Presented By The PHOENIX BBS! Located In Boca Raton, Florida (407) 451-9845 300-19,200 HST Running On GAP BBS Ver. 4.3/M Sysop : John Stephens Those of you who read the manual for GAP realize that Kenny Gardner (GAP Author) does'nt really want to explain the operation of how to run multinode BBS with GAP. This is a basic drawing of how it is done and what must be done. This just explains the outline of how it is done, and what must be placed where on your harddrive. To start off, I am running a IBM PC/AT with a 300-19,200 HST Robotics, EGA monitor, and 120 megs of drive space. This is just to let you know that I am not using one of those fancy/expensive networks/LANs. First thing is first. You must have a registered version of GAP, at least about 10 megs of hard drive space, (by all means), at least more than 640k of memory. As you go through set up, you will notice that in the manual that is does not explain much about setting up nodes with GAP. Though, he did mention that you need at least ONE copy of the needed files for GAP. Now, the set up.. On your hard drive, you've probably got, C:\GAP with all the files that GAP needs in thier proper directory?, if this is correct, then you probably are running a functional GAP BBS at this time. If so, then you must start off by going to C:\. (Root Dir). Next make a directory, name it anything you'd like, off the root. (prefered C:\GAPEXEC). Go to C:\GAP, the GAP root dir, and copy all EXE's, COM's, and any executable files over the C:\GAPEXEC. Now, edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add C:\GAPEXEC on the path. Now, go back to your C:\GAP (GAP root dir) and delete ALL EXE and COM files. Therefor, you will have only data, batch, config files located in C:\GAP. Not executable files will be in C:\GAP. Now, we are fairly done. This is where we are going to create the second node directory/needings. Go to the root, prefered, make a directory called C:\GAP2. (GAP2 prefered!) Next, go over to C:\GAP, copy to C:\GAP2, FILES.CNF, REMOTE, GAPSYS.DAT, NODES.BBS, and GAPBBS.CNF. Next, make a copy of your GAP.BAT file and name it GAP2.BAT. Edit GAP2.BAT to switch over to the right directorys and to move over the the correct area of your hard drive. Now, we are getting somewhere! Next, you must run GAP2.BAT from the C:\GAP2 directory, causing GAP to load up thinking it is node 1. It will initialize the modem, and then you will be at the waiting screen. Now, go into config. Config it for NODE2, and change the NODE status to NODE2! MUST MAKE SURE TO ARE SAVING IT AS NODE2! Don't forget to change the comport's, the security levels etc.. etc.. that you would like to have. Now, make a C:\GAP2\GEN, and a C:\GAP2\MAIN directory. Any file off of C:\GAP\GEN, C:\GAP\MAIN that you would like to be different, for instance, Security Level screens, file menus, main menus, etc.. etc.. (If you want it to say node2 copy them over to node 2 directorys like node 1 has them set, and just edit them and your all set!) So, that pretty much covers it. This might be hard to understand, then again, I'm trying my best to explain it in good detail. If you've got any questions, please leave me a message on Crow's Nest. Now, the copyright gibberish. PHOENIX BBS (C) 88,89,90 GAP Is A Registered Trade Mark Of Kenny Garder. I hope that about covers it. Notes: A: Please use this at your own risk B: If you've got any problems from this, please report any problems to me on either A: Crow's Nest, or B: PHOENIX BBS. C: Please use this at your own risk. John Stephens is not responsible for any damages caused from this text file.