 1882 Robert Hutchings Goddard, father of modern rocketry 1905 Ray Kroc, who gave Ronald McDonald a job. 1875 Palace Hotel on Market Street opens. 1921 1st radio broadcast of the World Series. 1963 Hyde St. Pier re-opens as State Historical Park. 1964 Fire Department Museum dedicated. 1970 PBS becomes a network. */ 10:06 /* 1820 Jenny Lind, nightengale 1846 George Westinghouse, responsible for alternating current in US. 1866 Reginald Aubrey Fessenden, broadcast 1st program of voice & music 1889 Thomas Edison shows his first motion picture. 1927 "The Jazz Singer", 1st movie with a sound track, premieres. 1935 Market Street Railway starts using trackless trolley coaches. 1940 Zoological Gardens opens (on Sloat and Skyline). Universal Children's Day */ 10:07 /* 1885 Niels Bohr, physicist & Nobel laureate, expanded quantum physics. 1826 Granite Railway (1st chartered railway in US) begins operations */ 10:08 /* 1869 J. Frank Duryea, with his brother, invented 1st auto built & operated in the US. 1840 1st Hawaiian constitution proclaimed. 1860 Telegraph line between Los Angeles and San Francisco opens. 1865 Earthquake. 1871 The Great Fire destroys over 4 square miles of Chicago. 1896 Dow Jones starts reporting an average of industrial stocks. 1933 Coit Tower dedicated. */ 10:09 /* 1000 Leif Ericson discovers "Vinland" (possibly New England) 1776 Mission Delores founded. 1975 Emperor Hirohito of Japan visits San Francisco. */ 10:10 /* 1738 Benjamin West, painter. 1813 Giuseppe Verdi, composer of operas. 1911 the Manchu Dynasty is overthrown in China. 1980 Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope network dedicated. National Day, celebrated in Taiwan. */ 10:11 /* 1844 Henry John Heinz, founded a prepared-foods company 1884 Eleanor Roosevelt, crusader 1890 Daughters of the American Revolution founded. 1968 Apollo 7 launched, 1st manned flight of the Command & Service modules. */ 10:12 /* 1935 Luciano Pavarotti 1933 Alcatraz becomes a federal prison (unofficially). 1957 1st commercial flight between California and Antartica. 1963 at 4AM, traffic on Bay Bridge is 1-way on each deck. The REAL Columbus Day */ 10:13 /* 1769 Horace H. Hayden, cofounder of 1st dental college 1925 Margaret Thatcher, Tory 1792 George Washington lays the cornerstone of the Executive Mansion */ 10:14 /* 1857 Elwood Haynes, auto pioneer, built one of the first US autos 1890 Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President (1953-1961) 1894 e.e. cummings, poet 1896 Lillian Gish, actress 1066 Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England 1774 1st declaration of colonial rights in America. 1947 1st supersonic flight (Mach 1.015 at 42,000 feet). */ 10:15 /* 1829 Asaph Hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of Mars, Phobos & Deimos 1844 Friedrich Nietzsche, Ubermensch 1858 John L. Sullivan, famed pugelist. 1905 C. P. Snow, British novelist and scientist. 1860 Grace Bedell writes to Lincoln, tells him to grow a beard. 1863 Cliff House opens (1st of many on the site). 1969 Bank of America World Headquarters (555 California) dedicated. Mushroom Day National Grouch Day */ 10:16 /* 1708 Albrecht von Haller, the father of experimental physiology 1854 Oscar Wilde, wit 1890 Paul Strand, photographer 1859 John Brown attacks the armory at Harper's Ferry. 1869 a hotel in Boston becomes the 1st to have indoor plumbing. 1941 Gordo (by Gus Arriola) 1st appeared in newspapers. 1952 Woolworth's at Powell & Market opens. 1971 Amphitheater in McLaren Park dedicated. */ 10:17 /* 1915 Arthur Miller, playwright 1492 Columbus sights the isle of San Salvador. 1781 Cornwallis defeated at Yorktown. 1850 Knickerbocker Engine Co. Number 5 organized. 1899 Sutro RR sold to Robert F. Morrow for $215,000. 1904 Bank of Italy (Bank of America) opens its doors. */ 10:18 /* 1919 Pierre Trudeau, Canadien 1869 the United States take possession of Alaska. 1873 the Ivy League establishes rules for college football. 