ZDCS.TXT This text file will show you how to add the ZDCS Duplicate System On a multi Node PCBoard system. Node 1 the server will have all the files in the ZDCS package in its ZDCS directorie, Omit the docs and other non important things.. Node 1 is where the Data base files will be stored. If you file base is rather large make sure you have enough drive space for the zdcs data base files! You need to create a file called dlpath.lst see the docs and the example if you need. omit the upload dir in this list. Follow the instructions on how to make the data base files, And run the program now its going to take some time to do this if your file base is large but its worth the extra space you will save in the long run! This is all for node 1 the server. The next step... It doesnt matter how many other nodes you have just as long as these instructions are followed! On each of the nodes make a directorie called ZDCS off the root dir. In each of these dirs put the files... ZDCSFC.EXE ZDCS.CFG And on each of the nodes edit the autoexec.bat file and put ZDCS in a PATH. For that node *only* Make sure your zdcs.cfg file is made in such a way that it calles the Networked drive letter for the servers hard drive where all the data base files are stored. real hard eh. Then the next thing to do is.. If you going to use the ExzTest program from andy keeves You will have to edit the pcbtest.bat file.. Looks something like this. @Echo Off ExzTest %1 %2 If errorlevel 3 goto ZDCS GoTo end :ZDCS ZDCSFC %1 %3 <- there is a %2 that is passed but i dont use it. PCBdesc %1 %3 :End It really doesnt matter where PCBdesc is in the chain Pcboard will pull that out by itself from what i have seen. But please keep in mind that this works for me and my not for *YOU* so dont get mad at me because you deleted a few files in the proccess of setting this up. Iam always open for help if you need it! You can reach me VIA almost any RIME echo conferences R/O ->NSTTZ or you can call my bbs at 714-879-4052 and leave me a comment to the nature of the help you need.. Since i have been out of a job now for some time i have the time to do things like this.. and keeping a bbs running you well know costs $$$ at some points in time it will nickle and dime you to death. PCBoard is Copyright and TradeMark of Clark Development Company. ZDCS is Copyright (c) 1990-1991 By: Michael W. Cocke ExzTest and EXzip Copyright (c) 1990-1991 By: Andy keeves ZDCS is not free software it requires registration for continued use. send the money in the hard drive space saved is well worth it. ExzTest is ADware, Just Post a message in you main message base for 7 days and thats it its all registered! See the EXZTxxx.zip for the requirments and the pre-made message.