1892 1st commercial long-distance phone line opens (Chicago - New York) 1922 British Broadcasting Corporation established. The start of the Moslem New Year. */ 10:19 /* 1781 Cornwallis surrenders at 2PM, the fighting is over. 1845 Wagner's opera 'Tannhauser' is performed for first time. 1853 1st flour mill in Hawaii begins operations. 1968 Golden Gate Bridge charges tolls only for southbound cars. */ 10:20 /* 1632 Sir Christopher Wren, astronomer, greatest English architect of his time, built many of the cathedrals in London. 1812 Austin Flint, 19th century pioneer in US heart research 1874 Charles Ives, composer 1600 Battle of Sekigahara, which established the Tokugawa clan as rulers of Japan (SHOGUN) until 1865 (basis of Clavell's novel). 1820 Spain gives Florida to the United States. 1906 Dr Lee DeForest gives a demonstration of his radio tube. 1929 Bayshore Highway opens. */ 10:21 /* 1833 Alfred Bernhard Nobel, created dynamite and Peace Prizes. 1917 Dizzy Gillespie, trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz 1805 Battle of Trefalgar, where Nelson established British naval supremacy for the next century. 1868 Severe earthquake at 7:53AM. 1869 1st shipment of fresh oysters comes overland from Baltimore. 1879 Thomas Edison commercially perfects the light bulb. */ 10:22 /* 1936 1st commercial flight from mainland to Hawaii. 1981 US National debt topped $1 TRILLION (nothing to celebrate). */ 10:23 /* 1835 Adlai Stevenson, Veep 1925 Johnny Carson 1956 the ill-fated revolt in Communist Hungary starts, later crushed by Soviet tanks. */ 10:24 /* 1945 United Nations Charter goes into effect. */ 10:25 /* 1881 Pablo Picasso, doodler 1415 Battle of Agincourt, where the Welsh longbow defeats the armored knight. 1825 Erie Canal opens for business in New York. 1854 the Light Brigade charges (Battle of Balaklava). Saint Crispin's Day */ 10:26 /* 1855 Charles Post, who had a way with breakfast cereals. 1861 Telegraph service inaugurated in US (end of Pony Express). 1881 Shootout at the OK corral, in Tombstone, Arizona. 1903 the "Yerba Buena" is 1st Key System ferry to cross San Francisco Bay. 1956 International Atomic Energy Agency established. 1970 the "Doonesbury" comic strip debuts in 28 newspapers 1972 Guided tours of Alcatraz (by Park Service) begin. */ 10:27 /* 1728 Captain James Cook, discovered the Sandwich Islands. 1811 Issac Merrit Singer, invented 1st practical home sewing machine 1858 Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President (1901-1909) 1787 The 'Federalist' letters started appearing in NY newspapers. 1858 RH Macy & Co. opens 1st store, on 6th Avenue, New York City. 1896 1st Pali Road completed in Hawaii (the Pali is a cliff where the winds are so strong streams flow UP! Honest!). 1904 New York opens 1st section of it's subway system. 1972 Golden Gate National Recreation Area created. */ 10:28 /* 1466 Erasmus, scholar, author of "In Praise of Folly" 1846 Auguste Escoffier, "the king of chefs & the chef of kings" 1914 Dr. Jonas Salk, who made polio a fear of the past. 1492 Columbus discovers Cuba. 1636 Harvard University founded. Eli Whitney gets a patent for the Cotton Gin. 1886 Statue of Liberty dedicated. 1904 St. Louis Police try a new investigation method - fingerprints. 1919 Volstead Act passed by Congress, starting Prohibition. 1965 the Gateway Arch (630 feet high) completed in St. Louis, Missouri. */ 10:29 /* 1740 James Boswell, Samuel Johnson's biographer. 1833 1st College Fraternity founded. 1863 International Committee of the Red Cross founded. 1894 first election of the Hawaiian Republic. 1923 Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government. 1929 "Black Tuesday", the Stock Market crash. 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition closes (1st closure). 1956 "Goodnight, David" "Goodnight, Chet" heard on NBC for 1st time. (Chet Huntley & David Brinkley, NBC News, team up). Republic Day, celebrated in Turkey. */ 10:30 /* 1735 John Adams, 2nd President (1797-1801) 1775 US Navy 1864 Helena, capital of Montana, founded. 1938 Orson Welles panics a nation with his broadcast: 'War of the Worlds' */ 10:31 /* 1956 Brooklyn, NY ends streetcar service. All Hallows Eve (you know, Halloween) */